Subject: Don't Miss this Cosmic Window! ☼ Election 2016

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Dear Fellow Stargazers, 

I'm been trying to establish a reliable work schedule, but with transiting Uranus targeting my 6th house (work, daily routine) since mid-May, it continues to elude me. Lately, it seems the only thing I can truly rely on are interruptions!

The 6th house also rules pets, and recently my pup has had several unexpected visits to the vet for a few different issues, including one that required surgery. Today I discovered he has a nasty (and smelly) ear infection, so back we'll go. 

When dealing with this type of energy, the best way to handle it is to go with the flow, although when you're dealing with Uranus, it's not so much a flow as it is whitewater rapids. Either way, you work with the current, not against it. It's the same with planetary energy, which means for the foreseeable future these newsletters won't be sent on a regular schedule (and will also have better proofreading!)

This month I'll be sending you a brief survey to learn about your astrology-related interests. By filling it out, you'll provide me with guidance so I can create articles, offers and events that are relevant and meaningful to you. Thank you in advance for your participation!

There'll be a dramatic shift in the energy this week as Venus (July 12) and Mercury (July 13) bid farewell to the Crab's watery world and take up residence in the Lion's den. 

While in Leo, Venus enjoys being the center of attention, and Mercury demands to be heard. Since Mercury moves faster than Venus, he'll leave Leo ahead of her.

However, from July 13 to July 30, they'll be planetary companions, and during this time, a cosmic window of opportunity will openWith both Mercury and Venus immersed in this outgoing sign, this is an excellent time to socialize and meet like-minded souls who share the same definition of fun as you do. If you haven't thought about romance for a while, this planetary duo may serve as a cosmic reminder. If you meet a love interest during this time frame, you'll like find that your heart and your head are in agreement. 

On another note, since Leo is all about creative self-expression, some of you may feel inspired to redecorate, change up your wardrobe, express yourself through the arts, get involved in crafting or perhaps sit down with an adult coloring book.

Whatever you do, do it with passion, because that's the spirit of Leo
The Race for the White House

The following is not a personal opinion and/or endorsement of any candidate.

Hillary Clinton

Those of you who have followed me for some time know that for almost two years now that when all was said and done, Hillary Clinton wouldn't be running for presidentWith any chance of an indictment now behind her, Bernie Sanders campaigning for her and the Democratic National Convention just ahead, it seems clear that Hillary will be the top name on the Democratic Party's ticket.

When it comes to predictive astrology, a verified time of birth is crucial, and there is none for Hillary Clinton. This isn't an excuse; I own my predictions, and when I'm wrong (like now), I admit it. Whether it's a psychic, an astrologer or a weather caster, everyone in the forecasting business is at risk for being wrong, which is why this line of work isn't for the faint of heart.

The reason I felt she wasn't going to be the nominee was because even without a birth time, I knew that she wasn't going to be handed the nomination. I saw a path to the White House that was littered with obstacles. I also saw something in the heavens that I felt would be a game changer, and truthfully, had Sanders not thrown in the towel, I'd still be standing behind that prediction.

As it turned out, I was right about her rocky road to the nomination. She was under investigation in connection with her private email server (I never saw her being indicted), and Bernie Sanders gave her an unexpected run for her money. Although many discounted him, Hillary Clinton lost a slew of states to Bernie Sanders in the primaries.

A total of 2,383 delegates was needed to win the nomination.  As of today, Hillary Clinton has 2,807 delegates (including 602 super delegates); Bernie Sanders has 1,894 delegates (including 48 superdelegates); and 64 delegates are still up for grabs.

When all was said and done, Bernie Sanders. who wasn't taken seriously for some time, did far better than anyone expected. Yes, he still lost but it showed (a) the deep divide that exists within the Democratic party, and (b) that Hillary Clinton wasn't as strong a candidate as expected. Had someone stronger than Sanders challenged her, there may have been a different ending to this story. 

The Potential Game Changer

So what was the potential game changer that led me to predict that Clinton's rocky road to the White House would lead to disappointment? It was the lunar eclipse scheduled to take place on August 18th. August 18th! Yes, the Democratic convention is being held from July 25-28th, but the orb of influence of an eclipse is 30 days before and after the eclipse.

Since Clinton is unopposed (and I'm running out of time), I'm not going to detail the potential influence on a Clinton-Sanders contest here. At some point, I will incorporate it into my lesson plan for predictive astrology, because there's just as much to be learned from a miss as there is from a hit.

That said, there's much more to this eclipse than just the potential influence I saw in connection with the Democratic nomination. Its orb of influence starts on July 18th, which just happens to be the first day of the Republican National Convention; and it make direct hits to Donald Trump's chart, as well as to the charts of John Kasich, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz.

Perhaps most important, at 26° Aquarius, this eclipse lands directly on the USA's natal moon. In a nation's chart, the moon represents the masses, its women and the overall mood of the public. 

Since I've now officially run out of time, I'll continue this discussion in my next newsletter.
It's true. People talk about me ...

“Well, well, I just my very insightful and interesting astrological chart reading with the wonderful Debra Anne Clement – super upbeat, my type of woman. All Debra had was my birth date, place and time – we never met in person and she doesn’t know me. Her reading was 100% on point, absolutely fascinating and I’ve learned a lot about myself and my close circle and was encouraged in personal as well as professional endeavors.  Debra gave me a heads up on how to handle certain situations and people that will and do approach me and I had a sneak peek into my future. Her reading basically created a map for me that I can use however I choose – and I choose to use it to my advantage. I would love to recommend a reading with Debra!” 

– Alexa, California (via Facebook)

Until next time,

May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement

P.S.  Before you go!

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Debra Anne Clement, 4030 Wake Forest Rd, Ste 349, Raleigh, NC 27609, United States
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