Subject: New Moon ✩ More on Saturn Rx & You ✩ Forecast & More

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 Dear Stargazers,

My last newsletter included an article about Saturn stationing retrograde which, since it occurs tomorrow, should have been featured in this newsletter. (Oops!) To keep the information timely, I'm including it in this issue, but I've included a footnote at the end where you can click a link to get further insight about its influence on your life.

That said, let's take a peek at what's coming up! 
April 29 - May 12, 2019

All dates are given in the Eastern Time zone.


Apr. 29:  Saturn stations retrograde
May 04:  New Moon in Taurus
May 06:  Mercury enters Taurus


While there are other days during this time frame that are fine, these are the best of the bunch. What do I mean by the best? The energy is flowing, the moon isn't void and there's a greater likelihood for happy and/or productive outcomes.

May 8
May 12 (after 12:22 PM EDT)


The energies on these days aren't favorable for new ventures or any activity where you want or need a definite result. If you must schedule something, you may have to think on your feet, or there may be a need for patience or flexibility.

May 3, 5


May 01: Mercury sextile Mars
May 01: Mercury square Saturn
May 02: Mercury square Pluto
May 02: Mercury trine Jupiter
May 05: Mars opposite Jupiter
May 08: Mercury conjunct Uranus
May 08: Sun sextile Neptune
May 09: Venus trine Jupiter
May 09: Venus square Pluto
May 11: Sun trine Saturn

April 29 - September 18, 2019

Every year Saturn transits retrograde for approximately 4.5 months, and like all retrograde transits, it's best used for introspection rather than initiation.

When it comes to Saturn, you reap what you sow, which means that you ultimately rise or fall according to your own efforts.

While Saturn is retrograde, you're being given the opportunity to review what you've been doing up until now, identify any missteps and correct them. In short, it's time to review your circumstances and assess whether there are any weak links in your life that need to be addressed.

If so, you need to determine whether or not it can (or should) be repaired or whether it's best to let it go and start anew.

Whether you opt to repair or rebuild, the energy of this cycle will support your efforts to lay a strong foundation so that when Saturn stations direct, you'll move forward knowing that you're on firm ground.

Getting Personal

Which life area (or areas) is Saturn asking you to examine for weak spots? Look to the house in your horoscope that holds the degree of Saturn's station, which is 20°31' Capricorn. If you're not familiar with your natal chart, you can learn which house transiting Saturn in Capricorn is visiting in your solar chart by locating your Sun sign in the list below.

If your Sun Sign is:

Aries, Saturn will be transiting your solar 10th house of career, status and fame.
Taurus, Saturn will be transiting your solar 9th house of foreign travel, higher education, legal matters and publishing.
Gemini, Saturn will be transiting your solar 8th house of intimacy, other people's money and support, jointly-held assets and transformation.
Cancer, Saturn will be transiting your solar 7th house of lawsuits and one-to-one relationships.
Leo, Saturn will be transiting your solar 6th house of work, health, service and pets.
Virgo, Saturn will be transiting your solar 5th house of romance, children, creativity.
Libra, Saturn will be transiting your solar 4th house of home, family, real estate, parents and intuition.
Scorpio, Saturn will be transiting your solar 3rd house of siblings, short trips, transportation and all types of communications.
Sagittarius, Saturn will be transiting your solar 2nd house of money, income, values and self-worth.
Capricorn, Saturn will be transiting your solar 1st house - it's all about you, including your approach to life and physical appearance.
Aquarius, Saturn will be transiting your solar 12th house of solitude, secrets, past lives, healing and psychic abilities.
Pisces, Saturn will be transiting your solar 11th house of goals, casual friends, colleagues and group relationships.

*Now that you know which house Saturn is visiting in your chart, click here to get specific insights into Saturn retrograde's influence in your chart!
May 4, 2019 | 6:46 PM
Washington, DC

This month's new moon takes place in the most grounded, loyal and productive sign in the zodiac. 

While other signs may cut and run, Taurus goes the distance, and while other signs do so as well, it's the Bull that goes down with the ship. That's why the energy of a Taurus new moon is perfect for setting long-range goals and initiating long-term plans that require patience and commitment. 

With a trine to Saturn ensuring stability and a sextile to Neptune promoting vision, the aspects to this new moon are fortunate. However, the lack of any hard energy that could serve as a trigger for your new moon intentions means that you'll need to take some type of action to help them germinate.

Although this isn't the most robust new moon, it's still a good one so don't let it go to waste!
Getting Personal

So which life areas are being targeted in your life for a new beginning? They're revealed by the horoscope house that's hosting this new moon in your chart. If you don't know which house holds 14°11' of Taurus in your horoscope, you can refer to the list below to find out where the new moon falls in your solar (sun-sign based) chart.

If your Sun sign is:

Aries, it falls in your 2nd house (income, spending, personal values, self-esteem, tangible assets). 
Taurus, it falls in your 1st house (your physical body, attitude towards life). 
Gemini, it falls in your 12th house (spirituality, creativity, mental health, addictions).
Cancer, it falls in your 11th house (groups, associations, hopes, casual friends, colleagues).
Leo, it falls in your 10th house (career, fame, status, reputation).
Virgo, it falls in your 9th house (education, law, religion, foreign and long-distance travel, publishing).
Libra, it falls in your 8th house (intimacy, shared resources, other people's support, birth, death, estate matters).
Scorpio, it falls in your 7th house (marriage and all one-to-one relationships including best friends, adversaries, business partners and clients).
Sagittarius, it falls in your 6th house (health, work, pets, diet, nutrition).
Capricorn, it falls in your 5th house (romance, children, creative self-expression, entertainment).
Aquarius, it falls in your 4th house (home, family, real estate, parents).
Pisces, it falls in your solar 3rd house (siblings, neighbors, short trips, cars, contracts, negotiations).

Manifesting with the Taurus New Moon 

You can set any intention under any new moon, but when it's in the practical, grounded and determined sign of the Bull, it favors:

Actions, intentions and affirmations 
to boost your income, increase your earning potential, attract material assets, strengthen your self-esteem and assist you in establishing new priorities This lunar energy is also helpful for attracting qualified financial planners and investment experts into your life.
May 6 - May 21, 2109

On May 6, we'll experience an energetic shift as transiting Mercury leaves the quick-acting sign of Aries and moves into the cautious sign of Taurus.

So what can you expect from this transit? Since the nature of Mercury is curious, analytical and reflective, and Taurus is the natural ruler of the second house of earned income, its influence will focus the collective consciousness on thoughts of financial security. With the first third of the year behind us, as well as tax time here in the USA, this energy comes at a perfect time because it supports financial planning.

However, our financial health isn't the only resource ruled by the Bull. It also presides over our values, which includes how much we value ourselves. 
Since our self-esteem is tied to how much we feel we deserve, which in turn determines how much we can receive, this is an excellent time to examine where we stand in the self-love department.
Closing Thoughts

Happy Mother's Day to all who celebrate!

Until next time,

May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement

© 2019 Debra Anne Clement. All Rights Reserved.
Debra Anne Clement, 4030 Wake Forest Rd, Ste 349, Raleigh, NC 27609, United States
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