Subject: Mini-Lesson ✨ Your Daily Astrology Forecast & More!💫

Dear Stargazers,

Mercury is creeping forward, a new season is at hand, and for those of you who asked, I've included a mini-lesson on the Avatar degree. As usual, it's all below!

September 18 - 24, 2023
All dates and times are given in EDT.

Monday, September 18. If you need to hit the ground running today, you're in luck because you'll have the energetic support of the transiting Scorpio Moon. Under this influence, you're likely to be more vigilant which will help you to avoid making mistakes or errors of judgment. Thanks to some helpful contacts from the transiting Moon to Saturn and Mercury, it will be easier to concentrate and stay on task. All in all, a very productive day!

Tuesday, September 19. In contrast to yesterday's focused energy, today's influences could throw you a bit off balance in more ways than one. For starters, the Sun-Neptune opposition can easily promote confusion and doubt. If you have any important conversations, negotiations or decisions on your schedule today, pay careful attention to what is said (and not said). On a similar note, think twice before confiding secrets or sensitive information to someone, because this influence warns that your trust could be betrayed.

Additionally, a series of uneasy connections from the transiting Scorpio Moon to Venus, Jupiter and Uranus could promote jealousy in the morning, emotional overreactions in the afternoon and an unwelcome disruption in the early evening.

Ideally speaking, one of the best ways to navigate the day's influences would be to work on your own and/or avoid conversations with people who are irritable, depressed or like to gossip.

Wednesday, September 20. This morning's void Moon (6:22 AM - 10:06 AM) encourages you to ease into the day, and after yesterday's tense energy a slow start could be exactly what some of you need.

However, once the transiting Moon enters Sagittarius (10:06 AM), there's an uplifting shift in the energy that will recharge your batteries, brighten your outlook and motivate you to action.

Although your enthusiasm will inspire you to share share your ideas and plans with others, you're better off keeping them to yourself today, because a brief (12:00 - 2:00 PM) but depressing connection between the transiting Moon and Saturn suggests that others are llkely to throw cold water on your aspirations.

Thursday, September 21. Overall, this is a very good day. In particular, it's an excellent one to present a lecture, pitch an idea or take the lead in a group project, because today's Sun-Pluto trine to help you express yourself clearly and with authority.

No matter what you undertake today, it will be supported by the enthusiastic energy of the transiting Sagittarius Moon that's on the receiving end of a dose of inspiration from Mars and an affectionate boost in self-esteem from Venus.

Friday, September 22. If you want to tackle anything before the weekend, try to get it done before noon, because some bumpy influences suggest that you'll start losing interest once midday roles around, and by time the Moon goes void (3:32 PM), you'll be ready to call it a day.

After the transiting Moon enters Capricorn at 4:21 PM, the energy will feel more grounded and so will you. If you need to gather your thoughts and regroup, the evening hours can be very constructive.

Saturday, September 23. At 12:51 AM, the transiting Sun enters Libra, and a new season begins (details below).

With a new season comes new energy, and no matter which one you're wecloming, the influence of the transiting Capricorn Moon can help you establish goals during the next several months.

Although today's lunar influences don't preclude happy social events, the energetic spotlight is largely focused on work, chores or other practical matters. As a sidenote, since Capricorn is a minimalist, today's lunar energy supports getting rid of clutter,

Sunday, September 24. Saturday, September 23. At 12:51 AM, the transiting Sun enters Libra, and a new season begins (details below).

With a new season comes new energy, and no matter which one you're welcoming, the influence of the transiting Capricorn Moon can help you establish goals during the next several months.

Although today's lunar influences don't preclude happy social events, the energetic spotlight is largely focused on work, chores or other practical matters. As a sidenote, since Capricorn is a minimalist, today's lunar energy supports getting rid of clutter,

Sunday, September 24. Compared to yesterday's serious tone, today's energy is a more lighthearted one, because the transiting Capricorn Moon is influenced by some very positive and uninhibited vibes from Uranus, Neptune and Pluto that have a positive effect on its expression.

As a result, this is an excellent day to make plans to do something that you have wanted to do, try or accomplish for some time but haven't done ye because you lacked the nerve to try it, felt it wasn't essential or practical or let other people talk you out of it. That said, it's best to avoid starting anything new or making important decisions while the Moon is void from 4:06 PM - 7:30 PM.

Once the transiting Moon enters Aquarius at 7:30 PM, it is immediately within orb of a trine with the transiting Sun. As the last aspect of the day, this effortless flow of energy between the Moon (emotions, needs) and the Sun (conscious will, wants) helps bring the weekend to a close on a positive and peaceful note.

Autumn/Vernal Equinox • September 23 • 2:51 AM

As the transiting Sun enters Libra, it crosses the celestial equator from north to south, and in doing so it announces the arrival of autumn in the northern hemisphere and the beginning of spring in the southern one.

For those of us in the northern hemisphere, and especially those who experience four distinct seasons, autumn is a time of reflection and transition as summer fades and winter beckons. For our southern neighbors, spring heralds a time of birth and rebirth.

Although the September equinox coincides with different physical seasons depending on where one lives in the world, as the Sun moves into Libra it brings the same metaphysical season to everyone no matter which hemisphere we call home.

And that message is a reminder that we all need peace, calm and balance in our lives.


The 15° point of the fixed signs is known as the Avatar degree, because that degree is the exact midpoint between the cardinal equinox and solstice points, which puts it right in middle of the season.

Each Avatar degree represents one of the Divine Avatar Gates, which are represented by the Bull, the Lion, the Scorpion and the Water Bearer.

The Avatar Gates stem from the visions of Ezekial (The Book of Ezekial 1:10-20), where he saw the Cherubim with four faces (Ox, Lion, Eagle and Man).

Obviously, some poetic license was taken because the Ox became the Bull, and the Scorpion became the Eagle. That said, many people believe Scorpio has three levels (scorpion, eagle and phoenix).

However it came about, the history of the Avatar Gates is pretty thin, but astrological theory, individuals who are born with a planet at 15° of a fixed sign usually display a significant gift or talent. Although the Avatar degree is 15°, some astrologers use 14°-15°.

In the case of tennis great Serena Williams, her 5th house (sports) Mars (strength, competition) at 15° Leo makes sense in terms of her accomplishments, and while there is no birth time for writer Laura Ingalls Wilder, her Mercury at 15° Aquarius certainly makes sense in terms of her writing career.

Below is a short list of public personalities who have a planet at 15° of a fixed sign. Not every planet is represented in this list (the Moon is especially difficult because so many charts lack a birth time which is critical for an accurate lunar placement). If you expand the search to include 14°, there are many more famous people who have an Avatar degree.

  • 15° Taurus. Eva Peron, Willie Mays, Bob Seger, Adele, George Clooney, Tom Bergeron (Sun). Madonna (Mars), Mark Zuckerberg (Venus), Betty White (Neptune), Marie Curie (Pluto).

  • 15° Leo. Roger Federer, David Carradine, David Duchovney, Mel Tillis, Connie Stevens (Sun), Serena Williams (Mars), Elizabeth Taylor, Johnny Cash (Jupiter), Stevie Wonder, David Cassidy (Pluto)

  • 15° Scorpio. Margaret Mitchell (Sun), Gordon Ramsay (Sun-Venus), Chelsea Manning (Mars), Joel Osteen (Neptune)

  • 15° Aquarius. Rosa Parks, Alice Cooper, Laura Linney (Sun), Laura Ingalls Wilder (Mercury), Hank Aaron (Venus)

While there are many prominent people who have planets at 15° Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius (and even more when you include 14°), there are scores of famous, gifted people who don't have one, including Albert Einstein.

Likewise, there are scores of people who have an Avatar degree that aren't famous (like me and my Venus-Chiron conjunction at 15° Aquarius).

And that's because the Avatar degree in and of itself isn't about fame, though certainly an uncanny ability could propel one to fame.

It's about an ability, and since many people have amazing abilities absent an Avatar degree, it's my belief that Avatar-related gifts are strongly tied to the soul's history and destiny. It's a research project that I hope to undertake someday, but for now, it's just a a theory.


Happy birthday to everyone born under the Libra Sun!

As the 7th sign of the zodiac, you're here to teach us how to cooperate, mediate, appreciate and most important, relate to others.

Wishing each one of you a brilliant solar return!


I'll be back next week with more helpful insights, including the upcoming Aries full moon.

In some ways, next week will be the calm before the storm, because once we get into October, there are a number of planetary shifts plus eclipse season will be in full swing.

Not to worry! I'll be there to guide you every step of the way!

Until next time,

May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement

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