Subject: make your site popular.. it's not hard

There's just one little thing you need to do.

And I know you can do it, too.

Just start getting to know people

On their blogs, on social media...

Anybody who is interested in the same thing you are.

And interested, obviously, in the kinds of things you talk about on your website or blog.

So... talk to them when they leave a Facebook comment in a group.

Or leave a comment on their YouTube video.

Especially important...

visit their blogs and leave really good comments.

It's especially important to do on blogs because

1. when you leave a good and thoughtful comment, other people will see it and instantly get a good impression of you

2. blog post comments can link back to your blog... especially if they have CommentLuv enabled.

CommentLuv automatically leaves a link to your blog when you comment.

So a good little trick, do a Google search for blogs in your niche + "CommentLuv enabled"

Then you'll have a good start on what blogs are especially good to leave comments on.

Rank high in Google?

If that's what you're looking for, this is the #1 way to do it.

Google wants good UX - that means User Experience.

So the more your blog or site generates conversation and social media backlinks, the faster and higher Google will rank it in their search results.

That means traffic for you, at no cost at all.

Easy things to do.

Make your blog or website popular starting today :) 

Talk Soon,


-Donna & David-

Whirlwind Success