Subject: Saturn Square Uranus • Jupiter Rx • June Solstice • Weekly Update & More!

Dear Stargazers,

The week gets off to a bumpy start as Saturn and Uranus challenge each other, but it ends on a lovely note as Jupiter turns reflective while the Sun moves into Cancer and ushers in a new season.

Scroll on down to read all about it!


June 14 - 20

All dates are given in the Eastern Time Zone.


June 14: Saturn square Uranus

June 20: Jupiter stations Retrograde

June 20: Sun enters Cancer (June Solstice)


BEST DAYS: While there are other days during this time frame that are fine, these are the best of the bunch. What do I mean by the best? The energy is flowing, the moon isn't void and there's a greater likelihood for happy and/or productive outcomes.

June 18, 19

BEST AVOIDED: The energies on these days aren't favorable for new ventures or any activity where you want or need a definite result. If you must schedule something, you may have to think on your feet, or there may be a need for patience or flexibility.

June 14, 15


June 14: Saturn in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus at 13°

On June 14, transiting Saturn Rx in Aquarius and transiting Uranus in Taurus will converge in the heavens for what will be the second of three stressful meetings between them. Since this energy has been building for a while, some of you may have experienced some tense feelings during the past few weeks.

The first time Saturn and Uranus clashed was on February 17, and as they meet again it's very possible (especially with Mercury retrograde) that a frustrating situation that reared its head at that time will reemerge in some fashion now.

What type of situation? Probably one that involves a contest of wills in connection to your freedom, your goals or your overall sense of autonomy. If so, this transit may bring an opportunity to consider the matter from a different perspective and take constructive steps towards improving the situation.

However, it will probably take until December 24, when Saturn and Uranus square each other for the third and final time, for there to be a resolution.

June 20 - October 18

Approximately every 12 months, Jupiter goes retrograde and this year it does so at 2°11' Pisces. As it backpedals through these early degrees of Pisces and returns to Aquarius, its energy is turned inward. During this time, it encourages us to look within and reflect upon the beliefs that we hold to be true, especially those of a religious, spiritual, philosophical, philanthropical and ethical nature.

Since Jupiter is about higher knowledge, this influence supports seeking information and asking questions that can lead us to meaningful ideologies that resonate with our personal truth.

If we discover that we're no longer aligned with a belief system, this is the time to release it. If we discover that we're rock solid in our beliefs, then this is the time to consider whether we truly walk the walk or simply talk the talk. If the latter, it's time to question our beliefs.

Besides belief systems, Jupiter's retrograde cycle prompts us to reevaluate how we define success, abundance, growth and prosperity. Do we define them solely the way we were taught by our family, society, friends or colleagues or do we define them on our own terms?

Jupiter retrograde cycles can be a very productive period for determining one's inner truth, and that truth will be the key to greater freedom when Jupiter goes direct on 22°11 Aquarius on October 18.

Getting Personal

The house where Jupiter is backpedaling in your horoscope describes the specific life areas that are in need of reflection.  If you don't know which house transiting Jupiter is visiting in your natal horoscope, you can use the list below to find out which house it's activating in your solar (sun-sign based) chart.

Note: On July 29, Jupiter will retrograde back into Aquarius and for some (but not all) of you, it will move into a new house and ask you to reflect on different life areas. I'll provide an update when that time comes. However, from now until then:

If your Sun sign is,

Aries, Jupiter is retrograding in your solar 12th house of spirituality, healing, past lives, subconscious beliefs, secrets and solitude.

Taurus, Jupiter is retrograding in your solar 11th house of hopes, goals, casual friends, colleagues and group relationships.

Gemini, Jupiter is retrograding in your solar 10th house of career, status and fame. 

Cancer, Jupiter is retrograding in your solar 9th house of foreign travel, higher education, legal matters, media, grandchildren and publishing.

Leo, Jupiter is retrograding in your solar 8th house of intimacy, other people's money and support, jointly-held assets and transformation.

Virgo, Jupiter is retrograding in your solar 7th house of marriage, committed relationships, lawsuits, and one-to-one relationships.

Libra, Jupiter is retrograding in your solar 6th house of work, health, service and pets.

Scorpio, Jupiter is retrograding in your solar 5th house of romance, children, creativity and fun.

Sagittarius, Jupiter is retrograding in your solar 4th house of home, family, real estate, parents and intuition.

Capricorn, Jupiter is retrograding in your solar 3rd house of siblings, short trips, transportation and all types of communications.

Aquarius, the Jupiter is retrograding in your solar 2nd house of money, income, values and self-worth.

Pisces, Jupiter is retrograding in your solar 1st house: it's all about you, including your attitude towards life and your physical body and appearance.


June 20, 2021 at 10:33 PM ET

The June solstice occurs when the Sun enters Cancer, and here in the northern hemisphere, it marks the longest day and the beginning of summer.

Traditionally, summer ushers in a time to venture out of our homes, socialize with others, connect with nature and enjoy the bounty of the season. This year is a little different, because in most places there are restrictions in place that limit social activities and put a damper on summer fun.

Still, the spirit of the summer solstice remains the same: it’s a celebration of life.

Physically, the Sun sustains life by providing light and heat. Astrologically, it represents our free will and creative abilities, including the ability to give birth on physical, intellectual and artistic levels. Perhaps most important, the Sun signifies one’s soul, that immortal part of us that can never be broken or destroyed.

In the southern hemisphere, the June solstice marks the shortest day and the beginning of winter, and it ushers in a time to withdraw into our homes, look within and connect with our higher selves and appreciate the stillness.

The winter solstice marks the rebirth of the Sun, because from this point forward, the days begin to grow longer.

With or without social restrictions in place, the spirit of the winter solstice remains the same: it’s a celebration of the light that dwells within us. It honors our ability to reawaken, emerge from darkness and experience renewal.

Whether you’re welcoming summer or winter, may the Solstice bring a new cycle of peace into your life.

Until next week,

May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement

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