Subject: Latest Headlines inc. Prominent U.S. Scientist Sounds The Alarm On Geoengineering

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The Latest Headlines
Matter vs. Spirit – A Guide to Participating in the Greatest Debate Ever

Since humanity’s conception, we have been split into two debating parties: Materialism vs. Idealism, or Atheism vs. Religion. Or put another way, Matter vs. Spirit. The western world gathered so much momentum in its scientific prowess that in a relatively short period of time, it essentially replaced religion as the standard for truth. But then quantum physics came along which completely undermined the certainty that classical physics offered. So when you’re confronted with a person who advocates for the out-dated materialist philosophy, keep in mind the following points to ensure you engage them in a way they’ll understand. 

By Guest Writer Phil Watt
The Beast of Burden – Illusion and Deception on the Path of Enlightenment

The Earth is a living entity and an intricate, diverse web of all kinds of systems. As an invited guest, we live as a part of her ecosystem. We are made of her elements and we are occupants of her Body and Heart. She is, quite literally, the key to everything in our known universe. Yet in our illusory existence, we have come to put a “price tag” on Mother Earth, and on ourselves, all the while forgetting she is the giver of our Life... and she can shake us off like a flea at any moment. 

By Contributing Writer Jennifer Deisher
Prominent U.S. Scientist Sounds The Alarm On Geoengineering

J. Marvin Herndon, Ph.D is an interdisciplinary scientist of considerable notoriety. Dr. Herndon contacted me recently to express his growing concerns about the climate engineering assault - the constant toxic aerosol spraying of our planet - and the obvious human health and environmental ramifications we all face from this contamination. His recent letter to authorities is provided herein. May his outspokenness be an example to others in the science community. 

By Guest Writer Dane Wigington
The Growing Global Water Crisis

It is absolutely NOT my purpose to spread fear with regards to the very challenging situation Humanity is beginning to face. Quite the contrary, in confronting the truth of what's really going on, we can confront those limiting fears that may hold back our evolution. Living in some kind of la la land, simply does not work in the long run. Gaia is moving on, into the Higher Paradigm, something that's going to increasingly affect us all moving forwards. 

By Contributing Writer Openhand
Upping Your Self-Love Quotient Literally Changes Your Life!

In these times of deep, significant spiritual awakening and shifts, where you have a wealth of information and resources available at your fingertips, it has probably never been easier to identify, honour and support your inner journey towards wholeness, healing and becoming a more aligned version of yourself. But for all your searching, trying, and trusting in the promise of the vastly improved life that beckons, it is imperative you realise the mysterious ingredient that calls your REAL self forward as the protagonist on your journey is Self-Love. 

By Guest Writer Caroline Diana Bobart
Fennel ‘Digestion Aid’ Tea Recipe with Ginger and Lemon Verbena

Digestion is a fascinating topic. Healthy digestion is essential for optimal wellness; without it we don’t absorb the nutrients from our food; we end up de-energised, under-the-weather and at worst, develop chronic illness as the digestive systems fails to delivery what is necessary to repair, maintain and uphold our day to day health. This recipe is for a digestion-supporting tea, using one of my favourite homemade blends. You can find these dried or fresh herbs in good health food stores or a traditional herbal apothecary. Better still, if you can, then grow your own. 

By Contributing Writer Trinity Bourne
Personal Alchemy: The Power of Individuals Over Institutions

As a culture, we have collectively sacrificed our sense of personal connection in favor of the perceived structural 'security' of spiritually-disconnected collectivism. We are, in essence, living for the city. Postmodern cities as a whole are anti-natural constructs; the metaphorical "concrete jungle". The body is there, but the soul is missing. So, how do we step away from the mediation and control of institutions and reclaim our personal sovereignty? 

By Contributing Writer Ethan Indigo Smith
Meeting All Of Life With Love

Is meeting every person, experience and situation in your life from a place of Love really possible? How do we activate this Love within us so profoundly that it becomes our dominant reality with all people and situations? There are infinite pathways to remembering and experiencing ourselves as Love. Here are a few suggestions that I have found to be very powerful.

By Guest Writer Lisa Young
The Diabetes World Summit
387 million people in the world have diabetes, and nearly half of them don’t know it. In the United States alone, type 2 diabetes is the 7th leading cause of death. The statistics are alarming, especially for a disease we’ve proven can be prevented and reversed!

Have you been diagnosed with diabetes, told you’re pre-diabetic, have a family history of diabetes or want to prevent the disease? 

The Diabetes World Summit is FREE online from March 23 – March 30, 2015.

With 40 expert presentations revealing the intimate secrets for losing weight, getting fit, eating right, overcoming stress, managing and reversing diabetes, you don’t want to miss this event… it could save your life or the life of someone you know.

Better yet, if you register today, you’ll have access to the following FREE GIFTS as soon as you register!

Free Gift #1: Best Of The 2014 Summit Recipe Book (PDF Download) from The 2014 Diabetes World Summit, a collection of amazing, low carb, diabetes-friendly recipes from our 2014 Diabetes World Summit speakers.

Free Gift #2: Do Calories Matter? (Audio-only presentation) with Cassie Bjork, RD

Free Gift #3: Reversing Type 2 Diabetes with an Optimal Diet and Lifestyle (Audio-only presentation) with Dr. Josh Axe

The Diabetes World Summit (ONLINE and FREE) from March 23-30, 2015!

Register for FREE at the today

Would you like to make some money and help promote this event? Click here for more details
Lung Cleansing With Peppermint Oil

Peppermint oil is a versatile aromatic oil widely used for various ailments including indigestion, headache, and muscle aches. Found in gum, mints, mouthwash, and many other products, peppermint oil is a powerful cleanser derived from the plant which is native to Europe and has been popular with herbalists for centuries before current appreciation by the scientific and medical community.

By Guest Writer Dr Edward Group
Health Benefits of Drinking Lemon Water (Particularly in the Morning)

Drinking vitamin C rich lemon water helps your gut by stimulating the production of hydrochloric acid, a critical ingredient needed by our stomach to digest and expel waste. Lemon is known to neutralize free-radicals in our body, and helps greatly in balancing our body’s pH levels (more on that below). And there are plenty more benefits that I want to share with you too. 

By Guest Writer Garrick Dee
Pineal Activation, Solar Gazing and DNA Recoding

The pineal gland is the center for receiving the rays of sunlight, which once received are shot in different directions of the body. Also, it is the receiver of crown energy, which holds an incredible amount of information about your past, who you are as a soul, your future, your evolution.

By Contributing Writer Indra
21 Home Remedies for a Toothache Emergency

Most of us have made some provision for first aid care in the event of a disaster or other emergency. But how many of us have prepared for a dental emergency? When a dental emergency occurs, it is time to turn to some tried and and true home remedies that will mean the difference between suffering in pain or simply dealing with a mild annoyance. 

By Contributing Writer Gaye Levy
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