Subject: New Moon ✨ Mercury in Aquarius ✨ Lunar New Year ✨ Your Daily Forecast 💫

Dear Stargazers,

It's good to be back, and the first thing I want to do is thank everyone for the good wishes and healing energies that you sent to me and my pup. We are both feeling better, and I'm doing my best to catch up on everything 😃

So on that note, let's take a peek at what the universe has in store for us this week!

FEBRUARY 5 - 11, 2024
All dates and times are given in EST.

Monday, February 5

Transiting Mercury enters Aquarius at 12:11 AM and immediately teams up with Pluto in a conjunction. This powerful energetic combination not only supports activities that require concentration, mental stamina and/or a high degree of intellectual or scientific analysis, but it also favors study and/or research related to astrology, numerology or other metaphysical subjects.

Additionally, with the transiting Moon in truth-seeking Sagittarius, the focused energy of this planetary combo can help you get to the heart of any matter that has eluded you up until now.

Tuesday, February 6 

After being void from 12:07 AM EST, the transiting Moon enters Capricorn (7:10 AM) and the energetic spotlight is on professional goals and tangible achievements.

Given the positive vibes from the transiting Capricorn Moon to Saturn and Jupiter, this is an excellent day for taking steps that can advance your career. For example, if you have your eye on a promotion, it should be easier than usual to gain the approval and cooperation of higher-ups.

If career matters aren't specifically on your radar, it's possible that your attention will be focused on your personal status and any changes you hope to make to it, such as your relationship, marital or parental status.

Wednesday, February 7 

Although the transiting Capricorn Moon insists on business before pleasure, today's Venus-Uranus trine has other ideas.

However, since this trine takes place in earth signs, you won't be abandoning your responsibilities or missing any deadlines. Instead, you'll feel inspired to take a break from work and do something enjoyable before you clock out.

Although transiting Mars in Capricorn would normally side with the ambitious Capricorn Moon, its drive to perform is softened by its sextile to nebulous Neptune.

So, whether it's enjoying a lengthy lunch at your favorite restaurant, flirting with a co-worker during your break, shopping online from your desk or taking a power nap in your office, you can expect to do something playful, fun or indulgent before you head home from the office.

Thursday, February 8

After being void from 2:53 AM, the transiting Moon enters Aquarius at 9:00 AM EST, and when you factor in the influence of today's Sun-Uranus square, you are likely to want to do your own thing.

At work, you may find it difficult to take direction, and if you're a manager, your subordinates may feel the same way. Likewise, you won't be tolerant of being told what to do in your personal life either. However, if you're the one who is trying to dictate terms, you can expect some serious push back.

Professionally and personally, your ego will be stronger and your tolerance will be lower today. Should you feel someone is holding you back, standing in your way or trying to control your actions, you won't hesitate to read them the riot act (or vice versa). On that note, it's important that you resist Uranus's impulsive influence or you could end up cutting ties that you may not be able to restore.

For some of you, it might be best to work (or be) on your own and devote your time to activities or projects that are personally meaningful to you.

Friday, February 9

New Moon in Aquarius. Details below. The transiting Moon goes void at 6:00 PM EST.

Saturday, February 10 (Lunar New Year)

AT 8:44 AM, the transiting Moon enters Pisces and introduces a soothing influence that helps curb the restless energy of today's Mercury-Jupiter square.

Like all Mercury-Jupiter aspects, this one places an emphasis on communications and social interactions, but since the aspect is a square, it warns against excess.

In short, you need to be mindful of when to shut up or you could unintentionally expose a secret, talk at people rather than engage in a two-way conversation or simply end up oversharing about your life.

You should also guard against making big promises today, because the inherent optimism of this aspect could inspire you to bite off more than you can actually chew.

In fact, absent moderation, it will be easy to over commit yourself to future activities that sound like a good idea at the time but won't be such a good idea when it comes time to show up or put up.

If an opportunity comes your way, it's very likely that its benefits are exaggerated. This isn't to say that it isn't worthwhile, but rather that when all is said and done, it won't be everything it's cracked up to be, so be sure to do your due diligence.

As long as you keep these caveats in mind and avoid going overboard, this can be a very enjoyable day for spending time with friends or loved ones.

Sunday, February 11

Whether the gentle Pisces Moon inspires you to sleep in, attend worship, practice self-care or spend time with like-minded souls, this should be a pleasant day.

While some of you will prefer to relax indoors, the early afternoon could bring a social invitation or prompt a spontaneous desire to visit a park, stroll a boardwalk or take a walk on the beach.

As evening rolls around, a lovely encounter between the transiting Pisces Moon and transiting Venus promises to end the day on a satisfying, and for some of you a romantic, note.


February 5 - 23, 2024

As the planetary ruler of the mind, Mercury is an intellect in his own right. However, whenever he's in Aquarius (the sign of his exaltation), his IQ climbs higher, his ideas are decidedly progressive and his attention is focused on the future.

He also likes to court controversy, so whether he's offering up new scientific theories, advocating for humanity or railing against the political system, he does so in a distinctive manner that often includes colorful language, irreverent comments and inflammatory remarks.

That's because when Mercury is in the sign of the rebel, he experiences life from the perspective of a non-conformist, who doesn't consult the rule books when he share shares an insight, idea or message.

Instead, he delivers it and lets the chips fall where they may because as long as he's in this emotionally-detached sign, he doesn't care about popular opinion. All he cares about is being heard, and that can be a problem because while Mercury in Aquarius just thinks highly of himself, his shadow side is an intellectual snob.

Although his intentions may be good, he is often guilty of believing that he knows what is best for everyone. Since Aquarius is an emotionally-detached sign, his lack of empathy means that he can't put himself in someone else's shoes, which leads him to look down on those who disagree with him with utter disdain.

While this is the exception rather than the rule, the truth is that despite his talk of fairness, equality and democracy, Mercury in Aquarius can be unyielding in his opinions and dictatorial in his approach. At his very worst, he can be a mad scientist.

However, as long as he operates on the highest level, you can count on Mercury in Aquarius to express himself as a visionary, a humanitarian and even a genius.

Mercury in Aquarius and You

So where might you be inspired with a brilliant idea, ruffle some feathers, not worry about what people think or negatively, think you know it all? The life areas ruled by the house that Mercury in Aquarius is visiting in your chart holds the answer.

If you don't know which house Mercury in Aquarius is visiting in your horoscope, you can refer to the list below to find out which house it's visiting according to your rising sign (if you know it). If you don't know your rising sign, then refer to the list below according to your solar (sun-sign based) horoscope.

If your Rising Sign or Sun Sign is:

Aries, Mercury is visiting your 11th house of goals, casual friends, colleagues and group relationships.

Taurus, Mercury is visiting your 10th house of career, status and fame.

Gemini, Mercury is visiting your 9th house of foreign travel, higher education, legal matters and publishing.

Cancer, Mercury is visiting your 8th house of intimacy, other people's money and support, jointly-held assets and transformation.

Leo, Mercury is visiting your 7th house of marriage, lawsuits, and one-to-one relationships.

Virgo, Mercury is visiting your 6th house of work, health, service and pets.
Libra, Mercury is visiting your 5th house of romance, children, creativity.
Scorpio, Mercury is visiting your 4th house of home, family, real estate, parents and intuition.

Sagittarius, Mercury is visiting your 3rd house of siblings, short trips, transportation and all types of communications.

Capricorn, Mercury is visiting your 2nd house of money, income, values and self-worth.

Aquarius, Mercury is visiting your 1st house: it's all about you, including your approach to life and physical appearance.

Pisces, Mercury is visiting your 12th house of secrets, past lives, healing and psychic abilities.


February 9, 2024 • 6:22 PM

If you've been feeling stuck in any area of your life, the energy of this month's Aquarius new moon can help you break free of restrictions and in some cases, propel you in a completely new direction.

While every new moon offers an opportunity to make a fresh start in some area of your life, when it takes place in Aquarius its cosmic seeds are infused with an innovative energy that supports intentions for a radical new beginning.

And sometimes that's what we need in order to liberate ourselves from situations or relationships that limit our individual expression and/or stand in the way of our self-determination.

So, if you're ready to make your own kind of music, this new moon has your back.

The only caveat is that its tight square to Uranus (modern ruler of Aquarius) not only activates the brilliant and progressive nature of the Water Bearer, but it can also provoke a sense of urgency that inspires you to make a rash decision that you'll regret once you cool your jets.

However, as long as you're mindful of this influence and exert some self-control, this new moon can inspire you with the courage to make far-reaching changes that will allow you to live life on your terms.

Getting Personal

So which areas are being targeted for liberation or a revolutionary new beginning  in your life? They're revealed by the house in your horoscope that's receiving the new moon.

If you don't know which house holds 20°41' of Aquarius in your horoscope, you can refer to the list below to find out where the new moon falls according to your rising sign (if you know it). If you don't know your rising sign, then refer to the list below according to your solar (sun-sign based) horoscope.

If your Rising Sign or Sun Sign is:

Aries, the new moon falls in your 11th house of goals, casual friends, colleagues and group relationships.

Taurus, the new moon falls in your 10th house of career, status and fame.

Gemini, the new moon falls in your 9th house of foreign travel, higher education, legal matters and publishing.

Cancer, the new moon falls in your 8th house of intimacy, other people's money and support, jointly-held assets and transformation.

Leo, the new moon falls in your 7th house of marriage, lawsuits, and one-to-one relationships.

Virgo, the new moon falls in your 6th house of work, health, service and pets.

Libra, the new moon falls in your 5th house of romance, children, creativity.

Scorpio, the new moon falls in your 4th house of home, family, real estate, parents and intuition.

Sagittarius, the new moon falls in your 3rd house of siblings, short trips, transportation and all types of communications.

Capricorn, the new moon falls in your 2nd house of money, income, values and self-worth.

Aquarius, the new moon falls in your 1st house: it's all about you, including your approach to life and physical appearance.

Pisces, the new moon falls in your 12th house of secrets, past lives, healing and psychic abilities.

Manifesting with the Aquarius New Moon

You can set any intention under any new moon but when it happens to be in Aquarius, it's especially favorable for:

Actions, intentions and affirmations to further your hopes, goals and wishes; initiate, advance or promote group activities, social reforms or humanitarian causes; find skillful astrologers, expand your social circle, metaphysicians, computer experts and improve relationships with stepchildren.



I am an unquenchable fire,
The center of all energy,
The stout heroic heart.

I am truth and light,
I hold power and glory in my sway.
My presence
Disperses dark clouds.

I have been chosen
To tame the Fates.

~ Theodora Lau
The Handbook of Chinese Horoscopes

Happy Lunar New Year! May the powerful energy of the dragon propel you to success!


That wraps up this week's newsletter. I'll be back in your inbox next Sunday with more astrological insights and guidance!

Until next time,

May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement

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