Subject: [Donna-Mind over Matter] Take the time...

Hi Friend

Happy Autumn!

As the trees put on a wonderful show for us, we need to take time out to

Enjoy a bit of nature.

It’s like the old saying “Stop and smell the roses.”

Have you stopped yet to “smell the roses” lately? If not, it is time to try it out for size.

I know … I know. You are so busy but ask yourself this question - “Do I make time every day to give myself an opportunity to appreciate my surroundings?”

It’s a great time of year to get out and enjoy nature a little bit, because soon… the cold winds of winter will be at our door.

If you can’t get out in nature…try getting some plants to put around you so you can receive the Life Energy you rightly deserve. Even if it is one flower in a vase, you will receive the same energy.

It is so important to give yourself time to receive the energy that surrounds us. You will be surprised how it makes you feel.

So before turning on the TV to relax…Stop for a moment and look around.


Mind over Matter


PS: You can CALL or TEXT me at the above number :)




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