Subject: Get Ready for a Bumpy Week ✨Your Daily Forecast 💫

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The Week Ahead

Although the week begins and ends on a pleasant note, there are a few days in between that could trip some of you up, including a powerful Mars-Pluto conjunction on Wednesday.

Although this aspect is exact on Wednesday, its seething energy will be building from late Monday, so it's very possible that a related event will occur sooner rather than later.

Those of you who were born during the first few days of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius are more likely to experience this influence on a personal level because this conjunction will be conjunct, oppose or square your Sun.

Likewise, if you have a planet or sensitive point at 0°-1° Aquarius, Leo, Taurus or Scorpio, you're also likely to experience this energy strongly.

It's also very possible that this aspect will coincide with a major news event.

For example, both King Charles and President Biden are experiencing an opposition from Pluto to their natal moons.

During the past week, it was announced that King Charles, whose coronation took place just as Pluto entered Aquarius and first opposed his 10th house Moon, is suffering from a yet undisclosed form of cancer (the moon rules his 12th house of sorrow, secrets and illness). Transiting Pluto to his Moon, which began applying when it was 29° Capricorn, also represents the complex family drama in his life.

Also during this past week, a special counsel report effectively deemed President Biden incompetent to stand trial for the possession of classified materials that he removed when he was Vice President. Biden's Moon is in the 5th house (self-expression, children) and rules his 8th house (other people's support, corruption). Like Charles, his Pluto-Moon opposition has also coincided with the increased focus on Hunter Biden and accusations of corruption and abuse of power.

Looking at nations, the Ukraine's 1st house Saturn is also being opposed by Pluto in the 7th house (allies and adversaries). As its chart ruler, Saturn represents the nation itself, and Pluto is opposing it from the 7th house makes perfect sense in terms of the war (i.e., Russia is their enemy and has more resources and power at its disposal). Since Pluto rules the nation's second house (money), it also speaks to the current situation, where the nation is waiting on anally (USA) to pass another financial aid package for their benefit.

On that note, it will be interesting to see if the Mars-Pluto conjunction triggers additional news related to any of these matters.

FEBRUARY 12-18, 2024
All dates and times are given in EST.

Monday, February 12

After going void for a brief period (7:33 AM - 8:27 AM), the transiting Moon enters Aries. Although this energy can promote a me-first attitude, the absence of any hard lunar aspects suggests that you're not likely to get carried away by it.

Rather, it will help you get clear on what matters to you now, including what you want to accomplish during the coming week. Given the highly motivating influence of this energy, you won't be content to just plan your next move but will want to take a step forward before the day is over.

Tuesday, February 13 

Transiting Mars enters Aquarius at 1:06 AM (details below). While the overall energy of the day is good, those of you who are sensitive could be thrown a bit off balance by the energetic turbulence that's brewing in the background as Mars conjuncts Pluto (exact tomorrow).

As for everyone else, those of you who are looking forward to Valentine's Day, and especially for those who have plans to celebrate it, today's Venus-Neptune sextile could find you daydreaming about how you hope (or expect) the day to turn out.

Since Venus rules beauty and Neptune represents imagination, this can be a very good day for creative undertakings, because the ambitious energy of the transiting Aries Moon will inspire you to take concrete action on them.

Wednesday, February 14

Traditionally, today is the day people express love and affection to each other and while that's still the case, today's powerful Mars-Pluto conjunction warns that some of you could be embroiled in an ego-driven conflict.

Since this planetary combination is associated with ruthlessness and rage, it's best to nip any tension in the bud, and if you can't avoid engaging with someone, then do your best to diffuse the situation because under this influence it can escalate very quickly.

Although this influence is in effect all day, the morning hours are especially volatile, because when transiting Moon enters Taurus at 10:00 AM (void from 5:22 AM), it immediately squares the Mars-Pluto conjunction. That said, this energy will be building from 9:00 AM and the influence will last until roughly 11:00 AM.

Those of you who were born during the first few days of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius (or have a planet or sensitive point at 0°-1° Aquarius, Leo, Taurus or Scorpio) will be feeling this energy strongly. Consequently, you're more likely to initiate an argument or be baited into one.

The key to navigating these powerful influence (this goes for everyone) is to keep your ego in check, avoid interacting with disgruntled individuals.

If you feel angry, resentful or agitated, engaging in some type of physical activity will act as a release valve for aggressive feelings or tension that you may be experiencing at this time.

Thursday, February 15

Although today's energy feels more stable than yesterday's smoldering climate, a battle of wills between the transiting Taurus Moon and Mercury in Aquarius suggests that you could find yourself involved in an emotionally-charged disagreement this afternoon (1:00 PM - 3:00 PM). Since the fixed nature of the signs involved suggests that neither one of you will yield, the best you can hope for is to agree to disagree.

Another possibility is that rather than be engaged in a heated argument with someone, during this time you could hear some news that will trigger a very strong emotional reaction from you.

On a related note, while the transiting Taurus Moon conjuncts Uranus (6:00 PM - 8:00 PM) some of you may experience a sudden mood swing or sense of financial insecurity, an emotional outburst or a sudden desire to end a relationship.

If you're mindful of these influences and exercise self-restraint, you should be able to sidestep their negative potential and avoid inflammatory scenarios.

Friday, February 16

Given the potentially explosive energy of the Mercury-Uranus conjunction, today's tense energies could make this a tough day if you succumb to their detrimental sides.

For example, the higher side of the Mercury-Uranus conjunction promotes intuitive insights, inventive thinking and flashes of brilliance, while its lower side often coincides with jumping to conclusions and impulsive barbs that can end relationships.

Fortunately, there is a fairly lengthy void moon today (10:02 AM - 2:41 PM). If anything major goes down during this time, there shouldn't be any lasting repercussions because nothing usually comes from a void moon.

On a brighter note, you can expect the energetic mood to lighten once the transiting Moon enters Gemini at 2:41, where it will spend the next few hours happily engaging with Venus, Pluto and Mars.

Saturday, February 17

The transforming power of love is at play as Venus and Pluto merge their energy in a powerful conjunction that could coincide with the beginning (or possibly the end depending upon the circumstances) of a relationship.

If a union is troubled, there's a good chance that grievances will be aired, in which case the conjunction is likely to bring out issues related mistrust, jealousy and control.

However, if a union is a healthy one, a deeper bond or commitment could occur at this time. At its highest, the Venus-Pluto conjunction symbolizes love that lasts through eternity.

Sunday, February 18

Whether you make solid plans or decide to just wing it, this is an excellent day for taking a drive, going on a short trip (or researching destinations for a future one), getting together with friends or family or recreational activities or games that stimulate the mind.

Late in the day, after being void for just five minutes (10:21 PM - 10:26 PM), the energy starts to slow down as transiting Moon enters Cancer.

The transiting Sun enters Pisces at 11:14 PM.


FEBRUARY 13 - MARCH 22, 2024

When Mars is in the intellectual and rebellious sign of Aquarius, he's driven by his head rather than his passion, and he won't fight for a cause unless he believes in it.

And the cause that he most believes in is the right to freedom, autonomy and self-determination. In fact, it's a hill he's willing to die on.

At his worst, Mars in Aquarius can be a terrorist, but at his rebellious best, he can be a positive agent of change that rallies the troops and leads them to a victory that benefits humanity.

So where are you likely to rebel in your life, be a change agent or fight for more freedom? 

Look to the life areas ruled by the house that Mars is visiting in your horoscope.

If you don't know which house holds 26°43' of Gemini in your horoscope, you can refer to the list below to find out where the new moon falls according to your rising sign (if you know it). If you don't know your rising sign, then refer to the list below according to your solar (sun-sign based) horoscope.

If your Rising or Sun sign is:

Aries, Mars is visiting your 11th house of goals, casual friends, colleagues and group relationships.

Taurus, Mars is visiting your 10th house of career, status and fame.

Gemini, Mars is visiting your 9th house of foreign travel, higher education, legal matters and publishing.

Cancer, Mars is visiting your 8th house of intimacy, other people's money and support, jointly-held assets and transformation.

Leo, Mars is visiting your 7th house of marriage, lawsuits, and one-to-one relationships.

Virgo, Mars is visiting your 6th house of work, health, service and pets.

Libra, Mars is visiting your 5th house of romance, children, creativity.

Scorpio, Mars is visiting your 4th house of home, family, real estate, parents and intuition.

Sagittarius, Mars is visiting your 3rd house of siblings, short trips, transportation and all types of communications.

Capricorn, Mars is visiting your 2nd house of money, income, values and self-worth.

Aquarius, Mars is visiting your 1st house: it's all about you, including your approach to life and physical appearance.

Pisces, Mars is visiting your 12th house of secrets, past lives, healing and psychic abilities.


FEBRUARY 16 - MARCH 11, 2024

While Venus is in Aquarius, she enjoys being self-sufficient, savors her independence, and revels in her freedom.

In short, she loves to do her own thing, and she doesn't answer to anyone. In fact, of all the Venus signs, this is the one who most prefers her own company.

That isn't to say that she's not interested in a social life or disdains intimate relationships. Venus in Aquarius enjoys companionship, and she seeks relationships that are rooted in friendship and intellectual compatibility.

It's just that she needs her own space, and truth be told, she needs it often.

That’s why she needs a confident partner, one with a strong sense of self who can entertain him or herself when she needs to be on her own.

But most of all, she needs a partner who respects her.

And that includes her approach to money, because while most Venus placements value a robust savings account, Venus in Aquarius isn't always one of them.

It's not that she’s against accumulating cash. It's just that she’s not attached to money for money’s sake. Instead, she appreciates it for the experiences it can make possible and the causes it can benefit.

Finally, when Venus is in Aquarius, she doesn't follow the crowd. Rather, she lives her life according to her own value system and if she can't find a like-minded community, she will work to create one.

So what can we learn from Venus as she travels through Aquarius?

When Venus is in Aquarius she lives and loves authentically. If we follow her lead and are true to ourselves, we can do the same.


As the 12th sign of the zodiac, you're here to teach us how to forgive easily, surrender gracefully, manifest our dreams and transcend our egos.

Wishing everyone born under the Pisces Sun a brilliant solar return!


I'll back next week with insights into the Virgo full moon, as well as daily guidance for a week that promises to be much easier than this one.

Until next time,

May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement

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