Subject: Latest Headlines inc. Study Shows Exposure to Animals in Early Childhood Supports Immune Development

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Wake Up World's Latest  Article Headlines
No matter how you choose to celebrate this time of year we trust that you are safe, happy and with loved ones. It has been an amazing year for the Wake Up World & its ever growing community. We want to send love and gratitude to YOU! For without YOU, none of this would be possible. 

We look forward to a very bright 2016 as we continue to grow further…. Together 


Ryan and Andy
Manifest-ology: The 7 Steps to Manifestation! (Which One Are You Missing?)

Many will say that the law of attraction doesn’t work, and this is very true – if you don’t possess all the key components necessary for success. 

By Contributing Writer Nanice Ellis
The Buteyko Method: How This Simple Breathing Technique Can Radically Transform Health.

It's well known among elite athletes that training in a high altitude environment improves physical performance. They take in less oxygen, which forces the body to increase its capacity and utilization. With this in mind, Dr. Konstantin Buteyko invented a breathing method that provides the same health benefits — without having to leave the couch. 

By Contributing Writer Carolanne Wright
Study Shows Exposure to Animals in Early Childhood Supports Immune Development

A recent study from the University of Eastern Finland suggests that exposure to farm animals in early childhood may play an important role in the development of a healthy immune system. Is it time to stop being afraid of ‘germs’? 

By Contributing Writer Christina Lavers
7 Things Ridiculed By Conventional Science – But Which Are Said To Be True.

Science is great for distinguishing fact from pure fiction, however certain indoctrinated scientists have a habit of turning scientific principles, theories and tenets into ‘indisputable facts’ – in spite of evidence to the contrary. Here are 7 things ridiculed by conventional science but which are said to be true. 

By Guest Writer Paul A. Philips
With Everything at Stake, What Really Matters?

It’s amazing how the big questions in life are pushed to the end of the line. Sure everyone wonders about the “big stuff” on and off, but our lives are too preoccupied with other issues that we’ve been told are more pressing and important – when they’re nothing of the sort. 

By Contributing Writer Zen Gardner
Common Nature, Common Origins – The Philosophy and Practice of Oneness

What if every cell in your body decided to act on its own, and consume as much nutrients and energy as it can – even more than it needs? Soon some parts of your body will get sick, and that will damage the health of the whole body, including those greedy cells. This is the situation humanity finds itself in today, as most people pursue their own desires at whatever cost... 

By Guest Writer Giovanni Dienstmann
Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes and Moths Ready to Spread Like Wildfire.

While countries around the globe are still assessing the risks (and experiencing the environmental backlash) of genetically engineered plants, biotech companies have moved on to their next targets – insects. 

By Guest Writer Dr. Joseph Mercola
Fascinating New Study Shows How Emotions Are Mapped On The Human Body

Even though we are often consciously aware of our current emotional state, the mechanisms giving rise to these subjective sensations have remained largely unresolved. But Finnish scientists have for the first time mapped areas of the body activated by each emotion, following a study of 700 volunteers from 3 countries. 

By Guest Writer Michael Forrester
11:11 – Have You Been Seeing These Numbers Everywhere?

How many of you have had the 11:11 experience? Several years ago, I had heard nothing of planetary awakening of consciousness, For weeks, and eventually months, I found myself just happening to glance at the clock at 11:11 a.m. or p.m. Also 1:11. I’m not a clock-watcher, so this struck me as an odd coincidence. What does it mean?? 

By guest writer Linda Lubin
Can a Hug a Day Keep Infection Away?

If you’ve ever needed an excuse for more hugging, let it be this: a 10-second hug a day can lead to biochemical and physiological reactions in your body that can significantly improve your health. Hugging also increases levels of the “love hormone” oxytocin which, in turn, may have beneficial effects on your heart health and more. Interestingly, past research has similarly found that positive emotions – including being happy, lively, and calm – also appear to play a role in immune function.

By Guest Writer Dr. Joseph Mercola
Binaural Beats: A Meditative Gateway to Altered States of Consciousness

For years, I grappled with these rules I believed surrounded meditation which kept me from achieving the insight I was seeking.Eventually, I came to understand it wasn’t always an empty mind that was necessarily the effective component for growth and expansion in my meditations, but the peaceful, uncontrolled viewing of the visualizations that ebbed and flowed through my mind. 

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