Subject: Flight Crew + STEM AMBASSADORS

Across Virginia and the nation, when it comes to sharing the impact of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) in the lives of young people, no one can express the importance better than youth themselves. That's why in this Million Girls Moonshot Monday Newsletter we are so excited to feature news of two exciting STEM representative cohorts. The first is the announcement of our first-ever VPOST Youth STEM Ambassadors Program, which is currently in recruitment mode! The second is the unveiling of the first Million Girls Moonshot Inaugural Flight Crew.

VPOST is excited to officially open our recruitment for our first-ever cohort of STEM Youth Ambassadors! Virginia youth ages 13-18 are encouraged to apply to represent teens across the Commonwealth who love participating in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) activities during afterschool and want to share their stories.

VPOST will guide STEM Ambassadors on how to create and tell their unique stories through a series of four meetings held in April and May. We will culminate by bringing the STEM Ambassadors, virtually, to the Afterschool for All Challenge the week of May 16th.

Youth that successfully completes the program will be rewarded for their time in the prep sessions with a $100 pre-paid VISA gift card.

Applications are due April 8, 2022! Questions can be directed to Christine Jones Monaccio at

Announcing Million Girls Moonshot Inaugural Flight Crew

STEM Next Opportunity Fund’s Million Girls Moonshot announced the inaugural class of its Flight Crew

The 2022 Flight Crew features 16 remarkable youth from across the country. Motivated by their impactful STEM experiences beyond the classroom, these young leaders are currently working in their communities to break down stereotypes and spark their peers' curiosity in STEM. This talented cadre of youth embodies the Moonshot mission and they are committed to using afterschool and STEM learning to build a better future where young girls everywhere can envision a place for themselves in STEM.

The Flight Crew will amplify youth voices in the national conversation around STEM equity as we work toward a future where every young girl can imagine themselves as a future engineer, builder, or inventor. 

Meet the Flight Crew members here.

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