Subject: Cancer New Moon, Planetary Aftershocks, Election 2016

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Hello fellow stargazers!

It's July 4th in the USA, and here in New York it means Macy's will light up the sky with fireworks, more than a few BBQs will be used for the first time in a year, and Hallmark stores will be preparing for their ornament debut events scheduled for this coming weekend, because, hey, there are less than 180 shopping days until Christmas.

As for me, I'm relaxing and looking forward to the second half of this year. With transiting Saturn keeping a tight leash on my Mars while at the same time leaning on my progressed Moon, I knew going into the year that the first half was intended to be introspective rather than proactive. If I had any doubts, knowing that Mars would be retrograde in my 6th house of work put them to rest.

While I wasn't in love with the energy, I understood the purpose of it. As an expert in predictive astrology, I knew how to make the most of it, which is not to say that I became enamored of it. Truth be told, I counted the days until these energies were over. That's another benefit of predictive astrology; you know when it's coming and you know when it's leaving.

Now that these energies are behind me, I feel much lighter, and with Uranus activating my work sector, change is in the air, and I'm more than ready to embrace it!

But enough about me. Let's talk about YOU and the major influences you can expect during the next few weeks.
On Your Mark, Get Set and (Sort of) Go!

After backpedaling for 10 weeks, Mars stationed direct on June 30 at 23° Scorpio and started crawling forward. Yes, I said crawling. After moving in reverse for so long, Mars is off to a slow start. How slow? Well, it will take the planet of action until July 11th to move a mere 1°.  Like me, I know many of you are eager to put the pedal to the metal and make up for lost time, and if you're born under Aries or have Aries rising, this period may have been especially frustrating for you.

Although the signal light is flashing yellow, the
green one is ahead but just a tad more patience is needed. It's not that matters can't or won't move forward; it's just that it's likely to be slow going for the 7 days.

After that, Mars picks up speed and starts to regain its momentum. By August 11th, this fiery planet will have it's mojo back and so will you!

What to do in the meantime?→→→→→→→→

July 4th: New Moon in Cancer

New moons are exciting, because they represent a new beginning. Each month, there's an opportunity to plant intentions or initiate activities under an energy that promotes growth. What makes this new moon special is that it's the first once since April 7th without Mercury and/or Mars in retrograde. Why is this important? Because when Mercury or Mars are backpedaling during a new moon, intentions and activities initiated at that time tend to be delayed or fall short of one's expectations.

While you can set any intention or initiate any type of activity under any new moon, a Cancer new moon is especially beneficial for new starts connected to real estate, such as buying, selling, renting, redecorating or renovating. In Cancer, the theme of the new moon is cultivation, so creating a garden, a family or anything else that requires nurturing is strongly supported. Last but not least, the moon rules the intuitive realm, so working with your intuition, higher consciousness or any kind of soul work also gets a thumbs up from this energy.

USA Solar Return Chart

The USA celebrates its birthday with a new moon in its solar return chart. Solar return charts reveal themes during the coming year, and a new moon is considered fortuitous because it suggests a new beginning during the coming year. While there's promise in this chart, I feel the most significant aspect is a T-Square (tense) configuration that pits the Moon against Pluto (confrontation, standoff) in the financial sectors while both simultaneously provoke Uranus. This suggests the nation will continue to struggle economically on both the individual and national levels. There may be unforeseen or sudden events connected to layoffs, debt and the stock market, and I feel entitlements (social security, medicare, etc.) will continue to be at risk.

Of note is the placement of Uranus.  In mundane astrology, Uranus is associated with upheaval and political revolutions, and it's in the 4th house, which represents the living conditions of the public, as well their interests versus the interests of their government.

With the Moon in Cancer representing the needs (Cancer) of the public (Moon) and Pluto in Capricorn representing government (Capricorn) control (Pluto), the opposition that pits them against each other in this solar return reflects the polarized state of the nation. Whether it's immigration, guns or social issues, the public is divided over the issue of control. Some want more, some want less; and with Uranus in the 4th, both are willing to fight the government for it as reflected in the extreme positions of the presumptive presidential nominees. 
July at a Glance

Best Days

While there are other days this month that aren't bad, these are the best of the bunch. What do I mean by the best? The energy is flowing, the moon isn't void and there's a greater likelihood for happy and/or productive outcomes. 

July 5 (after 12:28 PM), 6, 9 & 10, 15, 25 & 27.

Best Avoided

The energies on these days are either challenging or unpredictable. If you must schedule something, you may have to think on your feet, or there may be a need for patience or flexibility.

July 7, 11, 12, 21, 26, 28 29.

Planetary Events*

July 11 - Venus enters Leo
July 13 - Mercury enters Leo
July 22 - Sun enters Leo
July 29 - Uranus stations retrograde
July 30 - Mercury enters Virgo

*How do these events influence you? I'll be posting about it on social media!
For (almost daily) astrological insights, inspiration and planetary news, be sure to Like me on Facebook (be sure to click the follow button) and/or Follow Me on Instagram or Twitter.

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Planetary Aftershocks: Uranus & Pluto Make Good on their Promise

The first half of the year is behind us, and with six months still to go, 2016 has already proved to be quite a year. There were more than a few shockwaves as Donald Trump emerged as the presumptive Republican nominee, Bernie Sanders scored a number of upsets against Hillary Clinton and, last but not least, Brexit.

But should we be shocked? No, because the events that are playing out today reflect the natural outcome of the series of Uranus-Pluto squares that occurred in the heavens between June 2012 and March 2015. In short, we're experiencing a series of energetic aftershocks as these titans make good on their promise to create a new world order.

To recap, in one corner we had Uranus, the planet of enlightenment, rebellion and chaos, immersed in Aries, the sign of the Self and in the other, we had Plutothe  planet of power, abuse and transformation in Capricorn, the sign of government

As they waged war in the heavens, the polarizing nature of these planets demanded that we choose a side, and one only needs to look at the political landscapes of the USA to see it play out out on a daily basis. For the past several years, the voice of the people has been loud, angry and divided about it's nation's future direction.

When this revolutionary cycle ended, so did the middle of the road, and in its wake it left a single question that begs to be answered: Who's side are you on?

Great Britain gave its answer to that question on June 27 when it voted 52-48 to exit the European Union. You can click here to read my thoughts about the astrological influences behind this historical decision.

The USA will reveal its answer on November 8th. At the moment, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are the presumptive nominees for their respective parties, and reflecting the energy of the Uranus-Pluto squares, they represent two political extremes. They're also polarizing personalities. People love them; people hate them; and there's little middle ground.

What does astrology say? Will history be made by Hillary Clinton as the first woman President or by Donald Trump as the first businessman to sit in the White House?

First, the nation needs to decide on its candidates.

Have I piqued your interest? Then be sure to check your inbox next weekend!
Life Purpose

Every soul comes here with a purpose or calling. Sometimes it's your career; sometimes not, but either way, it's the WHY of your life. For more than 25 years, I've been helping souls just like yours discover and understand the who, what, where, when, how & why of their lives. Click here now to read my story, review testimonials and book your life-changing session today!
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Remember to Follow Me on social media for daily updates, and be sure to check your inbox in the coming week for more insights on the 2016 election! 

May Jupiter's blessings be your constant companion,

Debra Anne Clement
Debra Anne Clement, 4030 Wake Forest Rd, Ste 349, Raleigh, NC 27609, United States
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