Subject: Full Moon in Leo • All Planets in Direct Motion • Weekly Forecast & More

Dear Stargazers,

Although Mercury is still dragging his feet, as of February 3 all of the planets are now in direct (forward) motion. How long will it last? Just until April 29, at which time Pluto will break from the pack and station retrograde.

This doesn't occur that often but when it does, it's considered a more fortunate time for initiating, manifesting and getting things done.

In fairness, it really depends on your personal horoscope, because if those forward marching planets are creating roadblocks in your chart, you're far more likely to feel frustrated than liberated. Still and all, it's usually fortunate so if you've had to put the brakes on any plans or projects, this is the time to step on the gas.

Turning to the week ahead, sparks fly between Venus and Mars, Jupiter and Uranus team up to deliver unexpected opportunities, the Leo full moon puts the spotlight on creativity, romance and personal self-expression, and finally, the Sun enters Pisces and brings another solar year to a close.

Oh, and in the midst of it all, the USA experiences the first hit of its Pluto return, which marks the end of a cycle that began 246 years ago.

All dates are given in the Eastern Time Zone

Planetary Activity

Feb. 14: Mercury enters Aquarius

Feb. 16: Full Moon in Leo

Feb. 18: Sun enters Pisces

Feb. 20: USA's Pluto return

Notable Aspects

Wednesday, February 16: Venus conjunct Mars

Romance is likely to sizzle as Venus (love) and Mars (passion) embrace in the earthy sign of Capricorn. Single or partnered, this influence is known for arousing strong attractions and a desire for physical unions.

Since Venus also rules money and physical possessions, its conjunction to impulsive Mars could mean impulse spending on a guilty pleasure.

Although this planetary combo can also promote artistic expression, its energy is best satisfied by a romantic union. If you happen to be unattached, don't be surprised if you decided to actively pursue a new relationship.


Thursday, February 17: Jupiter sextile Uranus

When the planet of luck encourages the planet of sudden events, you could be in for a pleasant surprise or an unexpected opportunity, such as a job offer or overseas travel. Given the easygoing nature of the sextile, you need to be on the lookout for opportunities to ensure you don't miss out on them, as well as take action to maximize them.

Daily Energy

Best Days: While there are other days during this time frame that are fine, these are the best of the bunch. What do I mean by the best? The energy is flowing, the moon isn't void and there's a greater likelihood for happy and/or productive outcomes.

Feb. 18 (before 6:20 PM EST)

Feb. 19

Best Avoided: The energies on these days aren't favorable for new ventures or any activity where you want or need a definite result. If you must schedule something, you may have to think on your feet, or there may be a need for patience or flexibility.

Feb. 16

February 14 - March 9, 2022

On February 14, Mercury enters Aquarius for the second time this year (the first time was on January 3), only this time around it will sail through the sign without interruption.

Aquarius is the sign of Mercury’s exaltation, which means that whenever the planet of intellect is wearing the water bearer’s flowing robes, his virtues are magnified and his abilities are expressed in a profound and distinctive manner.

It's also where he colors outside the lines, thinks outside of the box and enjoys being a non-conformist.

Since the Water Bearer is the zodiac's ruler of altruistic, as well as revolutionary causes, it's possible that during this time some of you will find your attention focused on humanitarian efforts or a sociopolitical endeavors.

While in Aquarius, Mercury is more than just an independent thinker. He's a visionary, an intuitive, a brainiac and a grass roots organizer. He can also be a lone wolf and an intellectual snob.

But hey, nobody's perfect.

The truth is that despite his occasional social lapses, you can still count on Mercury in Aquarius to help you see things objectively, encourage your originality and inspire you to push some boundaries.

Finally, while Mercury is in Aquarius, he's an intellectual daredevil so if you follow his lead you could easily become overwhelmed...

Or you could discover your own unique brilliance.

FULL MOON at 28°00' LEO

February 16, 2022 | 11:58 AM EST

This month's full moon is in Leo, a sign that's naturally infused with confidence, passion and joie de vivre. It's also the sign that rules the 5th house of pleasurable pursuits, which means the spotlight is on romance, entertainment and all forms of creative self-expression.

Full moons bring things to light, as well as to fruition or to a conclusion. Since this one is in the sign of love affairs, if you've been in an unhappy union, this full moon could coincide with a separation, and if so, you can expect it to be final.

On the other hand, a recent flirtation or casual date could bloom into something bigger around this time, and since Venus and Mars are in a tight embrace during this full moon, it increases the odds for a happy ending.

On a different note, if you've been working on a creative project, this could be the time you wrap it up. Similarly, if your life has been all work and no play, this might be the time you decide to plan a much needed vacation.

As it happens, the only aspect this full moon makes is a quincunx to Pluto, which suggests there may be a small wrinkle that needs to be ironed out to ensure smooth sailing.

Getting Personal

The house in your horoscope that holds this full moon is where the action is in your chart, and something related to one (or more) of the life areas ruled by it may come to light, to fruition or to an end. If you don't know which house holds 28°00' Leo in your horoscope, you can refer to the list below to find out where the full moon falls in your solar (sun-sign based) chart.

If your Sun sign is:

Aries, it falls in your 5th house (romance, children, creative self-expression, entertainment).

Taurus, it falls in your 4th house (home, family, real estate, parents).

Gemini, it falls in your solar 3rd house (siblings, neighbors, short trips, cars, contracts, negotiations.).

Cancer, it falls in your 2nd house (income, spending, personal values, self-esteem, tangible assets).

Leo, it falls in your 1st house (your physical body, attitude towards life).

Virgo, it falls in your 12th house (spirituality, creativity, mental health, addictions).

Libra, it falls in your solar 11th house of goals, casual friends, colleagues and group relationships.

Scorpio, it falls in your 10th house (career, fame, status, reputation).

Sagittarius, it falls in your 9th house (education, law, religion, foreign and long-distance travel, publishing).

Capricorn, it falls in your 8th house (intimacy, shared resources, other people's support, birth, death, estate matters).

Aquarius, it falls in your 7th house (marriage and all one-to-one relationships including best friends, adversaries, business partners and clients).

Pisces, it falls in your 6th house (health, work, pets, diet, nutrition).

Releasing with the Leo Full Moon

You can set release anything under any full moon but when it'a saturated in Leo energy, it's especially favorable for releasing:

Negative beliefs or fears related to romantic relationships, social gatherings, creative talents and expression, pregnancy and children, athletic ability and fun in general. It's also helpful for releasing a romantic relationship or interest that no longer fulfills you.

Traits or tendencies such as conceit, vanity, egotism, belligerence, extravagance and arrogance.


February 18, 2022

The Sun enters Pisces on February 18, which means it's time to wish those of you born under the sign of the Fish a very Happy Birthday and pay tribute to your sign's intuition, vision and compassion.

True, you can be a bit naïve, but that's only because as Neptune's child, you see the best in everyone.

Wishing everyone a Happy Valentine's Day. Wherever you are, may you feel loved!

May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement

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