Subject: This Week's Astrology Update!

Dear Stargazers,

The planets are busy this week, and as you'll see below, not all of them are playing nice. Still, it's all about working with the energy so even tense energies can bring positive outcomes!


April 12 - 18

All dates are given in the Eastern Time Zone.


Apr. 14: Venus enters Taurus

BEST DAYS: While there are other days during this time frame that are fine, these are the best of the bunch. What do I mean by the best? The energy is flowing, the moon isn't void and there's a greater likelihood for happy and/or productive outcomes.

Apr. 15

BEST AVOIDED: The energies on these days aren't favorable for new ventures or any activity where you want or need a definite result. If you must schedule something, you may have to think on your feet, or there may be a need for patience or flexibility.

Apr. 16, 17


Apr. 13: Sun sextile Mars

When the Sun sextiles Mars, it’s easier to work and play well with others because while the influence is assertive, it’s not aggressive. Since sextiles represent opportunities, a chance for advancement may present itself to some of us, while physical vitality is likely to be enhanced for all of us.

Apr. 15: Sun sextile Jupiter

You may be feeling as though luck is with you, and indeed, that just may be the case.  Although its influence is subtle, this planetary combination contributes a positive energy to the day’s event.  However, keep in mind that sextiles represent opportunities which means you'll need to develop them.

Apr. 16: Sun square Pluto

Another possibility is being forced to confront relationships, situations or even elements of ourselves such as bad habits or other negative behaviors that need to be released.  If so, this is an excellent time to purge them from our lives because if we hold on to them, they will continue to undermine us. By voluntarily releasing them, we deprive them of their power over us, and at the same time, we make room for positive influences to enter our lives.

Apr. 17: Mars trine Jupiter

When the planet of action and ambition is in harmony with the planet of luck and abundance, the odds for success are looking good. Enthusiasm and optimism are not only very high now but are contagious as well. Just be sure not to let eagerness overpower good judgment.

Apr. 17: Mercury sextile Jupiter

Since this transit promotes understanding, it is a positive influence for business or legal negotiations, as well as for education or travel. This energy also encourages us to be more sociable and can inspire us to to "think big."

Apr. 17: Mercury square Pluto

When the planet of communications is at odds with the ruler of the Underworld, it is quite possible for all hell to break loose if you attempt to force your ideas or opinions on others.  Another possibility is that someone will attempt to intimidate or coerce you in some way. Under this influence, it is easier than usual to provoke an argument.  Take care when you are driving because this energy can promote "road rage. Obsessive thinking is another possibility, but if you use it for a useful purpose, such as doing research, solving a problem or even self-analysis, this energy can be very productive.

Apr. 18: Mercury conjunct the Sun

This transit will be very helpful if you are traveling, negotiating, or studying.  You are more willing to initiate contact with other people and seek their assistance, and this influence suggests they will be more likely to help you. This transit is usually favorable for travel, business and all kinds of communications including writing, teaching, speaking and negotiations.


April 14 - May 8, 2021

While in Aries, Venus enjoyed instant gratification, but after several weeks of romantic conquests and impulsive purchases, it was time to sit down and pay the bills so packed her retail therapy into her new suitcase and glided into Taurus.

Like Mercury, the planetary ruler of Gemini and Virgo, Venus wears two hats in the zodiac. The ruler of Libra, she holds sway over the 7th house of marriage and committed relationships, but as the ruler of Taurus, she presides over the 2nd house of income, tangible possessions and values. Venus is the original material girl, and that’s why she’s right at home in the practical, productive and money-conscious sign of the Bull.

In Taurus, Venus takes inventory, settles outstanding accounts, establishes budgets and develops investment strategies. Likewise, we would do well during this time to follow her lead and assess our financial health. No matter where we are financially, it’s never too late to take steps to reduce our debt and/or build up our nest egg. >>Read More.

Until next week,

May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement