Subject: Latest Headlines inc. Apple Cider Vinegar – 23 Research Backed Benefits (11 is a must read)

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The Latest Headlines
A Green Revolution: Eco-Friendly Technologies That Can Solve Our Energy Crisis

In first world countries, we usually do not give much thought to our energy needs until it’s disrupted through the weather or another uncontrollable event. All in all, we generally take for granted our carbon footprint each time we flip the switch for light in our homes, businesses and schools. And yet, lighting “consumes about 19% of the world’s electric power, more than all nuclear and hydroelectric plants can produce together,” asserts Grant Feller of the World Economic Forum. 

It takes 714 pounds of coal to power a 100-watt light bulb for a year. Here’s how we can end the madness. 

By Contributing Writer Carolanne Wright.
The Equinox, New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse in Pisces – Illumination and Re-Integration

The recent Equinox and New Moon in Pisces brought with it an incredibly powerful pattern of energy. This New Moon was perfectly aligned with a Solar Eclipse in Pisces at 29' 27''. As soon as this formation happened, the Sun and Moon transitioned into the constellations Aries catapulting us into the new a direction. These vibrational patterns reflected illumination (Pisces) which we will now anchor into our collective evolution through integration (Aries). It is time for the re-integration of your multidimensional self into the world. 

By Contributing Writer Simon Vorster
The REAL Truth Behind Sugar

Sugar, as most people think of sugar, is actually a very different product than sugar in the raw. It looks a lot like bamboo and is actually considered a type of grass – called sugarcane. Our palates love its sweet taste, and physiologically this makes sense since our primary source of energy comes from glucose. For that reason, natural sugarcane has been used for thousands of years as a source of energy by many cultures. Were all these early cultures just naïve as to the negative health effects of this giant sweet grass? Or is it possible that we are the ones who are naïve? 

By Contributing Writer Dr. Michelle Kmiec.
Apple Cider Vinegar – 23 Research Backed Benefits (11 is a must read)

Apple Cider Vinegar has a plethora of useful and medicinal properties being loaded with vitamins, minerals and amino acids. The word vinegar translates to vin aigre, which is french for “sour wine”. MD’s during the 18th century used it as a multi purpose treatment for ailments like dropsy, stomach ache and even for managing diabetes. In fact, Hippocrates used vinegar to treat seventeen different conditions ranging from ulcers to fractures. 

By Guest Writer Chantelle Zakariasen.
The 7 Best Herbs for Women’s Health

Herbs are widely used by many people all over the world, mostly by those seeking alternatives or adjuncts to traditional pharmaceuticals. While no one herb will solve every health issue, scientific data exists to show specific chemicals within certain herbs have the power to affect biological function. Herbs for women’s health been researched extensively over the past few decades, with many showing promise for improving libido, supporting energy levels, and elevating mood. 

By Guest Writer Dr Edward Group
Reclaiming The Self – Is Your Sense Of Self An Illusion?

If there is one concept which has been under constant attack by psychologists and philosophers over the last few decades, it is the idea of ‘you’ – that you are a real entity or ‘self’. Many modern philosophers and scientists suggest that this sense of being ‘someone’ is illusory, or just a simple product of brain activity such as memory, concentration and attention. But there are many problems with the attempt to ‘reduce’ our sense of self to brain activity - in particular, explaining the origins of conscious experience. 

By Guest Writer Steve Taylor Ph.D
Keeping The Seven Chakras Healthy

Chakras are literally the body's etheric energy centers that bring through and interpret the creative energy of the higher realms. Keeping our chakras healthy is as important as keeping our physical bodies healthy, and as our collective vibration continues to rise, more people will become aware of the chakras, and the necessity to treat them respectfully and maintain a strong, clear connection to the energy they bring through. So here I’ll discuss each chakra and give a few accompanying paragraphs about what we can do to keep it healthy and flowing. 

By Guest Writer Wes Annac

Beneath our hankering for happiness is our desire for fulfillment, and fulfillment is all about meaning, purpose, and giving the best of ourselves. Yet, if we don’t recognize the trap that enduring selfishness can only make us happy to a certain point, then we may never know anything more than fleeting pleasures. We want to cultivate the best of our most unique selves so we can give it away! This way, we not only help others but feel even better ourselves. 

By Contributing Writer Jack Adam Weber
Conscious Commitment – Why Relationships Fail and How to Make Them Work!

I Have you ever considered that perhaps we are too quick to make commitments of the heart? Somehow we have gotten it into our heads that love requires commitment, and if there is no commitment, then it is not real love. But with uncountable divorces and break ups, maybe we should just stop for a moment and take a closer look at the concept of commitment. Is true commitment about staying together come “hell or high water”? Or is it being present with each other, and staying present in whatever may come? 

By Contributing Writer Nanice Ellis
10 Signs You’ve Found Your Calling

How can you tell if you’ve found your calling? As a doctor who was called to medicine at a young age but then wound up disillusioned by the system, questioning my calling, I’ve asked myself this question a lot. 

By Guest Writer Lissa Rankin MD
Ways to Improve Memory and Live Longer with Music

We intuitively know what scientists are now proving – that music helps you remember, get smarter, and live longer. Let’s take a look at how music helps us remember, how music is being used to rehabilitate the brain, and how it can lead to a longer, happier life. Plus, we've got two fun videos that will have you dancing in the aisles! 

By Contributing Writer Deane Alban
10 Reasons Why We all Should be Eating Ginger – Recipes Included

Gingers’ incredible healing effects put it right at the top of my list of go-to plant-foods for medicinal purposes. However, apart from being good for detoxification and cleansing, it can also turn salads, desserts, bakes and juices into delicious, lively culinary delights. In this article, we are going to look at why ginger is so good for us and how you might incorporate it into your daily diet with a few healthful recipe ideas. 

By Contributing Writer Trinity Bourne
The Consciousness Revolution

Consciousness is one of the great mysteries of science – perhaps the greatest mystery. We all know we have it, when we think, when we dream, when we savour tastes and aromas, when we hear a great symphony, when we fall in love, and it is surely the most intimate, personal part of ourselves. Yet no one can really claim to have understood and explained it completely. There’s no doubt it’s associated with the brain in some way, but how do these three pounds of material stuff inside our skulls allow us to have experiences? 

By Guest Writer Graham Hancock
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