Subject: Don't Eat These 5 Foods!☠

Greetings Friend,

In the world of fitness, fat loss is often confusing, with contradictory information swirling about but let's cut through any confusion and make it really simple.  

Below is a list of 5 foods that you should never eat. 

These foods will derail your fitness and weight loss efforts every single time. 

In addition, I will suggest a healthy substitute for each of these off-limits foods. 

By simply swapping out the items below you will quickly and effortlessly become healthier, leaner and fitter than you are today. 


Do-Not-Eat #1: Anything Fried
Fried food is loaded with fat and calories while offering zero nutritional value. It’s a lose-lose! Sure, fries and chips TASTE good, but healthier items also taste good. Just say no to the deep fried items on your menu. You’ll be thinner, healthier and won’t have greasy fingers. 


Try This #1: Broiled

If you simply must have a French fry, then make them at home in your oven. Use sweet potatoes, as these are a more complex carbohydrate. Cut into matchsticks, drizzle with a tablespoon of olive oil along with a dash of salt, then place in your oven on broil. Mix every 5 minutes until the fries are tender on the inside and crispy on the outside. 


Do-Not-Eat #2: White Bread

White bread products have zero nutritional value and are quickly converted by your body into sugar. So you may as well eat a cupcake. Even breads that are technically wheat, but are as soft and smooth as white bread, should be avoided. Don’t be afraid to discard the bread from your sandwich or to push away that bread basket. Your waist will shrink and you’ll lose that bloated feeling that high carbohydrate meals give you. 


Try This #2: Sprouted Grain Bread

If you must have bread, then stick with sprouted. Sprouted grain bread is a lot easier on your digestion and is packed full of nutrients. Two delicious brands are Food For Life’s Ezekiel bread, and Manna Organics. Sprouted grain breads are often kept in the freezer section since they don’t contain preservatives to prolong shelf life. 


Do-Not-Eat #3: Creamy Salad Dressing
You were so good to order a salad, but then you ruined it by drenching the salad in fattening creamy dressing. Just a few tablespoons of creamy dressing contain more than 20 grams of fat and hundreds of calories. 


Try This #3: Vinegar Dressing

Salad dressing is meant to lend flavor to the salad, not fat and calories. Vinegar-based dressings pack amazing flavor in with minimal fat and calories. You can even mix your own dressing at home. Take high quality vinegar, fresh lemon juice, salt and pepper, your choice of dried herbs, and a bit of olive oil. 


Do-Not-Eat #4: White Rice 

I’m sure by now you’ve heard that white rice is not a healthy choice. Just like white bread, white rice has zero nutritional value – other than calories. Fiber and vitamins have been removed and the glycemic load will quickly prime your body for storing fat. 


Try This #4: Brown Rice

Brown rice has three times the amount of fiber, more B vitamins as well as other nutrients, won’t sky rocket your blood, and will keep you feeling fuller for longer. That should be enough to convince you to swap your large pile of white rice out for a small pile of brown rice. 

Do-Not-Eat #5: White Sugar
Sugar and high fructose corn syrup are the epitome of anti-fitness food. Nothing will destroy your progress, expand your waist and plummet your energy levels like sugar will. If you only take away one 

Do-not-eat food from this article please let it be sugar.


Try This #5: Fruit

Don’t turn to artificial sweeteners to get your sweet fix, instead turn to nature’s wholesome source of sugar: fruit. Eat organic fruit that is seasonal and locally grown. Stay away from dried fruit and fruit juices, as these are high in simple calories. 

Eating right, along with challenging exercises, is the formula for a toned, lean body —so guarantee your results by teaming up with me. 

Together we will come up with a fitness plan that is uniquely yours, one that fits your lifestyle and brings you promptly to your goals. 

Call or email today to get started.

Coach Eddie Akan

Premier Boxing for Fitness, 510 Wisconsin St., South Houston, Texas 77587, United States
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