Subject: December Solstice ✨ Mercury Backtracks into Sagittarius ✨ Your Weekly Forecast 💫

Dear Stargazers,

This week brings the winter solstice (December 21), and here in North Carolina the trees have shed their leaves and there's a distinct chill in the air.

While I'm not a fan of frigid temperatures, I love the stillness of winter, a time when the earth drifts off to sleep knowing that it will reawaken in the spring.

Over the years, I've come to view the changing seasons as spiritual reminders of the cycles of life. Spring is a time of hope, summer a time of joy, autumn a time of surrender and winter a time of faith.

For most of us, the end of the year is a time of reflection as we think back on the good, the bad, the happy and the sad. And with Mercury retrograde until January 1, many of us will spend more time than usual looking in the rear view mirror.

Fortunately, the overall energies for the coming week aren't the least bit gloomy 😃

Check it out below!

DECEMBER 18 - 24, 2023
All dates and times are given in EST.

Monday, December 18. Although an effortless flow of energy from today's Mercury-Jupiter trine supports communications and can be helpful for legal, educational, travel or logistics related matters, you need to keep on top of the details because Mercury's retrograde motion could muck things up. This is especially true when it comes to mail delivery systems (physical or electronic) and supply chain management.

There's also a small chance that the late afternoon hours could find some of you fuming as you sit a in rush-hour traffic jam. If so, tap into the energy of the transiting Pisces Moon and make the most of this solitary standstill by tuning into an engaging podcast, an inspiration program or simply listening to whatever type of music soothes your soul.

If you're mindful of these influences, you should be able to avoid any missteps and end the day with a smile.

Tuesday, December 19. Given the passive influence of today's lunar energies, you're likely to spend it treading water rather than accomplishing anything important. In fact, you're far more likely to spend it talking about what needs to be done, rewriting your to-do list and blowing things off until tomorrow.

Add in a brief void moon (4:04 PM - 5:47 PM) and you're likely to end the day on a pleasant but unproductive note.

Depending upon your situation, this might not be a problem. However if you're on a deadline, it's probably best to avoid taking a long lunch, an extra break or engaging in idle chatter.

And once the transiting Moon enters Aries (5:47 PM), everyone can expect a second wind.

Wednesday, December 20. In contrast to yesterday's mellow mood, you not only start the day ready to make things happen, but probably feel driven to do so.

Under today's lunar influence, you're likely to experience strong bursts of energy. However, if you push yourself too hard or for too long, you're feel depleted and find it hard to get back on task.

To that end, you do better to divide big projects into separate tasks, tackle them one by one and take breaks between them. This will not only allow you to grab a snack to nourish your body but will also give you time to rest your eyes and/or clear your head.

Thursday, December 21. For some of you, today's Venus-Uranus opposition will coincide with a sudden and/or expected development in an existing relationship, which could take the form of a conflict or in an extreme case, a separation. For others, there's a possibility that some of you could pay a big price today for an impulse purchase or worse, experience some type of financial upset.

When you factor in the influence of the impulsive transiting Aries Moon, it increases the odds for hasty decisions and/or actions.

Normally, the simultaneous Mercury-Saturn sextile would add offer some stability, but its influence is weakened by Mercury's retrograde motion.

While you don't have control over other people, you do have control over your own decisions and actions, and exerting self-control is the key to navigating the potential pitfalls of the Venus-Uranus opposition.

After an extremely brief void moon (9:48 PM- 9:51 PM), the energy calms down as the transiting Moon enters Taurus.

The winter solstice occurs at 10:28 PM EST. More about this below.

Friday, December 22. If you haven't finished your holiday shopping, you can count on the helpful influence the transiting Taurus Moon to help you find the right gift for everyone on your list.

In fact, whatever your plans are for the day, the odds for a successful outcome are heightened by fortuitous aspects from the grounded Taurus Moon to Mercury, Saturn and Jupiter.

On a different note, today's Sun-Mercury Retrograde conjunction could find some of you reflecting on your creativity, self-expression or life purpose.

Saturday, December 23. There's a chance that a few of you could find yourself in a bit of a panic this morning due to some type of unfinished business (e.g., holiday shopping, a package that wasn't mailed, finalizing plans for New Year's Eve).

If so, take heart (and a deep breath) because the afternoon brings steadier influences that will help you catch up or worst case, come up with a viable Plan B.

That said, most of you should find this to be a busy but productive day that ends on a happy and satisfied note.

Sunday, December 24. Whether it's in-person or virtual, by voice or by text, the sociable transiting Gemini Moon (3:16 AM) suggests that you'll want to mix and mingle with others today.

Lending support to these friendly lunar influences is the Sun-Saturn sextile, which means that whether you're celebrating Christmas Eve or are simply enjoying your Sunday, your day is likely to go according to plan.


In the northern hemisphere, the December solstice is the shortest day of the year and announces the beginning of winter. It ushers in a time to withdraw into our homes, look within and connect with our higher selves.

That's why the winter solstice celebrates the light that dwells within us.

Meanwhile, in the southern hemisphere the December solstice marks the longest day of the year and announces the beginning of summer. It ushers in a time to venture out of their homes, socialize with others, connect with nature and enjoy the bounty of the season.

That's why the summer solstice is a celebration of life.

Whether you’re welcoming winter or summer, may the Solstice bring a new cycle of peace into your life.


Happy birthday to everyone born under the Capricorn Sun!

As the 10th sign of the zodiac, you're here to teach us about ambition, perseverance, timing and achievement.

Wishing each one of you a brilliant solar return!


DECEMBER 23, 2023 - JANUARY 1, 2023

After spending some time retrograding in Capricorn, Mercury backtracks into Sagittarius, where he will reflect upon his belief systems, as well as the meaning of life.

Like Mercury, many of you may find yourselves pondering the meaning of your own existence, while others may take a second look at their religious, political and/or philosophical beliefs.

Whether this review turns out to reinforce your beliefs or poke holes in them remains to be seen, but either way, the insights gained during this time will lead to a clear perspective by the time Mercury goes direct.


I'll be back next week next Sunday with insights into the final full moon of 2023, which I'm happy to say promises to be a fortunate one.

Until next time,

May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement

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