Subject: Latest Headlines inc. Tylenol Kills Emotions As Well As Pain, Study Reveals

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Wake Up World's Latest  Article Headlines
Who’s Afraid Of The Internet? Elites Panic As Information Control Flounders

The recent urge of search engine Google to categorize sites by “truthfulness” really shows just how desperate the would-be gatekeepers are becoming in their fight to put the alternative-media genie back in the bottle. This is by no means the first sign that the elite are losing the fight to keep the people in the dark... 

By Guest Writer James Corbett
Is Roundup Driving The Autism Epidemic? Leading MIT Researcher Says YES

Just thirty short years ago, 1 in 10,000 children were diagnosed with autism in the United States. The latest statistics show 1 in 50 children now have autism. Dr. Stephanie Seneff, a researcher at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), believes we could be looking at half the children in America as autistic within the next ten years. What is at the root of this disturbing trend? Dr. Seneff believes the characteristics of autism closely mimic those of glyphosate toxicity, while biomarkers of high levels of glyphosate are all present in autistic children.

By Contributing Writer Carolanne Wright
Tylenol Kills Emotions As Well As Pain, Study Reveals

For decades Tylenol has been used as a pain-killer, but new research reveals it has psychiatric side effects including dulled emotional responses to both positive and negative stimuli. 

By Contributing Writer Sayer Ji
The Hidden Antidote For Depression

Every time you shut down self-expression in order to get your emotional needs met by others, you are actually rejecting your Real Self - cutting yourself off from your intrinsic source of energy and power, and thereby diminishing your natural state of peace, joy and love. The result is often what we refer to as depression. 

By Contributing Writer Nanice Ellis
The Dark Side Of The Internet

Carl Gustav Jung suggested that everything we feel about (or see in) another person is comprised of about 75% of our own “stuff” – our infamous "shadow" aspects – which we project, in either positive or negative ways, onto others. Projection is even more amplified within the sheltered realms of the online world in comparison to “real” face-to-face interactions. With bullying, gossiping, and pseudo-psychoanalyzing happening over the internet, the worldwide web represents (in part) a reflection of people’s own shadow being triggered and subsequently projected ~ essentially offering up their own unconscious individualized pain for all to witness. 

By Guest Writer Bernhard Guenther
How To Naturally Treat Head Lice – with Coconut Oil!

Coconut oil, an essential in any natural health or beauty regimen, has a long list of applications ranging from a facial moisturizer to treating lice. Yes, you read that correctly -- Coconut oil can be used in the treatment of head lice. It literally suffocates the lice on the scalp, and its fatty content does not allow the lice to grasp hair. Plus, the medium chain fatty acid/triglycerides (MCT’S) found in coconut oil also produces an antibacterial effect, which is particularly helpful with dermal disorders and skin infections - like those caused by lice. 

By Guest Writer Audrey Lefebvre
Eyes Wide SHUT! Understanding The Modern Health Pandemic

106,000 deaths per year are attributed to prescription drugs that have been PROPERLY prescribed and administered, making prescription drugs the 4th biggest killer in the U.S, with another 2,000,000 Americans suffering adverse side effects. 

By Guest Writer Niaby Codd
Taking Responsibility For Our Energy

As young developing humans most of us learn to reject ‘undesirable’ aspects, to repress them in order to feel comfortable with our selves. However, if we are truly a reflection of the whole, then we should contain everything, even darkness. In rejecting and ‘disowning’ our dark parts we cast them out. But where do they go? I suspect this energy, cast out of our inner world, manifests in our external reality. Rejected as part of the whole, thrown away from love, these elements seek to be healed and re-integrated.

By Guest Writer Christina Lavers
Psychedelic Spirituality

Psychedelics can be powerful tools for studying the inner spiritual world of man, just as the telescope is used as an instrument to study stars. That which is seen and learned through the telescope will remain unknown for the man who looks at the stars with the naked eye. And just as the telescope is helping to focus the light emitted from the darker corners of the cosmos, thus making it seen, in similar manner psychedelics are helping us to focus the attention on our consciousness, magnifying it to a comprehensible size. 

By Guest Writer Sergey Baranov
Science Confirms Turmeric As Effective As 14 Drugs

Turmeric is one the most thoroughly researched plants in existence today. Its medicinal properties and components (primarily curcumin) have been the subject of over 5600 peer-reviewed biomedical studies. In fact, our 5-year long research project on this sacred plant has revealed over 600 potential therapeutic applications and 175 beneficial physiological effects. 

By Contributing Writer Sayer Ji
Ways to Improve Memory and Live Longer with Music

We intuitively know what scientists are now proving – that music helps you remember, get smarter, and live longer. Let’s take a look at how music helps us remember, how music is being used to rehabilitate the brain, and how it can lead to a longer, happier life. Plus, we've got two fun videos that will have you dancing in the aisles! 

By Contributing Writer Deane Alban
Epileptic Child Seizure Free Thanks to Cannabis Oil

A child in Oregon, Forrest Smelser, who has suffered from seizures brought on by epilepsy is reported to have been seizure-free for close to 9 weeks now, thanks to cannabis oil. Says Forrest's mother Tanesha, “I know it sounds scary, and I know it sounds unconventional, but it’s working”. 

By Guest Contributors Zach McAuliffe and Ben Swann
Top 5 Natural Antihistamines

There are many natural herbs that inhibit histamines in the body. Most natural antihistamines help to deter symptoms associated with an overactive immune system. They may also help quiet allergy symptoms such as itchy eyes, sinus congestion, and difficulty breathing. Here are the top 5 herbs which address some of the most common allergy symptoms. 

By Guest Writer Dr. Edward F. Group
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