Subject: Latest Headlines inc. Escaping the Matrix of Depression – The Truth About Depression Shall Set You Free

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Wake Up World's Latest  Article Headlines
Can Cannabis Enhance Our Spiritual Awareness?

For many people, natural psychedelics like cannabis enhance relaxation and their sense of spirituality. Ironically, the spiritual and recreational user that abuses cannabis could, in fact, make life much worse and the spiritual path much harder. 

By Guest Writer Wes Annac
Stevia Kills Lyme Disease Pathogen Better Than Antibiotics (Preclinical Study)

Lyme disease is exceedingly difficult to treat due to its well-known shape-shifting (pleomorphic) abilities, with conventional antibiotics often failing to produce a long-term cure. Could the commonly used natural plant Stevia provide a safer, and more effective means to combat this increasingly prevalent infection? 

By Contributing Writer Sayer Ji
Escaping the Matrix of Depression – The Truth About Depression Shall Set You Free

If life is meant to be joyful, why are we faced with a global pandemic of depression? The combination of 7 intense years as a crisis counselor in New York, plus 20 years as a Life Coach allows me to offer you this insight – the truth about depression – and when you finally understand it, you will have the power to free yourself from the invisible prison of disempowerment. 

By Contributing Writer Nanice Ellis
Healing With Color: Enhance Your Well-Being With Color Therapy

Color therapy is a form of healing and therapy that utilizes different colors to bring about certain intended and desired effects. It is a holistic, non-invasive and powerful therapy which dates back thousands of years, evidence of which can be found in ancient texts from countries such as India, China and Egypt. 

By Guest Writer Paul Lenda. 
Realm Dynamics: The Relationship Between Consciousness and Experience

Since each living thing is uniquely conscious, each living thing carries a unique vibratory signature. ‘Realm dynamics’ is the study of how vibrations influence experience, and how experience influences vibration. 

By Guest Writer Montalk
Group Learning (Not Teacher-Led Discussion) Makes Children Better Decision-Makers

Although schools are focused on standardisation, uniformity and teacher-led activity, a recent study published in the American Educational Research Journal shows that children who participate in collaborative group work become better decision-makers than their peers who learn the same curriculum through teacher-led discussions. Is it time for a new direction in schools? 

By contributing writer Christina Lavers 
Free Heath Summits
The Microbiome Medicine Summit
Did you know that your body is filled with bacteria? According to research we are 50% bacteria! These trillions of organisms (known collectively as the microbiome) live all over our bodies and have a profound influence on our health. But what do you know about your microbiome? Understanding your microbiome is vitally important to understanding how to live a healthy life! This is especially true for people suffering from chronic diseases of the heart and digestive system, autoimmune disease, diabetes, thyroid disorders and more.


Raphael Kellman, MD, created The Microbiome Medicine Summit to present ground-breaking information and a whole new perspective that could help you improve your emotional and physical wellbeing!

30+ Free Presentations On Growing Your Own Food & Medicine Sustainably In Your Back Yard

Here’s just a few things you can expect to learn during the Home Grown Food Summit an Empowering FREE Global Event:

- How organic gardeners produce 2X to 10X greater yields.
- How to spend $0 feeding your chickens.
- Guide to MAKING $80 worth of compost per week.
- Legally keeping chickens and goats in the city.
- Natural beekeeping… how to do it WITHOUT chemicals!
- Raising your own superior eggs, milk, and meat… in your backyard.
- How to get FREE access to local seed varieties.
- The BEST species of worms for backyard composting.
- Instant solutions for growing food-without land.
- 24 herbals you can use to treat colds, flus, allergies, infections, and more.
- Protect yourself as a small-scale farmer from the 5 MOST COMMON law suits.
- Understand the Cottage Food Laws (CFLs) that regulate food production on your property.

A Lesson In Empathy

The woman who cut you off in traffic just filed for divorce from her abusive husband. The barista who has been schlepping espresso to fund her dream just found out the book she spent five years writing got rejected by yet another publisher. The waiter who forgot to bring you extra salad dressing just lost his son in a car accident. The young boy acting out in the restaurant just found out Daddy is going to war. As Rev. John Watson said, “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle”. 

By Guest Writer Lissa Rankin MD
Medicinal Mushrooms – Ancient Knowledge, Modern Healing

Science is showing that medicinal mushrooms, used in ancient cultures, are capable of slowing ageing, reducing heart disease risk, disrupting tumour growth, stabilising cholesterol and blood sugar, protecting the kidneys and liver, improving respiration and circulation and increasing sexual function. But where medical mushrooms really excel is immune system modulation. 

By Guest Writer Gavin Bragg. 
9 Health Risks To Avoid

Many of these habits are not only completely accepted by our society and typically viewed as risk free, but are extremely common as well. 

By Guest Writer Dr Mercola
Plastic-Eating Mushroom Discovered in the Amazon Rainforest — A Solution for Our Trash Saturated World?

Plastic has proven itself to be exceedingly toxic for the planet and its inhabitants. We’re drowning in the stuff and it doesn’t look like our reliance on the material will end anytime in the near future. Radical solutions are needed — and soon. Recently, a team of students discovered what very well may be part of the answer: a plastic-eating fungus. 

By Contributing Writer Carolanne Wright 
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