Subject: Full Moon Guidance ☼ Planetary Updates ☼ Eclipse Alert!

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Dear fellow stargazers,

Scores of people were killed by a terrorist in Nice, France on Bastille Day, and this past Friday the military attempted to seize control of the Turkish government (see my blog Mars Triggers Turkish Coup). 

Welcome to the continuing aftermath of the Uranus-Pluto squares.

As major planetary cycles repeat themselves, so does history. The last time Uranus and Pluto challenged each other in this way was during the 1930's. Their planetary battle left the world scared and scarred, and ultimately its legacy was a new world order where the USA and Russia emerged as superpowers. 

Just like the 1930's, it's going to get worse before it gets better.
July 19: Full Moon at 27° Capricorn

Whereas the purpose of a new moon is to initiate something new, the purpose of the full moon is to bring something to fruition or to a conclusion.

If you're at a crossroads or on the fence about something, the tense energy of the full moon (created by the Sun and Moon opposing each other) usually forces a decision. If you happen to be waiting for a decision from someone and a full moon is coming up soon, odds are you won't be waiting long. Although related events can occur as late as 5 days after a full moon, from my experience related events usually occur before it peaks.

Once the full moon peaks and the matter is concluded, it's over and the next step is to release any attachment to it. That's why, the period of time between the full moon and the next new moon (the time while the moon is waning or disappearing from sight) is energetically ripe for releasing things from our life. You can release anything during a full moon, but the energy of a full moon in Capricorn supports the release of negative:
  • relationships involving parents, bosses, authority figures, building contractors
  • beliefs connected to ambition, success, achievement
  • feelings such as fear, melancholy, loneliness, depression, rejection, inhibition
  • traits such as greed, materialism, callousness, being a user/social climbing.
There are several ways to release things from your life, and they range from simple affirmations to detailed rituals. If you do a google search, you'll find pages and pages of options. It's really a matter of personal choice.

As an expert in planetary energy, as well as a certified and licensed Heal Your Life® teacher for 10+ years, I've learned the keys to successful releasing and manifesting. In the months to come, I'll be sharing more about these practices with you.
Looking Ahead:  The Lunar Eclipse

The full moon on August 18th is a lunar eclipse, which means it has all of the qualities of a full moon. However, what sets it apart from your average monthly full moon is that it's energy, and therefore its influence, is more intense, more powerful and more influential.

As a predictive tool, eclipses can be tricky because they have an almost Uranian quality about them that makes them unpredictable. They can bring unexpected or surprising events which is why they're known as game changers.

The orb (range) of influence for an eclipse extends from 30 days before the eclipse to 30 days after it. This means an eclipse related event could happen as early as July 18th, which just happens to be the first day of the...
Republican National Convention (July 18-21).  At 25°52' Aquarius, this lunar eclipse is activating several Republican charts. Most notably, it's targeting the one belonging to the presumptive nominee's, Donald Trump (AA rating birth chart), and it looks like he's in for ...

The Fight of His Life

The upcoming eclipse will land in Trump's 6th house of health and will be close enough to conjunct (blend its energy) his descendant, which is the 7th house cusp. The 7th house represents partners, lawsuits, one's supporters and one's open enemies. At the same time, it will oppose (confront, challenge) his Ascendant (his physical person) along with his natal Mars (action, anger, violence) in his 12th house (the past, secrets, hidden enemies).  In Trump's chart, Mars rules the 9th house, which includes foreign relations, law and international media.

This eclipse will also square (challenge, provoke action) his Midheaven (career, calling, public standing and reputation), and it will form a quincunx (a minor but tense aspect) to his Venus (women, personal values) in his 11th house (large groups, associations, acquaintances, colleagues). In his chart, Venus rules his 2nd house (money, values) and his 10th house (career, public standing, reputation).

At worst, these energies warn against an assassination attempt, and given the history of past violence at his rallies, Trump would do well to beef up security during the next several months, and especially so during the convention. On the final evening of the convention,the transiting Moon which, like Mars, is known to trigger events, will be at the degree of the eclipse and opposing Trump's Mars. When all is said and done, it may simply be that Trump ends the evening on a passionate note, but with the 12th house involved, there could be something troubling going on behind the scenes.

Serious threats aside, these energies suggest that his path to the White House will be far more grueling than he expected, and since it's a lunar eclipse, women will be a major factor. Obviously, Hillary Clinton is a woman, but more than that, women's issues will continue to be a major challenge to his campaign. Given the 12th house (secrets, the past) influence and the quincunx to Venus, he may find his reputation under attack with stories of alleged past misdeeds involving women here and/or abroad.
The Republican Party

In addition to activating Donald Trump's chart, this upcoming eclipse will land on the north nodes (intentions of the soul, a point of destiny) of John Kasich and Ted Cruz (both at 26°Aquarius). 

Since neither one of these former candidates have released their delegates or voiced their support for Trump, it will be interesting to see if this eclipse triggers some type of unexpected challenge at the convention, or whether any or both of them find themselves in the spotlight before summer ends.

This lunar eclipse promises to have a powerful impact on the USA because it will be landing on the nation's natal moon which is 27° Aquarius. 

In a nation's chart, the moon represents the masses, the nation's women, and the mood of the public, and in the USA's horoscope (Sibley chart), it falls in the 3rd house of communications, which includes its media and the postal service. Given the intensity of the eclipse, it suggests a strong public reaction to something in the news, and since eclipses can bring more than one event, here are two non-Trump related possibilities. 

National Safety

As noted earlier, the moon in a nation's horoscope represents the masses. In the USA's chart, the moon falls in its 3rd house. In addition to communications, this house also rules the nation's transportation industries and services (bridges, tunnels, subways, rail and roadways, auto industries and ambassadors). 

Although it falls in the country's 3rd house, it rules its 8th house, which includes the stock market, national debt, taxes, entitlements and public mortality.  The energy of the eclipse will activate all of these areas, and at the same time, it will make a quincunx (a minor but tense aspect) to the nation's Mercury (emphasizing communications and transportation) in the 8th house (emphasizing stocks, debts, taxes, entitlements and public mortality). Mercury rules the nation's 7th house (adversaries, international disputes, truces, the status of women, marriage/divorce) and its 9th house (foreign travel and commerce, immigration, universities, religions). 

Given all of the foregoing, I feel the lunar eclipse in Aquarius (anarchy) could coincide with an attempted, or actualized, terrorist attack in the USA, and the target may be a major transportation hub. Likewise, the influence of the eclipse on the nation's moon (public) and its connection to its 8th house (mortality) suggests the possibility of a mass shooting or a protest that turns deadly.

Hillary Clinton

The Democratic Convention is being held from July 25-28, which means it too falls within the eclipse's range of influence. Since Clinton is expected to make history as the USA's first female presidential nominee, the symbolism of a lunar (women) eclipse in Aquarius (progress, liberation) makes perfect sense as does a strong public reaction. A polarizing figure, her official nomination will bring both celebrations and condemnations in the media.

On a different note, this lunar eclipse will oppose Bill Clinton's natal Sun, suggesting a pivotal personal event in his life. It's a lunar eclipse, and clearly his wife's nomination qualifies as one. However, the Sun also represents the physical heart, and Clinton has had heart-related health issues including two by-pass surgeries. Since this is the first of several eclipses that will impact his chart, his health may be a concern.

Finally, taking all of the placements and rulerships into consideration, the eclipse may reflect strong public opinions connected to women's issues, immigration, student and national debt, religion and same-sex marriage. 
And the next President is ...

Many of you have emailed to ask for my prediction. I do have one, but I'm waiting for all four nominees to be officially named before I share it with you.

Meanwhile, keep an eye out for a brief survey I'll be sending soon that will give you an opportunity to share YOUR astrological wants and needs so I'll be sure to send out content that's relevant and meaningful to YOU!

Until next time,

May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement
Debra Anne Clement, 4030 Wake Forest Rd, Ste 349, Raleigh, NC 27609, United States
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