Subject: Latest Headlines inc. Tired of Being a Negativity Sponge? 12 Ways to Prevent Energy Infiltration and Reclaim Your Energy

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The Latest Headlines
The Patriarch Distortion: Breaking Into Enlightenment

In moving towards Enlightenment, there is often the sense of something much bigger supporting and guiding us. And it can feel so benevolent, so caring and so patriarchal when it's there, that there often grows an incredible craving for it. However, as you move deeper and deeper into presence, closer and closer to the Source within yourself, there'll come the point where your soul yearns to drop into it. You actually become 'the father' so to speak. Hence, paradoxically, the 'father' must disappear and the sense of external guidance cease. It must all come from within. And this can be a very lonely place... at first. 

By Contributing Writer Open
Eliminate Stress with Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is the use of essential plant oils to improve well being. The oils are often placed in diffusers and allowed to permeate the air. It’s a practice that’s been used for centuries to address psychological and other issues. Ancient Egyptians employed the use of essential oils and other plant substances for massages, bathing, and healing. One of the major uses of aromatherapy in the US is for stress management. 

By Guest Writer Dr Edward Group
Tired of Being a Negativity Sponge? 12 Ways to Prevent Energy Infiltration and Reclaim Your Energy

Do you ever find yourself taking on the negative energy of others? If so, you are not alone. Some of us cannot even go into supermarkets without taking on the woes of everyone in the store! So why is it so easy for others to affect us in negative ways? What if you could reclaim your energy and not be negatively affected by anyone’s lower vibe? What could this do for the quality of your life and your relationships? In order to shield ourselves from negative energy, we must first understand how our energy is infiltrated by others.

By Contributing Writer Nanice Ellis
What Would Love Do?

He broke your heart, violated your trust, betrayed your confidence, ignored your needs, and disrespected you. When you tell your friends, they shake their heads, clucking, shaming. You’re better off without him. He doesn’t deserve you. You feel righteous when you kick him to the curb. You did the right thing, they all say. But deep down, there’s hurt underneath the anger. And beneath the hurt lies Something Larger, something that understands why he did it, something you’d have to reckon with if you acknowledged it. So you stick to your story, ignoring what lies beyond it. You have to protect yourself, after all. But I ask you this. What would Love do? 

By Guest Writer Lissa Rankin MD
Does Happiness Lie Within?

I’m a great admirer of positive psychology, which has been a fantastic corrective to the traditional ‘disease model’ of psychology and provided an extremely helpful examination of the different factors that constitute human well-being. According to Martin Seligman’s PERMA model, for example, the five main elements of a life of flourishing and well-being are positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning and accomplishment. However, I think there is one important aspect of human well-being which positive psychology has largely ignored: inner or 'spiritual' well-being. 

By Guest Writer Steve Taylor Ph.D
9 Things To Do to Prepare for Hard Times Ahead

Most Prepper types that I know appear to have a common trait: they are good at evaluating risks then moving to mitigate those risks in a nimble manner. What that means, in somewhat plainer English, is they have the ability to evaluate a situations, make a plan, learn from it, and ultimately act in a responsible manner. Along those lines, more recently I have done some personal analysis and put more focus on what I call “hard times ahead”. With my disaster preps more or less in order, I want to ensure that my own household will get through a period of difficulty when, for instance, there is not enough food, work, or money to go around. Are you ready for hard times? Here are 9 things you can do now. 

By Contributing Writer Gaye Levy
Chemtrails and the Nuclear Connection

Mounting evidence shows that chemtrail and nuclear experiments are pumping into our atmosphere everything from biological material to nano sized metallic particulate, the latter of which becomes ionized by sunlight, altering it into an electrically charged gas that responds strongly to electromagnetic fields produced by Wifi, HAARP and cell-tower technologies. So the question must be asked: are these programs related? And how? 

By Contributing Writers Ethan Indigo Smith & WuW Co-Founder Andy Whiteley

Dr Max Gerson, who in 1938 made a discovery that his safe natural treatment for cancer patients held enormous promise. He was getting people well by using something that could not be patented – vegetables!! 

By Guest writer Dr. Dennis Antoine.
Research Confirms Sweating Detoxifies Dangerous Metals, Petrochemicals

Research is revealing something remarkable about why the body sweats. Beyond its obvious role in regulating body temperature, sweating has been found to facilitate the elimination of accumulated heavy metals and petrochemicals, indicating that if we want to be healthy we should put regular effort into doing more sweating. 

By Contributing Writer Sayer Ji
1001 Benefits of Transcending

For the past five years, myself and a couple of colleagues have been going into major US state prisons and teaching inmates how to transcend into the realm of Pure Consciousness. Simultaneously, we help conduct scientific research on the effects of regular transcendence on the criminal mind. According to our offender rehabilitation research, just 16 weeks of transcending is enough to begin a major reordering of the criminal brain to a style of functioning that dramatically supports pro-social thinking and behavior. 

By Guest Writer Blaze Compton
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