Subject: Latest Headlines inc. Why are Hemp Seeds Essential for Health? Health Benefits and Delicious Recipes

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The Latest Headlines
How Music Benefits the Brain

We’re all familiar with how certain pieces of music can change your mood, get you motivated, or help you concentrate. And now, advances in neuroscience enable researchers to quantitatively measure how music affects the brain, proving what music lovers already know: Music can make you smarter, happier and more productive at all stages of life. Let’s take a closer look at some of the latest findings on the many ways playing and listening to music can enhance your brain. 

By Contributing Writer Deane Alban

It has been estimated that one million people around the world are diagnosed with colon cancer, and 500,000 die from it, each year. Conventional treatment approaches continue to do very little to reduce mortality, and this is believed to be due to the presence of a subpopulation of colon tumor cells known as cancer stem cells (CSCs), or tumor-initiating cells (TIC), that are resistant to chemotherapy and therefore contribute to relapse. When chemo fails, or worse, feeds the cancer, the immense healing power of food may be the only hope left. 

By Contributing Writer Sayer Ji
Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen

Dirty Dozen and Clean Fifteen is a list of the dirtiest and cleanest produce based on pesticide residue levels. In this modern era of fast living we are so busy that we ignore the environment around us. Among the most lethal pesticides used are organophosphates, the negative effects of which can’t be ignored – studies have shown that it can cause developmental problems in children, cause issues with pregnancy and reproductive health. It also has been linked to diseases like leukemia, lymphoma and Parkinson’s disease. So which produce made the list? Read on to find out. 

By Guest Writer Garrick Dee
Why are Hemp Seeds Essential for Health? Health Benefits and Delicious Recipes

Hemp is one of the most versatile plants on the planet. It is an amazing gift of nature, can produce high quality clothing, textiles, paper, food and while we’re at it – you can even build a house with it! As a bonus, it is also naturally resistant to pests, so it doesn’t require harmful pesticides even when grown on a commercial scale. As a food, hemp seeds have an abundance of health benefits. This article explores why we should most certainly be embracing this incredible super-food. 

By Contributing Writer Trinity Bourne
The Anger Trap

We’re all pee'd off in some form or another. No question. No one can sit idly by with any level of consciousness and not be ticked off by the insanity, inequities and atrocities going on around us. That’s righteous anger and there’s nothing wrong with it. But we must keep anger in its place. The general populace is being set up and baited for violent response. All they’re waiting for is a justification to herd the unsuspecting flock right into their tightfisted fascist paradigm as the police state takes shape around us. Don’t fall for the trap. 

By Contributing Writer Zen Gardner
The Cosmic Role of the Spiritual Catalyst

Some souls have incarnated here to hold an energetic harmony which provides empathic support for evolving people. Others however - "Spiritual Catalysts" - have come with the specific 'mission' to break down illusions and inspire change by the very energy they hold. You won't be spiritually correct (might as well accept that and become awesomely okay with it!) and you’ll frequently find you have a confrontational affect on people, as you begin to undermine the very illusions society has been built upon. 

By Contributing Writer Open
Wising Up to Alien Interference

The public perception of the alien phenomenon centers around lights seen in the sky, reports of encounters with beings and ships that have landed in the woods, and certain people getting abducted for experimentation and breeding purposes. These do happen, but they are only the tip of the iceberg. Most alien influences are much more subtle and widespread. But misconceptions, disinformation, and wishful thinking are convincing people to support the wrong team. We just have to wise up, get informed, and not fall for it. 

By Guest Writer Montalk
Creating a 9-to-5 Ashram

Within the serene confines of an ashram, visitors gain deeper insights into their existence and learn to live in harmony with their fellow human beings. But when an ashram stay ends, the real challenge begins. Putting newly discovered insights into practice within the realm of day-to-day living is easier said than done. To convert your workplace into an ashram, you simply need to come to work every day with a new focus. Who are your spiritual teachers? The people who drive you nuts every day. 

By Guest Writer John Ptacek
The Diabetes World Summit
Pre Summit Sale
By owning all 41 expert presentations revealing the intimate secrets for losing weight, getting fit, eating right, overcoming stress, managing diabetes and reversing type 2 and pre-diabetes, The Diabetes World Summit could save your life or the life of someone you know.

The Diabetes World Summit will teach you:
- Causes of type 1 and type 2 diabetes
- Preventing and stopping the progression of diabetes
- 10 most important things to help reverse type 2 and pre-diabetes
- Optimal diet to prevent, control and reverse type 2 diabetes
- Most effective forms of exercise for optimal blood sugar control
- Special information for Type 1 Diabetes management and care
Plus, when you purchase today, you'll receive these FREE bonus materials:

Superfood Recipes eBook from Dr. Josh Axe ($19.95 value)

Cholesterol and Heart Health eBook from Michael T. Murray, ND ($24.95 value!)

Make Healthy Fermented Foods at Home eBook from Kevin Gianni ($14.95 value)

The Hidden Cause of Diabetes and Obesity seminar from Dr. Dan Pompa ($249 value)

Low Carb, Healthy Living Article Pack from Jody Stanislaw, ND ($14.97 value)

Micronutrients and Diabetes training from Dr. Peter Osborne ($99 value)

Modern Paleo Survival Guide from Wendy Myers, NC ($7.95 value)

The Top 7 Things You Didn’t Know About Food and Mood from Alexandra Jamieson, ($12.95 value)

Non-GMO Shopping Guide from the Institute for Responsible Technology ($8.95 value)

Real Food Action Guide from John and Ocean Robbins ($16.99 value)

Stress, Anxiety, and Insomnia from Michael T. Murray, ND ($24.95 value)

Super Immunity from Dr. David Jockers ($12.95 value)

For more information click here
How One Simple Breathing Technique Can Induce Better Health

Believe it or not, there are different ways to breathe which have different effects on the body and our health. By simply working on our breathing technique we can induce good health, both physiologically and mentally. In this article I will explain how our breathing effects the human body. I will then off you a simple breathing technique you can practice yourself. 

By Guest Writer Lorraine Ereira
Autistic Boy With Higher IQ Than Einstein Discovers His Gift After Removal From State-Run Therapy

In yet another example of how an out-of-control Goliath state system can cause more harm than good, a teenage boy who was diagnosed with autism at a young age has risen to stellar heights after quitting the special ed system with the help of his concerned mother. 

By Contributing Writer Carolanne Wright
Top 10 Probiotic Foods to Add to Your Diet

Probiotics are beneficial forms of gut bacteria that help stimulate the natural digestive juices and enzymes that keep our digestive organs functioning properly. In addition to taking a probiotic supplement, you can also support your probiotic intake through eating foods that are hosts to these live bacterium. 

By Guest Writer Dr. Edward F. Group 
6 Things Your Soul Wants You to Know

We all wander through life searching for a higher purpose. We live with the same questions. Who are we? Why are we here? What are we meant to be doing? Am I living my best life? My experiences with over 400 deaths as a frontline social worker in a busy ER gave me the greatest insights and new understandings about death, dying and how the soul wishes to express itself in life. This is what your soul wants you know. 

By Guest Writer Katrina Cavanough
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