Subject: Full Moon ✨ The Astrology of 2024 ✨ Your Daily Forecast & More💫

This newsletter is coming a little earlier than usual because I'm off on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day (and so is Kate!)

Dear Stargazers,

There are no two ways about it. 2024 is going to be a year to remember, and whether you remember it with a smile or a scowl will depend upon your personal circumstances.

It will also depend on how you experience the life-changing cycles that are headed our way, and I'm not just talking about Pluto. Or about the Aries, Libra and Pisces eclipses.

I'm talking about Neptune reaching 29° Pisces.

Just as Pluto at 29° Capricorn gave us a glimpse of Pluto in Aquarius, this critical degree will offer a preview of Neptune in Aries and what we can expect when this ego-denying planet takes up residence in a very ego-driven sign.

There are numerous other planetary events that will play a pivotal role in the new year as well, and when you put it all together, it confirms what a lot of you are feeling: 2024 will be like nothing we have ever seen before.

Astrology doesn't necessarily hold all the answers, and astrologers don't get everything right, but in times of change and uncertainty, this ancient profession can offer significant insight and guidance on the personal, collective and evolutionary levels.

And if ever there was a time when people could use insight and guidance, it's now.

That's why for the first time ever I am doing an annual forecast event to give you a heads up about the most important planetary influences that will impact your sign in 2024, as well as what these influences are likely to mean for us as a society, a nation and a world.


The Astrology of 2024 is scheduled for January 5 at 12 Noon EST and will be delivered via Zoom. You can attend live or you can watch it at your convenience.

The price is $35.00, and all of the details, including a list of the influences that I'll be discussing, will arrive in your inbox on Tuesday.

In the meantime ...

There's quite a bit to cover this week. Besides the final full moon of the season, which is a fortunate one, Venus is moving into Sagittarius and Jupiter's station will trigger the October lunar eclipse point. As usual, it's all below!


DECEMBER 24 - 31, 2023

All dates and times are given in EST

Monday, December 25.

The week gets off to a lovely start thanks to an effortless flow of positive energy between Venus and Neptune

Whether you're celebrating Christmas or it's just another Monday, it's likely to inspire creativity, compassion and a daydream or two that includes a happily ever after ending.

While a new romance is possible under this influence, it's more likely that those in a committed union will feel a deeper connection to their partner. In some instances, this may coincide with a lifelong commitment.

Tuesday, December 26.

If you need to do anything that requires a definite outcome, it's best to wait until the transiting Moon enters Cancer at10:16 AM.

The Cancer full moon occurs at 7:34 PM. Details below.

Wednesday, December 27.

Today's energetic influences are a mixed bag, and how you experience them will depend to a large degree on your own actions.

Since Mercury Rx is square Neptune, it's vital that you refrain from sharing sensitive information, because under this influence your judgment (and BS detector) may be subpar. It's also possible that some of you could be more prone to negative thinking now. If so, the odds are that whatever gloom and doom you fear is merely a case of your imagination visiting the dark side.

On a different note, since this influence has been known to coincide with identity theft, you should be cautious when it comes to online transactions or other types of activities that could potentially expose your personal information.

Since Mercury Rx is also conjunct Mars (energy), you should have the mental agility to stay on top of it all. Still, given that Mars is impulsive (and a hothead) and there's a greater likelihood of misunderstandings at this time, you need to guard against jumping to conclusions.

As long as you remain aware of the foregoing influences, you should be able to sidestep their negative potential, which will allow you to reap the benefits of today's Sun-Jupiter trine.

Whenever the Sun and Jupiter are in harmony, they inspire confidence, cheerfulness, enthusiasm and a desire to enjoy life. The only caveat to this particular influence is that its feel-good energy could feel so good that you decided to relax and enjoy the day

If you do, there's a good chance that you'll waste a golden opportunity.

With the Sun being the creative force and Jupiter representing luck (including the luck we make for ourselves), this effortless flow of energy between them can be used to discover new prospects for success, as well as ideas, connections or circumstances that can help you make the changes you desire in your life.

Thursday, December 28. Today's Mars-Neptune square is likely to inspire you to procrastinate and in some cases, it could leave you feeling drained and/or discouraged,

Why? Because Mars is an energetic, driven and ego-driven planet, and when it clashes with the planet of dissolution, it leaves feeling uncertain, depleted and demoralized.

That said, there is a positive expression of this influence. If you are creatively inclined, Mars (action) can stimulate Neptune's imagination. Of course, you will have to consciously work with the energy in order to reap its artistic benefits.

Speaking of creativity, after a brief void (5:58 PM - 7:24 PM), the transiting Moon enters Leo, and if you've been feeling low energy, this fiery Moon will deliver a second wind and restore your confidence..

Friday, December 29.

Shortly before she moves into the sign of the Archer, Venus will enjoy a pleasant rendezvous with Pluto.

Whenever Venus and Pluto are on good terms, it's a good day to examine (or since Mercury is retrograde, perhaps reexamine) your feelings about a relationship. If you meet someone new under this influence (personal, platonic or professional), you could walk away feeling as though it was a fated event. Tume will tell whether or not this is true, and with Mercury still retrograde, you do best to take it slow and hold off before sharing secrets or making commitments.

On a similar note, if a financial opportunity that presents itself today that seems worthwhile, Mercury retrograde warns that it's imperative that you listen carefully, research it thoroughly and get everything in writing.

Venus enters Sagittarius at 3:24 PM EST. Details below.

Saturday, December 30.

If you don't already have something on your calendar, the influence of the fun-loving transiting Leo Moon is likely to inspire you to make some type of social plans.

Whether it's up close and personal in a cozy cafe or a virtual visit with someone across the country or the globe, this is an excellent day to connect with friends and/or family.

As a matter of fact, an enthusiastic flow of energy from the transiting Leo Moon to Mercury suggests that the early afternoon hours could be quite lively in terms of phone calls, texts and conversation.

Since Leo rules creativity, love affairs and everything that can be categorized as fun, this is also a good day for simply focusing on whatever makes you happy.

Jupiter stations direct at 8:42 PM EST and triggers the 10/29 lunar eclipse. Details below.

Sunday, December 31.

At 6:55 AM, the transiting Moon enters Virgo (void moon 12:20 AM - 6:55 AM). If you need (or want) to clean your home, organize your files or take care of other routine activities, this influence will help you get it done.

That said, if you have a lot on your plate or leave too much for the last minute, some tense lunar influences in the early afternoon suggest that you could find yourself feeling a bit overwhelmed so be sure to pace yourself accordingly.

Alternatively, and depending upon your state of mind, these same influences could inspire cynical or negative thinking.

Fortunately, the last lunar aspect of the day (and the year) is a lovely trine to Jupiter that promotes harmony, happiness and hope 💫

December 26, 2023 • 7:34 PM EST

This month's full moon takes place in Cancer, a tender and nostalgic sign that sometimes has difficulty letting go of the past.

For those of you who experienced 2023 as a heart-tugging year, this full moon may be an emotional one, especially if you've experienced any type of a personal loss.

And with Mercury and Mars squaring Neptune in the background, it could turn into a full-blown pity party.

If it does, that's okay. It's just the universe's way of bringing your feelings out into the open so they can be acknowledged and released.

Because this full moon is about honoring the past, not living in it. It's about releasing it, so you can nurture the future.

And no matter what those squares to Neptune may tease, you won't be left adrift at this full moon because its tie to Saturn will keep you anchored.

While it's true that this full moon isn't wildly optimistic, (that's not the Crab's nature), it's definitely a fortunate one because Jupiter (expansion, healing) and Saturn (stability, organization) are working hand in hand to bring you a renewed sense of faith and illuminate your path forward.

Getting Personal

So which areas are being targeted for illumination, fruition or an ending? They're revealed by the house in your horoscope that's receiving the full moon.

If you don't know which house holds 4°58' Cancer in your horoscope, you can refer to the list below to find out where the new moon falls according to your rising sign (if you know it). If you don't know your rising sign, then refer to the list below according to your solar (sun-sign based) horoscope.

If your Sun sign is:

Aries, it falls in your 4th house of home, family, real estate, parents.
Taurus, it falls in your solar 3rd house of siblings, neighbors, short trips, cars, contracts, negotiations.
Gemini, it falls in your 2nd house of income, spending, personal values, self-esteem, tangible assets.
Cancer, it falls in your 1st house of the physical body, attitude towards life.
Leo, it falls in your 12th house of spirituality, creativity, emotional health, escapism.
Virgo, it falls in your 11th house of groups, associations, hopes, casual friends, colleagues.
Libra, it falls in your 10th house of career, fame, status, reputation.
Scorpio, it falls in your 9th house education, law, religion, foreign and long-distance travel, publishing.
Sagittarius, it falls in your 8th house of intimacy, shared resources, other people's support, birth, death,estate matters.
Capricorn, it falls in your 7th house of marriage and all one-to-one relationships, including best friends, adversaries, business partners and clients.
Aquarius, it falls in your 6th house of health, work, pets, diet, nutrition.
Pisces, it falls in your 5th house of romance, children, creative self-expression, entertainment.

Releasing with the Cancer Full Moon

You can release anything under any full moon but when it happens to be in the sign of the Crab, it's especially favorable for releasing:

Negative beliefs or fears connected to emotional and financial security, family members, establishing a home, finding your tribe, nurturing, and intuitive gifts.

Traits or tendencies to be moody, stingy, clingy, needy, manipulative, fearful, procrastinating, thin-skinned.

DECEMBER 29, 2023 - JANUARY 23, 2024

After weeks of experiencing new depths of passion in the intensely emotional, highly complex and deeply secretive sign of Scorpio, Venus reached her saturation point. Like a moth that was dangerously close to a flame, she knew it was time to break free of the Scorpion’s hypnotic spell; and with a stealth that would make Pluto proud made her way out of Scorpio’s domain.

As she emerged from the shadows of Scorpio’s Underworld, Venus saw a well-lit path welcoming her to sunnier shores in the friendly, optimistic and easygoing sign of Sagittarius.

From the moment she crossed into this fiery yet emotionally casual sign, she felt an enormous sense of relief as the intensity of the past few weeks melted away. In contrast to the secretive, controlled and gated Underworld, the Archer’s domain is a boundless expanse where she could move about freely, and best of all, speak whatever thoughts come to mind.

As she kicked back and relaxed in this easygoing sign, she quickly embraced its fun-loving attitude, tolerant spirit and philosophical approach to love and life.

And speaking of love, while Venus is in Sagittarius she can be hard to pin down. Ruled by Jupiter, Sagittarius believes life as a never-ending journey and matters of the heart are no exception. That's why whenever Venus is in this fiery sign, her passion blazes but once she’s had her fill, she’s ready to move on to the next adventure.

At heart, she’s a flirtatious, independent bachelorette who enjoys romance on her own terms, and those terms include a partner who wants to make more than sexual memories with her. While she enjoys the physical aspects of a relationship, Venus in Sagittarius seeks a kindred spirit, a lifelong friend and most important, a partner who makes her laugh and wants to grow and evolve as much as she does.

Besides romance, Venus also rules money, and while in Sagittarius she can be very generous. She can also be quite a spendthrift who buys impulsively with little (if any) thought to price tags, especially if her purchases are related to education, books, travel and perhaps her biggest weakness of all, personal growth.

December 30, 2023 • 8:42 PM

From the time Jupiter stationed retrograde on September 4, it has been encouraging you to reflect upon your belief systems, including what you believe about success, prosperity, growth and abundance.

And, since Jupiter also rules belief systems and higher knowledge, it also encouraged you to to review our philosophical, political and religions convictions.

However, with Jupiter placed in Taurus, there is an emphasis on material prosperity.

While it was retrograde, most of you probably spent a great deal of time reviewing the state of your personal economic health, as well as reflecting upon the state of the economy.

If you weren't happy with the conclusions you drew, then hopefully you used this period to conduct independent research, investigate your options and come up with a feasible plan.

If so, now that Jupiter is moving forward, it's time to for you to do the same. However, given that Mercury is retrograde, it's best to wait until the new year to implement it in the new year.

However, should you need to take action before then, be sure to carefully read all documents (especially the fine print) and confirm that your submission (electronic or otherwise) is received.

Jupiter Triggers the October 28 Eclipse Point

When Jupiter stations direct 5°34' Taurus it will be conjunct the October 28 lunar eclipse point, which occurred at 5°09 Taurus. Technically, Jupiter has been conjunct the eclipse point for a while, but its upcoming change of direction on this point will reactivate it.

If you have a planet or sensitive point at or near 5° of Taurus, Scorpio, Leo or Aquarius, you may experience an eclipse-related event at this time.

While it may be connected to an event that occurred in October, it's possible that it could be a new event.

Given that Mercury is retrograde, an argument can be made that the trigger won't be as effective, but then again, it does add strength to the revival of a previous matter.

For example, the influence of the October 28 lunar eclipse was in effect when Hamas invaded Israel on October 7. This eclipse squared Israel's 10th house Moon, which in mundane astrology represents the public at large while the 10th house represents the ruler. (The October 14 solar eclipse which was also influential at this time.)

As Jupiter stations direct, transiting Mars (a common planetary trigger) will be conjunct Jupiter in Israel's 3rd house (Jupiter also rules this house). This suggests the potential for international news.

Unfortunately, I'm short on time so I'm leaving this here, but it will be interesting to see if there is any significant news between now and the end of December.


I'll be back next week with insights into the first week of the new year.

In the meantime, be sure to check your inbox on Tuesday for my announcement about about my upcoming event, The Astrology of 2024!

Until next time,

May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement

© Debra Anne Clement 2023 All Rights Reserved.