Subject: Pluto Return • Weekly Forecast & More!

Dear Stargazers,

It seems like yesterday that we were just welcoming a new year, but here we are in mid-April and the USA is feeling its Pluto return as the planet of transformation comes within 1° of an exact conjunction of the nation's natal Pluto.

Pluto transforms by purging, destroying and rebuilding, and its associated with massive upheavals. However, unlike Uranus which strikes quickly and without warning, Plutonian transformation is a lengthier process.

On a global level, Pluto in Capricorn has been focused on government, big business and any other type of authority figure that has power over the masses. Its intention is to expose corruption and purge those institutions and/or individuals that wield power and influence to control, subjugate or cause harm to the masses.

In the USA's chart, the Pluto return occurs in the nation's second house. According to mundane (world) astrology, the second house in a nation's chart represents the wealth and possessions of the people. While finances and possessions are certainly relevant issues, there's something even more important in the second house: the nation's values.

Values include what we think is right or wrong, as well as what is important to us, and that's at the root of our Pluto return.

From now until the end of 2023, the nation will continue to experience turmoil. Along the way, we may think we know how it's going to turn out, but since Pluto holds his cards close to the vest, we won't really know until we get there.

For now, perhaps the most important things to remember are that it's really just getting started, and in the end, Plutonian transformation is ultimately for our highest good.


April 19 - 25

All dates are given in the Eastern Time Zone.


Apr. 19: Mercury enters Taurus

Apr. 19: Sun enters Taurus

Apr. 23: Mars enters Cancer


BEST DAYS: While there are other days during this time frame that are fine, these are the best of the bunch. What do I mean by the best? The energy is flowing, the moon isn't void and there's a greater likelihood for happy and/or productive outcomes.

Apr. 23

BEST AVOIDED: The energies on these days aren't favorable for new ventures or any activity where you want or need a definite result. If you must schedule something, you may have to think on your feet, or there may be a need for patience or flexibility.

Apr. 24, 25


Apr. 22: Venus conjunct Uranus

When sparks fly between the planets of love and instability, the greatest love affair of all can begin and end in a single day. That's because whenever Venus and Uranus unite, the potential exists for sudden romantic attractions, as well as unexpected romantic disruptions. Since Venus also rules money, this combination can also bring unanticipated financial windfalls or losses. 

Apr. 24: Mercury conjunct Uranus

This is a highly charged energy that promotes excitement, creativity and possibly a bit of nervous tension. The pace of life tends to be fast today, so take care to avoid overlooking important details because you are in a hurry. Inventive thinking is enhanced under this influence, as is one's intuition, and if you are studying it will be easier to grasp abstract concepts. On the other hand, you could be prone to jumping to conclusions so be sure to have all the facts in hand before passing judgment on anything (or anyone!)

Apr. 24: Venus square Saturn

When the planet of love and the planet of reality clash, it demands that we define our needs and assess whether they are being met or whether we are just "settling." If a separation occurs under this influence, it is likely to be permanent. Experiencing feelings of inadequacy or a shortage of cash flow are other possibilities at this time.


Apr. 25. Mercury square Saturn

Communications with others may be difficult today, so if possible it's best to engage in negotiations or important discussions because they're likely to be strained. A far more productive use of this influence would be to work on your own, because this influence can help you focus on projects that requires concentration.

 Apr. 25. Mercury conjunct Venus

When Mercury and combine in a conjunction, the mind and the heart are on the same page.  As a result, it is easier to understand our feelings as well as express them.  This is a favorable influence for artistic pursuits, as well as for just appreciating beauty in your life.


April 19 - May 3

After weeks of thinking on its feet, focusing mainly on itself and more than a few impulsive decisions, it was time for Mercury to leave Aries and move into Taurus where his nature is calmer, patient, focused and less talkative.

In short, when Mercury is in Taurus, he can be the epitome of the strong silent type who only speaks when he has something to say, and when he does, he says what he means and means what he says.

So what can you expect from this transit? Since the nature of Mercury is curious, analytical and reflective and Taurus is the natural ruler of the second house of money and resources, you may find yourself more interested in finances. If so (and even if not), this influence is an excellent one for reviewing budgets and savings plans, as well as for doing comparison shopping.

Of course, money isn't the only resource ruled by the Bull. It also presides over our values, which includes how much we value ourselves. Since our self-esteem is tied to how much we feel we deserve, which in turn determines how much we believe we can receive in good times as well as in bad. To that end, this influence can be a productive one for evaluating our feelings of self-worth and if we fall short, working on ways to improve it.


April 23 - June 12

As the planetary ruler of war, Mars is used to wearing armor and wielding swords, so when the Crab told him to don an apron, the hot water wasn’t the only thing that came to a boil.

That Mars and Cancer were at odds with each other comes as no surprise, because their relationship has always been a tense one.  You see, Mars is in its fall in Cancer, which means its energy is depleted. In fairness, although this watery sign isn’t powerful enough to extinguish Martian fire, it certainly puts a damper on it.  >>Read more


See you next week.

Until next week,

May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement

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