Subject: New Governors Order Update and OST programs

Governor Northam’s Executive Order 67, Sixth Amendment: What you need to know for Out-of-School Time Programs

On Friday, November 13, 2020, Governor Ralph Northam announced new actions to the existing Executive Order 67, which was put in place to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 in Virginia. 


The updated order limits “gatherings” to 25 people or less. However, there are some important distinctions in what qualifies under the order. “Educational Instructional Settings” are NOT considered a gathering and therefore are exempt. Childcare is also NOT considered a gathering. Furthermore, individuals at work or performing functions of their employment are also NOT counted. Out-of-School Time programs would traditionally fall under “educational instructional settings”, as they provide extended learning opportunities and, in some cases, could fall under childcare, both of which are exempt from the 25 person limit. 


However, there are some pieces in this order that may affect the operation of in-person out-of-school time program operations.


1.     All children ages 5 and older are required to wear masks in indoor settings, except in cases where removal of faces masks are required, such as eating and drinking, with physical distancing in place.

2.     Gatherings that fall under the limit of 25 persons or less include social events like parties and celebrations both in and outdoors. It is advised to be aware of this as it relates to community or family engagement events.

3.     Indoor and outdoor recreational sports activities are permitted, provided compliance with the following requirements: 

  • “The total number of spectators cannot exceed the lesser of 30% of the occupancy load of the certificate of occupancy for the venue, if applicable, or 25 spectators per field. Races or marathons may have up to 250 participants, provided staggered starts separate runners into groups of 25 or less.”

  • “Conduct screening of coaches, officials, staff, and players for COVID-19 symptoms prior to admission to the venue/facility.”  

4.     Gymnasiums, recreation centers, and sports facilities may continue to operate in compliance with the Guidelines for All Business.

5.     Overnight summer camps remain closed. 

6.     When working with families, please keep in mind that nothing in the Order limits individuals from seeking health care or medical services or access to essential services for low-income assistance, such as food banks.

Read the full Order here


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