Subject: Full Moon ✨ Daily Forecast & More 💫

Dear Stargazers,

Energetically speaking this isn't the most promising week for productivity, which means how much you accomplish this week will depend largely on your degree of self-motivation.

And on September 29, you're going to need to keep a cool head or the Aries full moon and Venus-Uranus square could wreak havoc in your personal and/or professional life.

It's all below, so let's get started!



All dates and times are given in EDT

Monday, September 25. With the transiting Moon in Aquarius, many of you may feel inspired to expand your professional and/or social communities. If so, you can count on today's fortunate Mercury-Jupiter trine to support your efforts. Not only will this influence make it easier to reach out and make connections with like-minded individuals and groups, but the impersonal nature of the Aquarius Moon suggests that you won't be self-conscious about reaching out to strangers.

The Mercury-Jupiter trine can also be very beneficial if you work in the legal, travel, publishing or educational fields. Likewise, if you're involved in a legal matter, this is a favorable influence for negotiating a successful settlement, as well as for traveling (or making travel plans), writing, publishlng, learning and teaching.

Tuesday, September 26. With a Void Moon influencing most of the day (8:40 AM - 8:19 PM), it's not an optimum one for taking decisive actions, starting new ventures, making presentations, shopping for something you want, or any type of activity where a definite result is desired.

That said, the Void Moon can be used to your advantage by scheduling events or activities where the intended result is that nothing comes of the matter. For example, a biopsy or other medical test where you want a negative result, owning up to your boss about an error you made or social plans with someone that you hope will fall through (it may not sound nice, but for one reason or another, most of us have been in that situation!).

The Void Moon is also beneficial for introspection, meditation, window shopping and routine matters.

At 8:19 PM, the transiting Moon enters Pisces and is immediately within orb of a conjunction to Saturn. If you ended the day with a lot on your plate or are dealing with some type of problem at home or at work, do your best to avoid dwelling on it because this planetary combination is a known fearmonger that loves to make mountains out of molehills.

Wednesday, September 27. Under today's lunar influences, you're more interested in dreams and esoteric topics than practical or mundane matters. There's also a strong likelihood that some of you will be more sensitive to your environment, which could prove to be a distraction. If you're working on a detail-oriented project or a pressing deadline, you will likely to need to make a conscious effort to stay on task.

Thursday, September 28. The day begins on an positive note, and it continues throughout the morning thanks to a succession of beneficial aspects from the transiting Pisces Moon that promote camaraderie, creativity and renewal.

After a brief vibrational pause during the Void Moon (4:59 PM - 8:19 PM), the transiting Moon enters Aries (8:19 PM) and there is a dynamic change in the energy. For many of you, this could manifest as a second wind but with the full moon just hours away, some of you could feel overstimulated and/or be unable to sleep. If so, listening to a gentle guided meditation could help you drift off.

Friday, September 29. Mercury exits the post-retrograde shadow today. As it does, it will trigger the degree of the Virgo new moon that occurred while Mercury was retrograde. This will reactivate the new moon energy, and as a result, any Virgo new moon intentions that were delayed by the retrograde are likely to germinate at this time. While not directly connected to today's Aries full moon, those intentions are likely to benefit from its culminating energy.

Details about the Full Moon in Aries and the Venus-Uranus square are below.

Saturday, September 30. Early morning encounters between the transiting Aries Moon and Venus and Mars suggest that a relationship (personal or professional) is likely to be in high focus today, and when the Aries transiting Moon clashes with Pluto in the late afternoon, emotions (yours or someone else) could run high and be hard to contain.

Fortunately, today's trine (effortless flow) between Mercury (communications, problem solving) and Uranus (innovation) can go a long way towards diffusing and resolving tense situations. Since the earth element dominates this trine (Mercury is in Virgo, Uranus is in Taurus), it adds a strong dose of reason and logic that promotes a calm demeanor and practical solutions.

However, mindfulness will be necessary to reap the benefits of this influence or primal emotions will rule the day.

From 5:50 PM - 9:19 PM, there's a break in the energy while the Moon is void. If you experienced conflict today, a good use of this time would be to engage in some type of spiritual practice that clears your mind and helps release any residual negative energy. When the transiting Moon enters Taurus, it ushers in a placid energy that fosters stability.

Sunday, October 1. After what might have been a tumultuous few days for some of you, today's grounded energy from the transiting Taurus Moon will help you find your footing. While it's good to focus on practical matters, it would be a waste of today's restorative energy to devote all of your time to them. Instead, make time to engage in something that soothes, comfort or indulges you. If you do, you can expect to end the day happy, contented and with a positive outlook.

September 29, 2023 • 5:59 AM EDT

This month's full moon is saturated with the independence of the Ram, but with its only aspect being an opposition to the partnership-oriented Libra Sun, the Moon's need for independence in relationships rings loud and clear.

Although it lacks direct support from any other planet, the Aries Moon's battle cry for for independence seems to echoed by transiting Venus (relationships and the ruler of the Libra Sun), which is only minutes away from being in an exact square (challenge) to Uranus (freedom).

However, when you look further into the chart, you see that the Mars (which rules the Aries Moon) is in Libra, the sign of its detriment. When a planet is in its detriment (its opposite sign), it's not comfortable playing by the other sign's rules, and in this case, self-reliant Mars is not at ease in the sign of togetherness.

In true Aries fashion, the purpose of this full moon is a straightforward one. It's purpose is to shed light on where you need more independence and the action you need to take to achieve it. For many of you, it will be connected to a relationship.

To that point, it's important to remember that personal relationships include spouses, life partners, lovers, friends and family. As for adversaries and competitors, they can be personal or professional.

There are many possible ways this can manifest in one's life.

For example, if the economy has kept at home with your parents, this full moon is likely to show you where you need to be more independent. Perhaps they still treat you like a child in some way. If so, this energy will likely coincide with a situation that forces you to address it. Depending on your personal horoscope, it could turn out to be as simple as establishing a new set of boundaries, or it could be time for you to find a roommate and leave the nest.

Likewise, this full moon could find you at your wit's end with a clingy friend or a romantic partner who tries to monopolize your time, a supervisor who micromanages your workday or a spouse or life partner who insists on too much togetherness for your taste.

In reality, it could turn out to be that someone will ask you for more freedom.

Either way, the result will be illumination, and even if it's a testy situation, the air will be cleared.

That said, it's very important that you remain mindful of the Venus-Uranus square, because this influence often coincides with separations and/or a sudden change in your finances.

When it comes to relationships, everyone should guard against knee-jerk reactions, because they're more likely to have long-lasting consequences under this full moon.

Although Uranus is celebrated for its brilliance (and deservedly so), it has a defiant, extreme and impulsive nature. When it's involved in a challenging aspect, it can be quick to cut ties with whatever (or whoever) offends it, at which time it goes on its merry way and never looks back.

While that might work for Uranus, it doesn't work for most people, who usually regret taking such an extreme action and try to repair the damage.

Sometimes they can, and sometimes it's too late.

Since separations that occur at the time of a full moon are usually final, if you end a relationship at this time and live to regret it, you're likely to find yourself in the latter group.

So, should you find yourself gripped by the urge to sever a relationship, do yourself a favor and exercise self-restraint. Once the sense of urgency has passed, you can make your decision with a clear head.

In terms of finances, everyone should keep an eye on their finances at this time, especially if you're invested in crypto or the stock market. Looking at the bigger picture, there could be news related to the banking industry (a merger, a bank run or even a failure).

And should you succumb to the temptation of purchasing a big ticket item that you feel you simply must have, be sure to keep the receipt in case you change your mind when you get the credit card bill.

Getting Personal

So which areas are being targeted for illumination, fruition or an ending in your life? And in particular, which life area might you be needing more independence?

They're revealed by the house in your horoscope that's receiving the full moon.

If you don't know which house holds 6°00' Aries in your horoscope, you can refer to the list below to find out where the new moon falls according to your rising sign (if you know it). If you don't know your rising sign, then refer to the list below according to your solar (sun-sign based) horoscope.

If your Rising Sign or Sun sign is:

Aries, it falls in your 1st house (your physical body, your attitude and approach to life).

Taurus, it falls in your 12th house (spirituality, creativity, mental health, addictions).

Gemini, it falls in your 11th house (groups, associations, hopes, wishes, casual friends, colleagues).

Cancer, it falls in your 10th house (career, fame, status, reputation).

Leo, it falls in your 9th house (education, law, religion, foreign travel, publishing).

Virgo, it falls in your 8th house (intimacy, shared resources, other people's support, birth, death, estate matters).

Libra, it falls in your 7th house (marriage and all one-to-one relationships including best friends, adversaries, business partners and clients).

Scorpio, it falls in your 6th house (health, work, pets, diet, nutrition).

Sagittarius, it falls in your 5th house (romance, children, creativity, self-expression, entertainment).

Capricorn, it falls in your 4th house (home, family, real estate, parents).

Aquarius, it falls in your solar 3rd house (siblings, neighbors, short trips, cars, contracts, negotiations.).

Pisces, it falls in your 2nd house (income, spending, personal values, self-esteem, tangible assets).

Releasing with the Aries Full Moon

You can release anything under any full moon, but when it's saturated in the energy of the Ram, it's especially helpful for releasing:

Negative beliefs or fears related to your physical body, energy, passion, ambition, self-reliance, resourcefulness or leadership ability.

Traits or tendencies to be impatient, impulsive, reckless, egotistical, selfish, hotheaded or a bully.


The eclipses are fast approaching, but first there are a few planetary shifts ahead. I'll be back next week with all the details, as well as a few more observations about Pluto in Aquarius events that are happening now.

Finally, this is the last week to get priority scheduling before I open my astrology consultation calendar up to the general public on October 1. If you're interested in scheduling a session before I do, just email, and she'll take care of the details.

Until next time,

May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement

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