Subject: Do You Need A Strategy?

Do you need a strategy?
Are you secretly expecting writing to land on your page?
Wishing a publisher will knock on your door?

We dream of creating many things but it's another thing to actually plan, schedule, and execute them in the real world.
For instance, I've often thought it would be wonderful to write a poem every day, like William Stafford. I started this practice many times, and kept it up for three, five, maybe even ten days. But no one was noticing. And there were so many other things to do. By contrast, if I posted a lovely pic on Instagram, I could get instant likes: voila! So this long-term, practical, daily effort dwindled.

My poetry fell to the tiniest white space at the bottom of my priority list.

It's crucial that you and I wake up and realize, no one is going to come knocking on our door and ask for the novel, memoir, poem, or short story that we know we need to write.

No one is even going to notice whether or not you wrote today.
No one but you.

If, eventually, a teacher, mentor, or friend asks about your writing, just give them any excuse on hand and that will silence them. But will it silence your dream?

This year is still new. Are you doing anything real and different— so that you can accomplish your fondest dreams?

I feel lucky that I connected with Tupelo Press as one of their poets for the 30/30 Project, and met their challenge: I wrote a poem a day in February! I needed an accountability partner, and they needed the support. (Beyond that, many of you supported this "marathon" with your donations and cheers from the sidelines. I thank you with all my heart!)

What connections will enable you to set and meet your writing goals?
Set aside half an hour with a notebook or candle or glass of wine or cat in your lap or guitar music or prayer or the ocean surf and think about what you really would love to see happen in your writing life. Ask yourself what real-world steps it will take to get there.

Take step one.

Get Published in 2022 at Clark College via Zoom
A practical and exciting toolkit for publishing short writing (flash fiction, short stories, poems, and nonfiction). Not a writing class. Back by popular demand, but be forewarned: Clark College needs registrants or they will cancel. It won't come back until 2023.
Monday, March 7
& Tuesday, March 8
6:30 PM - 8:20 PM PT

Ongoing Offerings

Wildfire Writing Master Class for Novels & Short Fiction
Sci-fi, fantasy, contemporary, YA, skill building through critique.
Thursday evenings, 6:30 to 8:30 pm

Creative Companionship
Be heard as you pour your hopes, desires, inspirations, ideas, and fears into words, stories, art, and other modalities. You're not alone anymore in your creating. Gain a witness who helps you journey creatively and spiritually, affirming the beautiful things you are doing and the creative being you are. Soak up the caring you receive as a one-to-one client.

One-to-One Coaching
Find the centeredness that writing brings. With a coach you receive accountability and growth as you complete writing projects or begin something new. Or you might let off steam, wildwrite, journal, revise, and experiment. All forms and moods and modalities and genres are welcome. Bask in the warmth of being a one-to-one client.

Publishing Support
Get help identifying what's marketable and where; write query letters, create proposals, develop a submission practice, and get your writing published.
, 87808 Terrace View Drive, Florence, OR 97439, United States
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