Subject: Guidance from Mercury & Venus ✨ New Offering ✨ Daily Astrology Forecast & More!💫

Dear Stargazers,

The week begins and ends on a tense note, and although there are a few notable bumps in between, Monday (potential for being conned) and Sunday (rage alert) are the days to watch. You will find all of the details and guidance below, as well as personal guidance from transiting Mercury and Venus.

OCTOBER 2 - 8, 2023
All dates and times are given in EDT.

Monday, October 2.  It will take more than the stabilizing influence of the transiting Taurus Moon to counteract the fuzzy and potentially deceptive energy of today's Mercury-Neptune opposition, which warns that things (and people) may not be as they seem.

On that note, it's best if you don't make any decisions now, especially those of a financial nature, because there's a strong possibility that (best case) you won't have all of the facts or (worse), you could get scammed.

It's also best not to confide in others today. Similarly, If in the past you put your trust in someone who doesn't deserve it, this influence is likely to expose them, which could result in an awkward or embarrassing situation.

When the transiting Moon goes void at 9:20 PM, it's time to call it a day and chill for the rest of the night.

Tuesday, October 3.  If yesterday left you feeling clueless, today's influences should help you gain clarity.

The day gets off to a quick start thanks to the lively energy of the transiting Gemini Moon (1:04 AM). Mentally or physically, you're likely to be on the move, and depending upon your experience yesterday, you could be playing catch-up or doing damage control.

Fortunately, you can count on today's Mercury-Pluto trine to help you quickly move through your to-do list or if need be, throw you a life line. Not only can this influence help you think on your feet, but it promotes clear thinking, skillful negotiating and persuasive communication.

It also promotes focus, concentration and mental energy, making it an excellent day to work on projects that require research and/or attention to detail.

Wednesday, October 4. This is a positive day for brainstorming new ideas, as well as for learning, writing and networking. That said, the restless nature of the transiting Gemini Moon could find some of you browsing travel websites in search of a last-minute deal for a weekend getaway, while others might aim for a spontaneous after work get-together with a friend or co-worker.

Transiting Mercury enters Libra at 8:09 PM. Details below.

Thursday, October 5. After a lengthy void Moon period (2:25 AM - 8:33 AM), the transiting Moon enters Cancer. For some of you, its influence could stir memories of something (or perhaps someone) from your past. If so, the odds are high that your curiosity will get the better of you, and before the day is over you'll be searching online to see if that place (or person) is still around. Although you'll enjoy your trip down memory lane, you'll have no desire to reopen any closed doors.

Friday, October 6. Overall, this should be a pleasant day, but there is a possibility that around midday you could find yourself at odds with someone over a trivial matter.

On the other hand, it could be an internal conflict connected to something you want that isn't a necessity, or something you want to do but feel you can't due to a lack of support or family obligations.

Either way, a lovely conversation shortly afterwards between the transiting Moon and Jupiter could open the door to a happy resolution.


Saturday, October 7. If you have anything planned for today that requires a definite outcome, take advantage of the positive energetic flow this morning to get it done before the transiting Cancer Moon goes Void (3:12 PM - 7:25 PM) and ideally speaking, before 1:00 PM.

Why 1:00 PM? Because that's when the transiting Cancer Moon will become embroiled in an angry feud that is brewing between Mars and Pluto, and this influence could stir up opposition to your ideas and/or provoke a conflict that will distract you from the task at hand.

At 7:25 PM, the transiting Moon enters Leo. If you were caught in the crosshairs of this planetary rumble earlier in the day and are experiencing any lingering negativity, tap into the fun-loving side of this influence to shake it off.

At 5:22 AM today, transiting Venus exits the post-retrograde shadow.

Sunday, October 8. As yesterday's brewing feud between Mars and Pluto comes to blows today, you can expect its energy to promote strong desires, short tempers and in extreme cases, a go for the jugular mentality.

While the jubilant nature of the transiting Leo Moon could potentially soften this energy, its prideful, willful and thin-skinned side could just as easily exacerbate it.

To that end, how you experience today's energy will depend largely upon how you work with it. Given these influences, you do best to avoid sharing ideas, offering unsolicited advice, engaging in political discussions or flipping off the driver who cut you off.

Besides being highly adversarial, this influence promotes ambition and stamina, so a good use of it would be to focus your energy on goals that you want to achieve and/or take part in athletic or physical activities.

Pluto in Aquarius

In last week's newsletter, I said I would include an article this week about the continuing influence of Pluto in Aquarius, but as I looked over the material, I decided I am going to expand upon it and release it as a podcast.

New Offering

For those who want to become intimately acquainted with their horoscope, as well as receive coaching from me, I am now offering a 3-session Shortcut to the Soul consultation. Click here for the details!

October 4 - 22, 2023

Whenever Mercury is in Libra, he is charming, attentive, well-mannered and a welcome guest at every party and social event. In fact, when it comes to working the room, Mercury in Libra is hard to beat.

Likewise, while Mercury is in Libra, you may feel inspired to socialize with friends and/or seek out new connections with people who share a particular interest.

Although Mercury in Libra is a social butterfly, when it comes to romantic relationships, he tends to fall short because he has little interest in the emotional aspects of it.

Good looks may attract his attention but to keep it, the foundation of the relationship has to be an intellectual one. In short, while Mercury in Libra enjoys the idea of romance, he isn't interested discussing his feelings (or listening to his partner talk about feelings), public displays of affection or having that "where is this going?" conversation.

Besides relationships, Libra is known for balance and diplomacy, and while Mercury wear the Scales, it comes to understand the benefits of tact and the need for balance in life.

Getting Personal

What area of your life could benefit from more fraternity, diplomacy or balance? The life areas ruled by the house that transiting Mercury in Libra is visiting in your horoscope holds the answer.

If you don't know which house transiting Mercury in Libra is visiting in your horoscope, you can refer to the list below to find out where it is according to your rising sign (if you know it). If you don't know your rising sign, then refer to the list below according to your solar (sun-sign based) horoscope.

If your Rising sign or Sun sign is:

Aries, transiting Mercury is in your 7th house of one-to-one relationships, lawsuits and clients.

Taurus, transiting Mercury is in your 6th house of work, health, service and pets.

Gemini, transiting Mercury is in your 5th house of romance, children, creativity and fun.

Cancer, transiting Mercury is in your 4th house of home, family, real estate, parents and intuition.

Leo, transiting Mercury is in your 3rd house of siblings, short trips, transportation and all types of communications.

Virgo, transiting Mercury is in your 2nd house of money, income, values & self-worth.

Libra, transiting Mercury is in your 1st house of your physical body and approach to life.

Scorpio, transiting Mercury is in your 12th house of solitude, secrets, spirituality, past lives and intuition.

Sagittarius, transiting Mercury is in your 11th house of hopes, goals, casual friends, colleagues and group relationships.

Capricorn, transiting Mercury is in your 10th house of career, status and fame.

Aquarius, transiting Mercury is in your 9th house of higher education, law, religion and long-distance travel and publishing.

Pisces, transiting Mercury is in your 8th house of intimacy, other people's money and support, jointly-held assets and transformation.

October 8 - November 8, 2023

When Venus is in Virgo, she’s in the sign of her fall, which means that her energy is depleted.

It makes perfect sense, because when you consider that during the past several months she probably overspent in Aries, overindulged in Taurus, overextended in Gemini, over nurtured in Cancer and over partied in Leo, it's no surprise that her tank was almost empty by the time she knocked on the Maiden's door.

Fortunately, the Maiden is a gifted healer, and thanks to to her rulership of Taurus, Venus relates well to her efficient, no-nonsense approach, as well as her practical attitudes towards money.

That said, the Maiden can be hard to please, and given her depleted state, Venus needs to remember that no one, including the Maiden, is perfect. If she doesn't, she can easily fall prey to negative self-talk that will diminish her already fragile self-esteem.

Venus is the planetary ruler of committed unions, and when it comes to affairs of the heart, it's true that in Virgo she's very selective. However, her reputation for being cold or unloving is not. She may not be as openly sensuous as Taurus or as secretly lusty as Capricorn, but she’s a child of the earth and embodies the same passionate energy.

When Venus in Virgo falls in love, she’s devoted to her partner and truly means it when she promises to be there for better or worse. If need be, she’ll work two jobs to pay the bills, care for ill family members and live a minimalist lifestyle. In short, she’ll endure any number of sacrifices, but the one thing she won't endure is being taken for granted.

And given her exemplary service record, she never should be.

Getting Personal

What area of your life could benefit from self-care or healing at this time? The life areas ruled by the house that transiting Venus in Virgo is visiting in your horoscope holds the answer.

If you don't know which house transiting Venus in Virgo is visiting in your horoscope, you can refer to the list below to find out where it is according to your rising sign (if you know it). If you don't know your rising sign, then refer to the list below according to your solar (sun-sign based) horoscope.

If your Rising sign or Sun sign is:

Aries, transiting Venus is in your 6th house of work, health, service, pets.

Taurus, transiting Venus is in your 5th house of romance, children, creativity and fun.

Gemini, transiting Venus is in your 4th house of home, family, real estate and intuition.
Cancer, transiting Venus is in your 3rd house of siblings, short trips, transportation and all types of communication.
Leo, transiting Venus is in your 2nd house of money, income, values and self worth.
Virgo, transiting Venus is in your 1st house of your physical body and approach to life.
Libra, transiting Venus is in your 12th house of solitude, secrets, spirituality, past lives and intuition
Scorpio, transiting Venus is in your 11th house of hopes, goals, casual friends, colleagues and group relationships.
Sagittarius, transiting Venus is in your 10th house of career, status and fame.
Capricorn, transiting Venus is in your 9th house of higher education, law, religion and long-distance travel and publishing.
Aquarius, transiting Venus is in your 8th house of intimacy, other people's money and support, jointly-held assets and transformation.
Pisces, transiting Venus is in your 7th house of one-to-one relationships, lawsuits and clients.


Next week brings some intense energy as Pluto stations direct, Mars enters Scorpio and the Libra new moon is no ordinary new moon, because it's a solar eclipse. As always, you can count on me to guide you every step of the way!

Until next time,

May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement

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