Subject: Full Moon Intensity ★ Eclipse Season ★ Cancer's Year Ahead ★ Forecast & More

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Dear Stargazers,

Whatever emotions you may be feeling, the upcoming full moon on July 9th promises to intensify them, and if that's not enough, 
on July 7th we'll be well within the orb of the August 7th lunar eclipse at 15° Aquarius.

Those of you born under Leo, Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio will feel this energy strongly, and for some of you, the upcoming eclipses could be a game changer.  In the coming weeks, I'll be offering you guidance about these powerful influences which are part of a cycle that continues through January 2019.

That's right; in addition to the the upcoming Leo solar eclipse on August 21, there will be two more Leo eclipses in 2018 (January and August) and two more in Aquarius (February and July) before the final Leo eclipse in January 2019 that brings this cycle to a close.  

In the meantime, let's take a peek at the next two weeks, including a few aspects that merit special attention. 
July 2 - July 16, 2017


July 04:  Transiting Venus enters Gemini
July 05:  Transiting Mercury enters Leo
July 09:  Full Moon in Capricorn


While there are other days during this time frame that are fine, these are the best of the bunch. What do I mean by the best? The energy is flowing, the moon isn't void and there's a greater likelihood for happy and/or productive outcomes.

JULY 3, 7 (after 1:45 PM ET)


The energies on these days aren't favorable for new ventures or any activity where you want or need a definite result. If you must schedule something, you may have to think on your feet, or there may be a need for patience or flexibility.

JULY 2, 9, 10


July 4: Mercury square Uranus 

This tends to be a very stimulating influence and unless you're flexible, you may find it difficult to keep up with the pace of events as plans may be subject to change.

July 7:  Mercury sextile Venus

When the planets of intellect and love are in harmony, it's easier to express your affection to others. 

July 10: Sun opposes Pluto 

The energy produced by this aspect suggests that you may encounter opposition to an idea or become engaged in a power struggle with someone. Avoid the desire to dominate or control today, because odds are high you won't come out on top. 


Having satisfied her physical appetites while in Taurus, a sign she calls home, it was time for Venus to visit Gemini and indulge her mind.

Although one might think that Venus would be homesick for the Bull’s earthy delights and passionate nights, this pleasure-loving planet feels very much at ease in Gemini’s breezy bungalow.

Like Mercury, Venus presides over two signs in the zodiac. As it happens, her second home is the airy abode of Libra, which gives her a natural rapport with fellow air signs Gemini and Aquarius. Consequently, Venus is comfortable in the sign of the Twins where she works every room and charms the rest of the zodiac with her witty repartee.

As the sign that presides over the mind, Gemini is curious about everything and everyone. It’s also restless and craves variety. Consequently, while Venus is here, she behaves much like the bee that samples the nectar of a variety of blossoms while keeping an eye out for more tempting delights. So yes, she can be flirtatious as well as a bit fickle, but it’s not because she’s cold or uncaring. Air signs are social creatures, and in their mind they’re not flirting; they’re just making polite conversation. 

As for being hard to pin down, that’s because Venus in Gemini is often indecisive. Although she’s loathe to admit it, she can give Venus in Libra a run for her money when it comes to weighing the pros and cons of any given situation.

When it comes to love, as long as she’s immersed in the sign of intellect, her heart will follow her head. In other words, romantic attraction begins in her mind and works it way down her body. Those who excel in conversation will capture her attention, provided of course they don’t want to talk about their (or her) feelings. If your idea of expressing affection involves talking about feelings, save yourself some heartache and find another goddess. Does she make exceptions? Yes, but only when she’s under the influence of a strong natal connection from the Moon, Neptune or Pluto.

Venus also rules money, and in keeping with Gemini’s well-known duality, her attitude towards its tends to alternate between easy come, easy go and Ms. Cheapskate depending upon how much (or how little) cash she has at the moment. When she’s flushed, she can be a spendthrift; when funds are tight, she can be downright stingy. While in this intellectual sign, Venus tends to spend her hard-earned cash on experiences that stimulate the mind, and even when her chips are low, she’ll always manage to come up with enough money for a ticket to that fascinating film, must-read book or coffee with a friend.

When Venus is in Gemini, life and love doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive or even the best quality. The only “must” is that it’s interesting. Everything else is gravy.


After spending several weeks in Cancer’s cozy, quiet and sensitive world, it was time for Mercury to wring out his watery wings and bask in the warmth of the Sun.

From the moment Mercury crossed into the Lion’s den, he felt an urge to polish his wings, clear his throat and take center stage. In Leo, Mercury is confident, authoritative and enjoys the spotlight. As the planetary ruler of communications, Mercury in Leo can teach the rest of the zodiac a thing or two about showmanship; and whether he’s teaching, preaching, making idle conversation or speaking in front of millions, Mercury in Leo demands to be heard. 

What’s more, he expects our undivided attention.

As the fifth sign of the zodiac, Leo presides over creative self-expression, entertainment, gambling, sports, children, the performing arts and anything that ignites your passion. Consequently, while Mercury is here, he’s enthusiastic, playful, dramatic and direct. He speaks with authority and easily excels as a teacher, performer, politician or motivational speaker.

Of course, there are two sides to every sign, and Leo is no exception. Consequently, when Mercury in Leo is displaying the Lion’s lower nature, he can be insensitive, short-tempered, condescending and unwilling to listen, let alone consider, someone else’s opinion, needs or desires. At worst, when Mercury is draped in Leo’s imperial robes, he can be dogmatic, judgmental and dictatorial.

During this time, many of you may experience a burst of creativity, newfound enthusiasm or an increase in physical vitality. It’s also possible that some of you will seek the limelight, while others may feel compelled to speak your mind.

For those of you who may have been reluctant to speak a much-needed truth to someone, this energy may be just what the cosmos ordered.
July 9, 2017 | 12:07 AM
Washington, DC

Whereas the purpose of a new moon is to initiate something new, the purpose of the full moon is to bring something to light and/or to fruition. 

Since the moon is tightly conjunct Pluto and both planets opposing a Sun-Mars conjunction in the 4th house, it's a safe bet that any revelations at this time will provoke powerful emotions. Fanning the emotional flames even further, Mars (which represents inflammation and often acts as a trigger) is squaring Uranus (shocking events, rebellion and ruler of the 12th house of secrets).

Since this month's full moon falls in the highly visible 10th house, whatever comes to light will quickly become public knowledgeOn the national / international level, this full moon suggests explosive events and/or headlines.

But what does it mean on a personal level? 

It means that whatever comes to light, to fruition or to an ending in your life may be emotionally charged. Depending on the rest of your chart, this full moon could see some of you shoot to the top, while others may feel they've been betrayed or are about to crash and burn. Should you find yourself in the latter group, do not allow the impulsive Mars-Uranus energy to rule the day. Wait until the smoke clears before taking action so that you're assured of a level-headed decision.
Getting Personal

A full moon occurs when the Sun and Moon form an aspect known as an opposition. The house that holds the Moon is where the action is in your chart, and something related to one (or more) of the life areas ruled by it may come to light, to fruition or to an end. Since a full moon falls across two houses, it's important to consider the life areas of the house that holds the sun as well.

If you don't know which house holds 17°09' Capricorn in your horoscope, you can refer to the list below to find out where the full moon falls in your solar (sun-sign based) chart).

If your Sun Sign is:

Aries, the full moon falls in your solar 10th house of career, status and fame. Read the 4th house as well.
Taurus, the full moon falls in your solar 9th house of foreign travel, higher education, legal matters and publishing. Read the 3rd house as well.
Geminithe full moon falls in your solar 8th house of intimacy, other people's money and support, jointly-held assets and transformation. Read the 2nd house as well.
Cancerthe full moon falls in your solar 7th house of lawsuits and one-to-one relationships. Read the 1st house as well.
Leothe full moon falls in your solar 6th house of work, health, service and pets. Read the 12th house as well.
Virgothe full moon falls in your solar 5th house of romance, children, creativity. Read the 11th house as well.
Librathe full moon falls in your solar 4th house of home, family, real estate, parents and intuition. Read the 10th house as well.
Scorpiothe full moon falls in your solar 3rd house of siblings, short trips, transportation and all types of communications. Read the 9th house as well. 
Sagittariusthe full moon falls in your solar 2nd house of money, income, values and self-worth. Read the 8th house as well.
Capricorn, the full moon falls in your solar1st house - it's all about you, including your approach to life and physical appearance. Read the 7th house as well.
Aquariusthe full moon falls in your solar 12th house of solitude, secrets, past lives, healing and psychic abilities. Read the 6th house as well. 
Pisces, the full moon falls in your solar 11th house of goals, casual friends, colleagues and group relationships. Read the 5th house as well.
Releasing with the Capricorn Full Moon

Once the full moon peaks and the matter is concluded, it's over and the next step is to release any attachment to it. That's why, the period of time between the full moon and the next new moon (the time while the moon is waning or disappearing from sight) is energetically ripe for releasing things from our life.

You can release anything under any full moon, but since this one is saturated in Sagittarius energy, it's especially helpful for releasing:

Negative beliefs, fears or circumstances connected to parents, bosses, authority figures, ambition, achievement and your personal and/or professional status.

Traits or tendencies related to fear, melancholy, loneliness, depression, rejection, inhibition, greed, materialism, callousness, social climbing.

Expect life to take a turn for the better once Jupiter enters Scorpio on October 10th, where it will remain until November 9, 2018.

During its year-long journey through the sign of the scorpion, the planet of generosity, success and optimism will send beams of positive energy to your Sun (as well as any other planets or sensitive points you may have in Cancer) that can help you expand your horizons, create opportunities and follow your dreams. 

When can you expect this goodness to reach YOUR Sun? That depends on the exact degree of your sun, which in turn depends upon the specific day, time and year of your birth. Still, sooner or later your Sun will be the recipient of Jupiter's goodness. Just keep in mind that when you're experiencing such "feel good" energy, you can feel so good that you fail to make the most of it. Be sure to make hay while Jupiter trines, because it won't be coming around again to bless your Sun this way until 2023! 

Now, on December 19, Saturn will enter Capricorn which means that  those of you born with your Sun at 0° - 7° Cancer will experience an opposition from Saturn (and some more than once) during the coming solar year.  At this time, some of you may achieve a hard-earned success, others will decide to cut their losses and start over.  Depending upon which group you're in, you can count on Jupiter to enhance your success or help bail you out. Remember, when you blend Jupiter's power of expansion with Scorpio's regenerative abilities and combine it with Saturn's persistence and Capricorn's ambition, you have a cosmic recipe for success. Even better, just as your solar year comes to a close, those of you born with the Sun at 0°-1° Cancer will experience a gentle breath of fresh air as Uranus moves into Taurus and begins to sextile (opportunities that need to be seen and developed) your Sun.

For those of you who will be experiencing an opposition from Pluto (born with the Sun at 16°-22° Cancer), the coming solar year will be one of transition and transformation. The key to handling this energy is to embrace the change, because it's part of your soul's path. Those of you born with your Sun at 13°-17° Cancer are likely to have an easier time of it thanks to Neptune, which will be trining (flowing energy)

Likewise, for those of you experiencing a square from Uranus (born with the Sun at 24°-29° Cancer), during the coming solar year, you'll feel the need to break free of whatever you feel is holding you back. Since Uranus is known for being impetuous, be mindful and think before you act. If you're feeling agitated, you'll do well to tap into the healing energy of Chiron, which will be trining (flowing energy) your Sun.

No matter what degree your Sun, according to your solar chart Jupiter is currently in your 4th house of home and family. From now until October 10th, use this energy to improve these life areas. This energy is especially helpful if you're thinking of buying, selling or renting. If you're planning to change your residence or office, Jupiter can help you find a bigger space. When Jupiter enters Scorpio, it will cross into your 5th house of romance, recreation, children and creative self-expression. If you're ready to start a family, this energy is encouraging for pregnancy, and if you already have children, you may see them blossom in some way during this cycle. Those with creative talents or interests are likely to feel inspired during this cycle, and if you're romantically inclined, it can be fortunate for attracting a new partner or enhancing the love that's already in your life.

Overall, this cycle should give your social life a boost and bring opportunities for more fun in your life, so don't let it pass you by!
Well, that wraps up this week's issue, but before I sign off, I want to wish everyone who celebrates a Happy (and safe) Independence Day

Until next time,

May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement

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Debra Anne Clement, 4030 Wake Forest Rd, Ste 349, Raleigh, NC 27609, United States
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