Subject: Latest Headlines inc. The Top 10 Tricks Used by Corporate Junk Science

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The Latest Headlines
The 7th Pluto Uranus Square Alignment – The Final Shift

The first of the seven Pluto Square Uranus alignments took place in 2012 and since then have progressively reflected to us the lifting veils of our perception of reality. Now, as the 7th and final Pluto Uranus Square takes place for us on the 16th of March 2015, these two planets will be making their final tension angle with each other at 15'17" of Capricorn/Aries. The after-effects of this alignment will bring to humanity a state of awareness that will create a shift in perspective of a magnitude that has never been experienced in our recorded history.

By Contributing Writer Simon Vorster

Truthstream Media recently uncovered several published newspaper accounts from the Spring of 1964 concerning a then-newly disclosed plan to dump nuclear waste produced by the U.S. atomic energy industry into hydraulic fracturing (fracking) wells using a cement slurry technique developed by Halliburton & Co. According to these reports "Subterranean waste disposal, is a cornerstone of the nation’s economy, relied on by the pharmaceutical, agricultural and chemical industries." Then, in 1984, the wells that Halliburton and friends considered as a solution to nuclear waste for eons to come were found to be leaking radioactive nuclear waste. 

By Guest Writers Aaron Dykes and Melissa Melton
Healing Body and Soul Through the Japanese Art of Shinrin Yoku

Feeling frazzled, depressed or less than healthy? Japanese researchers have discovered that ditching civilization for a few hours can be just what the doctor ordered. Known as shinrin yoku or, more commonly, forest bathing, the practice involves spending time in nature coupled with mindfulness. This simple method has been shown to dramatically reduce health complaints — and can even lower the risk of cancer. 

By Contributing Writer Carolanne Wright
The Top 10 Tricks Used by Corporate Junk Science

Corporate junk science is an all-pervading presence in our society. It’s everywhere. The fake science I am referring to here is not unintentional or sloppy work, but rather the deliberately fraudulent “scientific" studies which are put out by major corporations with a definite agenda in mind – usually establishing a fake scientific basis of “safety” for their products, whether they be vaccines, mobile phones, GMOs, tobacco, fluoride, soda or soft drinks, etc. Many people have been taken in by it, including doctors, scientists and academics. It’s time to shine the light on this ugly phenomenon. 

By Guest Writer Makia Freeman
10 Signs Fear Is Running Your Life (and How to Get Back on Track)

Most people in our culture are riddled with fear, and it’s running the show in our lives, taking the wheel in most of our decision-making. But the funny thing is, we don’t even know it. This is partly because, in our culture, we tend to dress up “fear” in the more socially acceptable clothes of “stress.” And stress — well, hell — stress is practically a badge of success in our culture! But now more than ever, our fears need to shamelessly take center stage so we can let them illuminate everything that is in need of healing in our lives, so we can finally be free. 

By Guest Writer Lissa Rankin MD
New Innovation in Telomere Extension

Telomeres are the caps at the end of human DNA strands known as chromosomes that protect the DNA code of the genome. As humans age, telomeres begin to decrease in size, causing cellular aging. After telomeres reach a certain length, the cell is no longer able to divide and will die. This process has been associated to disease, aging and death. But researchers at Stanford University School of Medicine have recently uncovered a new procedure for quickly increasing the length of telomeres in the laboratory. 

By Guest Writer Dr. Edward F. Group
Permaculture – What Is It and Why Is It Important?

Permaculture is the ethical, scientific and synchronistic design of natural systems to ensure a sustainable philosophy of living. It also aims to facilitate abundance for the future of humanity by producing all the food and materials it needs on a local scale. At its core, permaculture is simply the collaboration of humans and nature in action. Due to the unsustainable agricultural practices that we currently employ, permaculture is also an evidence-based solution to the self-destructive path we are on. 

By Guest Writer Phil Watt
The Whole of Reality Glows With Life

‘All that is’ differs only in how consciousness, in its infinite nature, is manifested. Consciousness has always been. There is nowhere we can draw a line and declare everything below is devoid of consciousness whereas everything above has consciousness. Everything that exists is consciousness. What else is life but a continuous stream of experiences? Of continuous being and becoming? 

By Guest Writer Paul Lenda
The Diabetes World Summit
387 million people in the world have diabetes, and nearly half of them don’t know it. In the United States alone, type 2 diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death. The statistics are alarming, especially for a disease we’ve proven can be prevented and reversed!

Have you been diagnosed with diabetes, told you’re pre-diabetic, have a family history of diabetes or want to prevent the disease? 

The Diabetes World Summit is FREE online from March 23 – March 30, 2015.

With 40 expert presentations revealing the intimate secrets for losing weight, getting fit, eating right, overcoming stress, managing and reversing diabetes, you don’t want to miss this event… it could save your life or the life of someone you know.

Better yet, if you register today, you’ll have access to the following FREE GIFTS as soon as you register!

Free Gift #1: Best Of The 2014 Summit Recipe Book (PDF Download) from The 2014 Diabetes World Summit, a collection of amazing, low carb, diabetes-friendly recipes from our 2014 Diabetes World Summit speakers.

Free Gift #2: Do Calories Matter? (Audio-only presentation) with Cassie Bjork, RD

Free Gift #3: Reversing Type 2 Diabetes with an Optimal Diet and Lifestyle (Audio-only presentation) with Dr. Josh Axe

The Diabetes World Summit (ONLINE and FREE) from March 23-30, 2015!

Register for FREE at the today

Would you like to make some money and help promote this event? Click here for more details
How Coconut Oil May Rescue The Brain From Alzheimer’s Disease

The Internet loves a good “natural cure” recovery story. For instance, when Dr. Mary Newport, MD, dramatically reverses her husband’s symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease after just two weeks of adding coconut oil to his diet, thousands enthusiastically share the story. But despite their popularity, anecdotes rarely stand the test of time, nor the scrutiny of the medical community, at least not like experimental research published in peer-reviewed biomedical journals. All the more reason to celebrate a promising study published in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease titled, "Coconut Oil Attenuates the Effects of Amyloid-β on Cortical Neurons In Vitro." 

 By Contributing Writer Sayer Ji
Understanding The Dangers of Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs

Compact fluorescent lights (CFL) are marketed as “safe”. Yet, although it sounds like a miniscule amount – 4 to 5 milligrams – there is enough mercury in just one fluorescent light bulb to contaminate 6,000 gallons of water. 
4th Dimensional Entities and What You Can Do About Them (Includes Audio Meditation)

Whether we like it or not, entities are everywhere in the 4th dimensional field around us. If you've been drawn to read this article then I imagine you have already experienced the challenges that having entities in your field might bring. Entities feed off emotions of all sorts. What are your emotional triggers? What can you do about them?

By Contributing Writer Openhand
The Health Benefits Of Finding Your Tribe

Every single one of us craves the feeling of being part of something bigger than ourselves. By nature, we are tribal, and back in our caveman days, tribal culture was necessary for survival. But increasingly, we have become disconnected from our tribe. We know our people are out there – somewhere, anywhere – but we feel lost and disconnected from them.

By Guest Writer Lissa Rankin.
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