Subject: Latest Headlines inc. Are Apricot Seeds Dangerous? Or Are They A Cure For Cancer?

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The Latest Headlines
The Importance of a Kidney Cleansing Diet

The importance of maintaining a kidney cleansing diet cannot be overemphasized. Healthy kidneys are essential to a variety of body functions. Your kidneys help detoxify your blood by removing toxic compounds and passing them out through the urine. If blood cleansing becomes impeded, toxins can remain and circulate throughout the body to cause harm. Choosing a diet that naturally supports your kidneys will help keep them functioning at their best. 

By Guest Writer Dr. Edward F. Group

The Ego-dominated mind plays its games in daily life, and creates the characters and scenarios necessary for the games. At the beginning of our journey, we identify with these scenarios. The scenarios provide us with the sense of a solid identity. In the course of our journey leading to Consciousness, we must examine the scenarios, these conditioned thought-patterns. But let us first examine some of our most extensive mind games that are rooted deepest. 

By Frank M. Wanderer Ph.D
Are Apricot Seeds Dangerous? Or Are They A Cure For Cancer?

The issue with apricot seeds is that they contain cyanide. Given this sentence alone, one would have to be a bit “off their rocker” to eat anything that contains cyanide, which of course is toxic. No need to know anymore on this subject, right? Well, that’s exactly what the AMA, FDA and pharmaceutical companies are counting on. They count on you succumbing to their toxic chemo treatments and they expect you to pay the cost. Let’s understand the truth regarding the toxicity of apricot seeds (laetrile) and see if the AMA, FDA and pharmaceutical companies are giving you the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. 

By Contributing Writer Dr. Michelle Kmiec
A Time of Revelation

I don’t know about you but the schism between truth and lies seems to be widening pretty drastically lately with a lot of confusion and disorientation sewn into the mix. Just recently I’ve seen friends facing personal upheavals, con jobs, personal attacks from very strange quarters, new and very revealing understandings of personal perspectives and relationships, and just about everything, for myself as well. It’s like we’re viewing the perceived world as being fractured into shards of broken off new perspectives to be grasped and understood, making the big picture that much more lucid. If we connect the dots....... 

By contributing writer Zen Gardner
The Immaculate Perception – Pristine Consciousness and The Mind

The role of pristine consciousness is to discern all of life’s challenges and to simultaneously act. However, it did not foresee that most of its perceptions were that of mind’s intrusion into the discernment process. When the pristine consciousness responds to the challenges of daily living, that action does not cancel from mind (the memory-senses complex) its stored recordings of those events. The experiences of past events remain with the body. For the most part, consciousness is presently responding to the images of mind and its desires. 

By Guest Writer Harry Kruger
The Gravitational Pull Of Love

The most widely sought after experience in the world is happiness. Some call it love, joy, source, contentment, completion, God, the cure, peace, healing, or nirvana. Everything in the world gravitates towards love, and through its unifying force, love unites all things. What seems berserk is finally stumbling upon the ultimate truth that the love we are all seeking is our own and we have it now. There is nothing for us to do, no process to undergo. The search for love is over. 

By Contributing Writer Carmen Allgood
The Power of Silence

The human race has stamped its authority over the planet not just by covering its surface with concrete and destroying its plant and animal life, but also by burying the natural sounds of the Earth beneath a cacophony of man-made noise; the roar of cars, aeroplanes and trains, the clanging of machinery, the noise of building, the chatter of radios and TVs, and pop music blaring from every conceivable place. But it’s not just the noise outside us which causes us problems, it's also the noise inside us. So, in our modern world, it’s essential we cultivate silence ourselves. 

By Guest Writer Steve Taylor, Ph.D
The Inevitability of Peaceful Revolution

Though the mainstream media desperately tries to continue the facade that all is well among the status quo, reality has cracked open the illusion and has spread everywhere it’s seeds of truth, freedom, equality and peace. What we are now living through and witnessing is the sprouting of a new society. People are rethinking and questioning the way things are done. We are seeing many people’s hearts and minds shifting. We are seeing tyranny, cover-ups and false flags exposed. And more importantly, we are seeing movements converging that offer solutions to these issues the world faces. 

By Guest Writer Lance Schuttler
Stories In Your Head – When They Help and When They Don’t

The stories we have about one another can be dangerous. Many of these stories are generated by emotional triggers, which generate our beliefs, causing us to bias our view and twist information to support our bias. Or, we just conveniently miss what is communicated, or assume we know what is meant, when in fact, something completely different has been communicated. The important thing, therefore, is to be aware of the stories and beliefs we carry, especially our untrue stories. 

By Contributing Writer Jack Adam Weber
Confessions of a Control Freak – and Why We Should Let Go!

I never would have admitted this years ago, but I was a control freak. Like all control freaks, I thought I knew best and I constantly attempted to persuade others to my way of thinking and feeling. It is not fun to be controlling, because the more we try to control, the more life gives us things to control – which, of course, in the end we cannot control – until whatever it is that we try to control, imprisons us.

By Contributing Writer Nanice Ellis
The Diabetes World Summit
387 million people in the world have diabetes, and nearly half of them don’t know it. In the United States alone, type 2 diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death. The statistics are alarming, especially for a disease we’ve proven can be prevented and reversed!

Have you been diagnosed with diabetes, told you’re pre-diabetic, have a family history of diabetes or want to prevent the disease? 

The Diabetes World Summit is FREE online from March 23 – March 30, 2015.

With 40 expert presentations revealing the intimate secrets for losing weight, getting fit, eating right, overcoming stress, managing and reversing diabetes, you don’t want to miss this event… it could save your life or the life of someone you know.

Better yet, if you register today, you’ll have access to the following FREE GIFTS as soon as you register!

Free Gift #1: Best Of The 2014 Summit Recipe Book (PDF Download) from The 2014 Diabetes World Summit, a collection of amazing, low carb, diabetes-friendly recipes from our 2014 Diabetes World Summit speakers.

Free Gift #2: Do Calories Matter? (Audio-only presentation) with Cassie Bjork, RD

Free Gift #3: Reversing Type 2 Diabetes with an Optimal Diet and Lifestyle (Audio-only presentation) with Dr. Josh Axe

The Diabetes World Summit (ONLINE and FREE) from March 23-30, 2015!

Register for FREE at the today

Would you like to make some money and help promote this event? Click here for more details
Let’s End the Story of Separation In 2015

As we embark upon the journey of 2015, I am dreaming of a world in which we remember, as the indigenous people do, that our Story of Separation is only an illusion, that we are all connected, not just to other people, but to the plants, the animals, the mountains and rivers and oceans, that we cannot harm one another, we cannot violate nature, without directly harming ourselves. What would a world governed by our certainty of Oneness be like? 

By Guest Writer Lissa Rankin MD
The Powerful Aspirin Alternative that Grows on Trees

Aspirin's long held promises are increasingly falling flat. A natural, safer and more effective alternative to this synthetic drug has been known about for at least 15 years! 

By Contributing Writer Sayer Ji
You Don’t Have to Be a Zen Buddhist Monk to Meditate

Meditation is the key to unlocking certain areas of the brain that help us become more intuitive, imaginative, creative, and better connected to the universe. But you don't have to be a Zen Buddhist Monk to meditate.

 By Guest Writer Kurtis Lee Thomas
Thought-Provoking Quantum Experiments Show Reality is Only an Illusion

Physicists have learned to predict phenomena based on quantum calculations, but it is still unclear why the observer of an experiment affects the behavior of the system they observe. Here are some examples of experiments with outcomes influenced by observation, which show how quantum mechanics deals with the intervention of conscious thought in material our reality. 

By Guest Writer Josh Richardson
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