Subject: Latest Headlines inc. Fruits and Vegetables Reaching an Alarming State of Nutrient Depletion

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Wake Up World's Latest  Article Headlines
Healing a Mind Divided

By identifying real intelligence only as abstract thinking (the quality we measure when we test someone’s IQ), we center our sense of self in the head, where abstract thinking is experienced. This disconnects us from the world to which only the body’s intelligence can attune us… 

By guest writer Philip Shepherd
Fruits and Vegetables Reaching an Alarming State of Nutrient Depletion

Our ancestors who foraged for wild foods did not live nearly as long as we do, but growing evidence suggests that they were much less likely to die from degenerative diseases. Why? Donald Davis, a now-retired biochemist at the University of Texas, compared the nutrients in U.S. crops from 1950 and 2009, and found notable declines in nutrients in various fruits and vegetables… 

By guest writer Marco Torres
Getting the Idea of Government and Political Authority Out of Your Mind

Even a cursory examination shows that, if a normal person acted like Government, they would be characterized as cunning, secretive and manipulative, and either be diagnosed as insane, or locked up as a danger to society, or both. So why do people allow and consent to such a situation? 

By contributing writer Makia Freeman 
Awe and Mystery as Food for the Soul

Mystery tends to offend the cognitive mind because it’s not explainable, and we get scared of things we can’t explain. Yet life is filled with mystery... 

By Guest Writer Lissa Rankin MD
Type 2 Diabetes Risk Increases 25% from Drinking 1 Soda a Day ... and Other Surprising Soda Facts

Here are 21 surprising soda facts that might make you re-consider that daily can of soft drink. 

By guest writer Elisha McFarland ND 
The Golden Rule: A Lesson in Oneness Throughout the Ages

We are all part of the same whole and any one thing we do to someone else, we are doing to ourselves. This is where global consciousness becomes a relevant topic… 

By Guest Writer Paul Lenda 
Free Heath Summits
The Microbiome Medicine Summit
Did you know that your body is filled with bacteria? According to research we are 50% bacteria! These trillions of organisms (known collectively as the microbiome) live all over our bodies and have a profound influence on our health. But what do you know about your microbiome? Understanding your microbiome is vitally important to understanding how to live a healthy life! This is especially true for people suffering from chronic diseases of the heart and digestive system, autoimmune disease, diabetes, thyroid disorders and more.


Raphael Kellman, MD, created The Microbiome Medicine Summit to present ground-breaking information and a whole new perspective that could help you improve your emotional and physical wellbeing!

30+ Free Presentations On Growing Your Own Food & Medicine Sustainably In Your Back Yard

Here’s just a few things you can expect to learn during the Home Grown Food Summit an Empowering FREE Global Event:

- How organic gardeners produce 2X to 10X greater yields.
- How to spend $0 feeding your chickens.
- Guide to MAKING $80 worth of compost per week.
- Legally keeping chickens and goats in the city.
- Natural beekeeping… how to do it WITHOUT chemicals!
- Raising your own superior eggs, milk, and meat… in your backyard.
- How to get FREE access to local seed varieties.
- The BEST species of worms for backyard composting.
- Instant solutions for growing food-without land.
- 24 herbals you can use to treat colds, flus, allergies, infections, and more.
- Protect yourself as a small-scale farmer from the 5 MOST COMMON law suits.
- Understand the Cottage Food Laws (CFLs) that regulate food production on your property.

How WHOLE Turmeric Heals the Damaged Brain

Long considered impossible to accomplish, new research reveals how a simple spice might contribute to the regeneration of the damaged brain. 

By Contributing Writer Sayer Ji. 
Binaural Beats: A Meditative Gateway to Altered States of Consciousness

For years, I grappled with these rules I believed surrounded meditation which kept me from achieving the insight I was seeking.Eventually, I came to understand it wasn’t always an empty mind that was necessarily the effective component for growth and expansion in my meditations, but the peaceful, uncontrolled viewing of the visualizations that ebbed and flowed through my mind. 

By Polly Anne Rice
50% of the World’s Wildlife Gone in Just 2 Human Generations

Were you aware that in the last two human generations alone, we have lost over 50% of the planet's wildlife? Staggering isn't it. And when the eco-systems completely go, then we completely go too. When you add this staggering wildlife information to the fact that since the industrial revolution over half the planet's trees have also gone, you have to wonder: How sustainable do you think this current situation on Planet Earth really is? And how might that inspire your commitment to spiritual evolution? 

By Contributing Writer Openhand
Study Shows Exposure to Animals in Early Childhood Supports Immune Development

A recent study from the University of Eastern Finland suggests that exposure to farm animals in early childhood may play an important role in the development of a healthy immune system. Is it time to stop being afraid of ‘germs’? 

By Contributing Writer Christina Lavers 
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