Subject: New Moon + A Cosmic Shakeup - What You Need to Know! ✨ Weekly Forecast & More!💫

Dear Stargazers,

With so many significant planetary events (New Moon, shifting Lunar Nodes, the Sun's ingress into Leo, Venus retrograde and Chiron retrograde!) occurring this week, there's no question that we're in the midst of an cosmic shakeup.

That's why this is a longer than average newsletter, and it's also why it's arriving in your inbox at this late hour.

That's right. When I hit send is when I finally finished it, and on that note, I'm going to apologize in advance for any typos because it's time for me to call it a day and give my pup a much-needed bath!

One more thing: I made a change to the introductory language of every forecast, and to avoid confusion, you can read your rising sun, your sun sign or both. In fact, many people find it insightful to read both of them.

Now it's time to take a peek at the big changes that the universe has in store for us!

JULY 17 - 23, 2023
All dates and times are given in EDT.

Monday, July 17.  With Mercury squaring Jupiter there's a good chance you'll find yourself feeling excited about setting New Moon intentions for a big idea or a fresh beginning for an old one. However, before you dive headlong into it, you need to do your due diligence because in your enthusiasm to get started, you could miss details that could cause problems for you in the future.

See below for insights into the Cancer new moon, as well the nodal shift into Aries and Libra.

Tuesday, July 18. The creative, passionate and fun-loving nature of the transiting Leo Moon rules the day to rule the day, making it an excellent one to express yourself creatively, romantically and in some cases, dramatically. If your life has been a bit short in the fun department, this influence can inspire you to make plans for an entertaining night out.

Wednesday, July 19. Whether you're in the market for a new job, a new romance or a new social life, today's lunar influences encourage you to go after your heart's desire. This is a positive day for expressing what you want, pitching ideas, and getting noticed by influential people. A spontaneous plan or last-minute invitation could bring you closer to a goal.

Thursday, July 20. While the void moon warns against actions and decisions that require a definite outcome from 10:10 AM - 1:14 PM, the stalling influence of the Mars-Saturn conjunction suggests that you're likely to run into a wall no matter what the time of day. Under this aspect, it's common to experience delays connected to uncooperative authority figures or some kind of red tape. Fortunately, the calming influence of the simultaneous Sun-Neptune trine will help you take it in stride and soothe your frustration.

Friday, July 21. Today's standoff between the Sun and Pluto could coincide with a power play. This applies to all life areas and is more likely if you're proposing a new idea, routine or course of action. Should you find yourself embroiled in a power struggle, you do better to retreat and try another day rather than push ahead and promote a backlash against you. Another possibility is encountering someone who is extremely rude and/or refuses to give you the credit or recognition you deserve.

Saturday, July 22. If you feel as though you've been walking on egg shells the past few days, you'll find today's influences to be a welcome respite. With the transiting Moon in Virgo, this is a good time to focus on self-care and engage in activities that can help relieve tension, promote good nutrition and bring you closer to a healthy work-life balance.

Venus stations retrograde at 9:31 PM, and the Sun enters Leo at 9:51 PM.. Details below!

Sunday, July 23. Although the influence of the transiting Libra Moon is a harmonious one, the energy Mercury-Uranus square is likely to throw many of you off balance. Not only is the pace of life faster today, but this aspect is known to create a false sense of urgency that could find you rushing about when it's really not necessary. While a brilliant idea is possible under this influence, it's more likely that you'll find it difficult to concentrate, especially since interruptions are common now.

Adding more tension to the day is that as Pluto squares the lunar nodes, it will be sending a powerful energetic message to the universe that major evolutionary changes are coming.

A combination of a level head, a flexible attitude and some type of outlet or practice to help you release tension will go combat the day's tense influences.

Chiron stations retrograde at 8:42 a.m. Details below!


JULY 17, 2023 • 2:33 PM

Since Cancer is one of the most fruitful signs in the zodiac, every New Moon that takes place in the sign of the Crab is an especially fertile one for manifesting something new.

What distinguishes this year's Cancer new moon is that it is nourished by Neptune, the planet of magic, manifestation and miracles, which enhances the potential for a dream-come-true type of beginning.

Unfortunately, there's something opposing it.

Its name is Pluto, and the New Moon needs to make peace with it if it wants to achieve its full potential.

The same goes for you.

To make peace with Pluto means acknowledging the influence that toxic beliefs, behaviors or patterns have had over your life and making a conscious declaration to purge them from your psyche and take back your power.

And then you'll be ready to make magic with Neptune.

Getting Personal

So which areas are being targeted for a new beginning by this new moon in your life? They're revealed by the house in your horoscope that's receiving the new moon.

If you don't know which house holds 24°56' of Cancer in your horoscope, you can refer to the list below to find out where the new moon falls according to your rising sign (if you know it). If you don't know your rising sign, then refer to the list below according to your solar (sun-sign based) horoscope.

If your Sun sign is:

Aries, it falls in your 4th house (home, family, real estate, parents).

Taurus, it falls in your solar 3rd house (siblings, neighbors, short trips, cars, contracts, negotiations.)

Gemini, it falls in your 2nd house (income, spending, personal values, self-esteem, tangible assets).

Cancer, it falls in your 1st house (your physical body, attitude towards life).

Leo, it falls in your 12th house (spirituality, creativity, mental health, addictions).

Virgo, it falls in your 11th house (groups, associations, hopes, casual friends, colleagues).

Libra, it falls in your 10th house (career, fame, status, reputation).

Scorpio, it falls in your 9th house (education, law, religion, foreign and long-distance travel, publishing).

Sagittarius, it falls in your 8th house (intimacy, shared resources, other people's support, birth, death, estate matters).

Capricorn, it falls in your 7th house (marriage and all one-to-one relationships including best friends, adversaries, business partners and clients).

Aquarius, it falls in your 6th house (health, work, pets, diet, nutrition).

Pisces, it falls in your 5th house (romance, children, creative self-expression, entertainment).

Manifesting with the Cancer New Moon

You can set any intention under any new moon but when it happens to be in Cancer, it's especially favorable for:

Actions, intentions and affirmations to improve family relationships and domestic affairs; purchase, sell, rent or improve a residence, office or any other type of real property; find skillful caretakers, plumbers, obstetricians and landscapers.


July 17, 2023 - January 28, 2025

In the natal horoscope, the lunar nodes are powerful karmic points that reveal a wealth of information about your soul's journey. The south node shares the lessons your soul has mastered, as well as the ones that are in progress, while the north node reveals your soul's aspirations for fulfillment in this lifetime.

Your nodal story belongs to you alone, and it was imprinted in your birth chart the moment you were born to help your human self understand why you're here and what you came here to experience, learn and accomplish.

Since that time, the lunar nodes have continued to cycle backwards (transit) through the zodiac, and approximately every 18 months they change signs and introduce a new shift in evolutionary consciousness.

On a personal level, the transiting north node shows us where we have an opportunity to grow and evolve, and the transiting south node shows us what we need to release in order to do so.

Although the transiting nodes do influence us on an individual level, the extent of that influence varies from person to person, because it depends upon the house locations of the nodes, whether make any aspects to the horoscope, and whether the individual is consciously aware and working with the energy.

However, their influence is always noticeable on the collective level because their evolutionary shift is expressed in the mundane world through public events. The north node sign describes where we are headed, while the the south node sign describes what we are leaving behind.

With the north node in Aries, a cardinal sign that expresses itself through bold actions, the coming shifts will be the in-your-face kind of ones that can't be ignored.

Since Aries and Libra rules the 1st and 7th houses, this nodal shift puts an emphasis on the axis of relationships (me and you, I and we).

In terms of the signs themselves, Aries is a militant sign focused on individual conquest, while Libra is a diplomatic sign known focused on collaboration.

Or to be more succinct, war and peace.

During the next 18 months, we will see the theme of relationships play out on the national level in terms of us and them, as well as on the global level in terms of allies and adversaries.

We will also see a significant rise in civil unrest, a major increase in recruiting efforts by the armed forces. Sadly, many nations may have no choice but to institute a draft, and with the south node (release) in Libra, women may no longer be exempt.

Globally, nationally and/or personally, lines will be drawn, sides will be taken and fence-sitting (Libra south node) will no longer be an option. Sooner or later, everyone will choose a side.

On a personal level

If you don't know where the transiting north node in Aries is in your horoscope, you can refer to the list below to find out according to your rising sign (if you know it). If you don't know your rising sign, then refer to the list below according to your solar (sun-sign based) horoscope.

The house placement of the transiting Aries north node in your horoscope describes one or more life areas where you're being called to be more assertive, decisive, independent and action-oriented. It's where you need to stand up and be counted.

If your Rising or Sun sign is:

Aries, the north node is in your 1st house (your identity, physical body, style, attitude and approach towards life).

Taurus, the north node is in your 12th house (spirituality, creativity, mental health, addictions, solitude).

Gemini, the north node is in your 11th house (groups, associations, hopes, casual friends, colleagues, humanitarian causes).

Cancer, the north node is in your 10th house (career, fame, status, reputation).

Leo, the north node is in your 9th house (education, law, religion, foreign and long-distance travel, publishing).

Virgo, the north node is in your 8th house (intimacy, shared resources, other people's support, taxes, debt, birth, death, estate matters).

Libra, the north node is in your 7th house (marriage and all one-to-one relationships including best friends, adversaries, business partners and clients).

Scorpio, the north node is in your 6th house (health, work, employees, co-workers, pets, diet, nutrition).

Sagittarius, the north node is in your 5th house (romance, children, creative self-expression, entertainment).

Capricorn, the north node is in your 4th house (home, family, real estate, parents, ancestry).

Aquarius, the north node is in your solar 3rd house (communications, siblings, neighbors, short trips, cars, contracts, negotiations.).

Pisces, the north node is in your 2nd house (earned income, spending, personal values, self-esteem, tangible assets).

July 22 - September 3, 2023

Approximately every 18 months, Venus stations retrograde for approximately six weeks, and this year she does so in the sign of the Lion.

When Venus is in Leo, we take a strong personal interest in our pleasure, and that include romance, hobbies, creativity, entertainment, social events and anything else that makes us laugh, ignites our passion and makes us feel alive.

Once Venus is retrograde, that interest becomes internalized and we find ourselves reconsidering their value in our lives, including whether or not they're worth the time, energy and money we invest in them.

Generally speaking, while Venus is retrograde it's best to avoid spending money on big ticket items unless they're necessary. It's not that they turn out to be defective (that's Mercury retrograde which makes its debut next month). It's that they don't hold their value. Either we feel we overpaid or the thrill wears off quickly and they no longer excite us.

And that can apply to romances as well. In fairness, that happens when Venus isn't retrograde, though I will say you're more likely to hear from an old flame (even if it's just news about them) when Venus is moving backwards.

And speaking of romance, there's a karmic purpose to relationships that are rekindled at this time. Sometimes it's about closure, but sometimes it's about getting it right. Over the years, I've seen scores of couples reunite at this time and while some ended up walking away from each other for good, many of them endure to this day.

Although to a lesser extent, I can say that same thing about new relationships. Some turn out to be a karmic test to see if the person is going to fall for a narcissist again or if they learned their lesson. If they walk away, the next date they have might just be with "the one."

Others turn out to be a karmic contract, and while I will say that some contracts have tough lessons attached, I have seen my share of happy endings for Venus retrograde couples.

Besides love and money, Venus rules beauty and self-worth, and when she's in Leo few can match her level of self-confidence. Except when she's retrograde.

And that's because when Venus in Leo looks inward, she doesn't always care for the reflection she sees in the mirror. Like it or not, Leo is a vain sign, and during the entire retrograde cycle, she insists she doesn't look her best.

That's why why cosmetic procedures and new hairstyles, makeup, hair color or even wardrobes don't pan out while Venus is retrograde. While it may not turn out to be a disaster, it does nothing for us. Not only are we disappointed in the results, but we also feel it was a waste of our money.

As Venus transits retrograde in Leo during the next six weeks, she encourages us to discern who and what really matters to us. If we heed her call, we can expect to emerge from this cycle with well-defined priorities, a greater sense of self-worth and a clear understanding of what inspires our joy.

Getting Personal

The house in your horoscope where Venus is retrograde describes the life areas that need to be reassessed in terms of their value to you.

If you don't know where Venus will be retrograding in your horoscope, you can read your rising sign if you know it, or if you don't, you can refer to the list below to find out it is according to your solar (sun-sign based) chart.

If your Rising or Sun sign is:

Aries, it falls in your 5th house (romance, children, creative self-expression, entertainment).

Taurus, it falls in your 4th house (home, family, real estate, parents).

Gemini, it falls in your solar 3rd house (siblings, neighbors, short trips, cars, contracts, negotiations.).

Cancer, it falls in your 2nd house (income, spending, personal values, self-esteem, tangible assets).

Leo, it falls in your 1st house (your physical body, attitude towards life).

Virgo, it falls in your 12th house (spirituality, creativity, mental health, addictions, solitude).

Libra, it falls in your solar 11th house of goals, casual friends, colleagues and group relationships.

Scorpio, it falls in your 10th house (career, fame, status, reputation).

Sagittarius, it falls in your 9th house (education, law, religion, foreign and long-distance travel, publishing).

Capricorn, it falls in your 8th house (intimacy, shared resources, other people's support, birth, death, estate matters).

Aquarius, it falls in your 7th house (marriage and all one-to-one relationships including best friends, adversaries, business partners and clients).

Pisces, it falls in your 6th house (health, work, pets, diet, nutrition).


Happy birthday to everyone born under the Leo Sun!
(especially my beautiful daughter, Laura!)

As the 5th sign of the zodiac, you're here to show us how to pursue our passion, enjoy life with abandon, express our creativity and shine in the spotlight.

Wishing each one of you a brilliant solar return 🌞


July 23, 2023 - December 26, 2023

On July 23, Chiron begins a retrograde cycle that will continue until it stations direct on December 26, 2023. Like all retrograde cycles, this one is best used introspectively.

Ever since Chiron first entered Aries, its purpose has been to make us aware of any wounds we may have connected to identity, self-motivation, independence, assertiveness, self-initiative, leadership and courage so we can understand why we repeatedly encounter difficulties expressing these traits in certain areas of our life.

It's important to note that Chiron was never able to heal his own wound. He was only released from his suffering when he sacrificed his immortality, took Prometheus's place on the rock and died on it.

Chiron's wound was always his agony, and he endured it the end of his mortal life. Chiron's gift was to Prometheus, whose life was healed of its own agony and gave meaning to the centaur's death.

Likewise, despite making us aware of our wounds, transiting Chiron doesn't show us how to heal them but when it's retrograde, we can learn how to give meaning to them.

The house where Chiron in Aries is transiting retrograde in your horoscope describes where you can be a gift to other people.

In this case, since Chiron is in Aries, it's about helping others to become more independent, assertive, enterprising or passionate in connection to one or more of the life areas ruled by the house where Chiron is retrograding in your chart.

However, just as Chiron couldn't heal his own wound but was able to heal Prometheus, it will be something you can do better for others than you can do for yourself.

For example, if Chiron in Aries is transiting in your 2nd house, you might have realized that even though you know exactly what to say, you're afraid to ask for a salary that represents your true worth.

While Chiron is transiting retrograde in your 2nd house, you can help someone establish her value and coach her on how to ask for what she deserves. By doing so, your wound becomes her gift, which gives meaning to it.

Getting Personal

The house where Chiron is transiting retrograde describes where you can be a gift to others by helping them to step up in connection with one or more of the life areas ruled by this house.

If you don't know Chiron is transiting retrograde in your horoscope, you can refer to the list below to find out where it is according to your rising sign (if you know it). If you don't know your rising sign, then refer to the list below according to your solar (sun-sign based) horoscope.

If your Rising or Sun sign is:

Aries, Chiron is in your 1st house (your identity, physical body, style, attitude and approach towards life).

Taurus, Chiron is in your 12th house (spirituality, creativity, mental health, addictions, solitude).

Gemini, Chiron is in your 11th house (groups, associations, hopes, casual friends, colleagues, humanitarian causes).

Cancer, Chiron is in your 10th house (career, fame, status, reputation).

Leo, Chiron is in your 9th house (education, law, religion, foreign and long-distance travel, publishing).

Virgo, Chiron is in your 8th house (intimacy, shared resources, other people's support, taxes, debt, birth, death, estate matters).

Libra, Chiron is in your 7th house (marriage and all one-to-one relationships including best friends, adversaries, business partners and clients).

Scorpio, Chiron is in your 6th house (health, work, employees, co-workers, pets, diet, nutrition).

Sagittarius, Chiron is in your 5th house (romance, children, creative self-expression, entertainment).

Capricorn, Chiron is in your 4th house (home, family, real estate, parents, ancestry).

Aquarius, Chiron is in your solar 3rd house (communications, siblings, neighbors, short trips, cars, contracts, negotiations.).

Pisces, Chiron is in your 2nd house (earned income, spending, personal values, self-esteem, tangible assets).


Whew! That was a lot of information! So much so that all I'm going to say is that I hope you find it helpful, and I'll be back next week!

Until next time,

May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement

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