Subject: Latest Headlines inc. The 3-Minute Ayuervedic Secret to Health and Longevity

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Wake Up World's Latest  Article Headlines
Astrology Update – Spiritual Reflection and The Final Mastery

We are experiencing some very contradictory energies right now, and this is causing chaos and confusion to arise. The influx of "GO!" energy we felt at the start of this year filled us with an incredible sense of excitement, motivation, and feeling of possibility. While that energetic surge is still being felt, this recent shift in energy has caused an internal feeling of confusion; and it is manifesting in both our physical and energetic bodies. This is now a time of self-mastery - we are being challenged to anchor into our daily reality the evolutionary reflection of our recent internal transformation. All the learning and preparation we have undertaken on a personal level now needs to be tested, integrated, manifested and mastered. We are the change! And change is afoot. 

By Contributing Writer Simon Vorster
Sleep Loss May Cause Brain Damage and Accelerate Onset of Alzheimer’s, Two New Studies Show

Could poor sleeping habits cause brain damage and even accelerate onset of Alzheimer's disease? According to recent research, the answer is yes on both accounts. 

By Guest Writer Dr. Joseph Mercola
The 3-Minute Ayuervedic Secret to Health and Longevity

When was the last time you had a really good look at your tongue? It’s normally something we take for granted. However, the appearance of the tongue is considered an important diagnostic tool in Eastern medicine. Alongside pulse, nail and facial diagnosis, experienced Ayurvedic practitioners use tongue analysis to detect health issues that may take years to show up on conventional medical tests. All the same, once we establish the basic gist of tongue mapping, it’s an easy enough practice to do on our own. 

By Contributing Writer Carolanne Wright
Extra Terrestrial Life – Hiding the Truth in Plain Sight

Hiding truth in plain sight is a favorite tactic of the elite. Twisting the truth into a joke or "science fiction" is a more effective strategy at shielding reality from an increasingly skeptical public than mere obfuscation or point blank denial. But, when it comes to ET intervention, there are thousands of credible sources, many of which come from hardened rational military men, who confirm that aliens do exist among us. Enough of us already know of the extraterrestrial presence on Earth, and that number is only going to increase as time goes by. 

By Guest Writer Makie Freeman
5 Ways Air Pollution is Destroying Your Health

You probably already know about some of the dangers that severe air pollution exposure can cause and how places like stoplights at intersections can increase your exposure to harmful air particles up to 29 times more than the open road. While these facts are startling, you probably don’t know about the almost invisible dangers. Namely the numerous diseases and cognitive issues now being linked to air pollution. Here we’ll get into five ways you’re letting air pollution destroy your health. 

By Guest Writer Dr. Edward Group
How to Really, Truly Surrender to the Divine

How I dealt with my divorce is just one of many miracles I’ve experienced since choosing to live from a place of deep surrender. After twelve years together, my husband and I made the difficult decision to divorce. For a while, we stayed in the same house to co-parent our daughter. But the time came when we had to face the uncomfortable realities of separating. Despite my highest best intentions, I witnessed my ego’s temper tantrums. I lost sight of creating a settlement to honor and respect the man I’d loved and instead focused on protecting myself. 

By Guest Writer Lissa Rankin MD
Waking Up From The Biggest Illusion In The World

Our life in this world begins when we are born, but we are not yet a personality. Only the simplicity and greatness of the present moment is known to us. The society and its culture is what shapes us into personalities while we grow up. We become a personality when our Ego is born, and as a result of the experience gathered, the Ego finally withdraws to give way to the process, awakening Consciousness to its own existence. The progress of this evolutionary process can, however, be impeded by an illusion: the illusion that the individual is becoming somebody, a personality. 

By Guest Writer Frank M. Wanderer
‘Gluten Brain’: Wheat Cuts Off Blood Flow To Frontal Cortex

As far back as 1954, reports of the full or partial resolution of schizophrenia following a gluten free diet began to surface in the medical literature. While the explanation for this intriguing connection has remained focused on the disruption of the gut-brain axis and the presence in wheat of a wide range of pharmacologically active and mostly opioid receptor modulating polypeptides, a new and possibly more disturbing explanation is beginning to surface: wheat consumption cuts off blood flow to the brain. 

By Contributing Writer Sayer Ji
Why Consciousness Expanding Plants are Feared and Deemed Illegal

As I imagine civilized society, it would be a place for the cultivation of consciousness, prosperity and peace – exactly opposite to what we see today. Instead, we are living in a world where nuclear plants are legal and real plants are not. So why are shamanic plants deemed illegal? 

By Guest Writer Sergey Baranov
Breaking Through Personal Limits with Conscious Self-Actualisation Groups

There is a mysterious element of order and wisdom that underpins the consciousness and energy of a group that gathers in sacred space. A powerful force is unleashed when ‘two or more' are gathered with a common intent. Requiring awareness of the self as well as others, the personal empowerment that can take place within conscious 'self-actualisation' groups can help you become more closely aligned with your true needs and inner voice. 

By Guest Writer Caroline Diana Bobart
Stages of Conscious Awakening

It is imperative that we awaken from mundane awareness into full spiritual remembrance of who we are. The common understanding of what it means to be “awake” disguises the truth, which is that despite walking around with eyes open, people tend to nonetheless be hypnotized, dimly conscious, sleepwalking, daydreaming, or in a state of trance. The conscious core of the individual is absent or passive, blowing like a leaf in the winds of environmental stimuli. 

By Guest Writer Montalk
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