Subject: VPHi COVID19 updates and important activities for membership

Dear VPHi members,

There are a few ongoing and upcoming activities that we believe to be very relevant to VPHi members and that we would like to draw your particular attention to. The first two items are related to COVID-19 with (1) provision of policy related information and (2) collection of COVID-19 related in silico expertise to liaise with other organisations. The tree final items are internal activities of the Avicenna Alliance, related to (1) improving interaction between academic and industry members, (2) feedback on AI and data consultation of the European commission, and (3) initiating discussions related to Good Simulation Practices (GSP).

Final note: you are receiving this communication as personal member or as contact point of an institutional/supporting member. In the latter case, please distribute this email to the colleagues in your institution that are working in the domain of in silico medicine. Your colleagues can also sign up in the register to directly receive communication from VPHi. Instructions can be found at the bottom of this email.

COVID-19 policy and healthcare updates

RPP, the policy consultant agency we are collaborating with as part of the Avicenna Alliance's initiative, is offering a monitoring service specifically covering COVID-19 to all members of the AA, including VPHi members. Periodically they will send us an overview of the most important political and healthcare updates from the EU institutions but also the UK, Germany, France, Italy, and Spain. In addition, upon request, they can provide a tailored monitoring service covering additional countries. If you're interested in this opportunity please let us know by sending an email to

As we believe this could be appreciated, we will be sending you the provided information, starting from the first report we received that covers the most recent updates from 12-16 March. The document is available at this link.

As we believe this could be appreciated, we will be sending you the provided information, 
First report  from 12 to 16 March 2020
Second report from 16 to  19 March 2020


Call for COVID-19 related expertise

In order to be able to promptly contribute to the current crisis, VPHi is looking for members that have expertise useful in combatting the COVID-19 challenge. Computer modeling and simulation can be used to expedite testing of a wide range of COVID-19 related processes including drug repurposing, epidemiological models (forecasting of disease spread, incidence, prevention measures etc), resource optimisation (e.g. ICU beds) and in silico certification of medical devices related to COVID-19.

We will organize this information using the In Silico World platform and make it available to IMI, EFPIA, EMA and other relevant organisations, so that they would know who to contact should they need to. For instance, EMA is currently already evaluating digital evidence related to COVID-19 treatments.

If you would like to be included into this inventory, please contact manager@vph-institute and send a brief description of your COVID-19 related expertise. If you are asked to provide in silico expertise and do not feel you are qualified to do so, please get in touch with us so we can help locate other experts. Your help can make the difference.


VPHi/ Avicenna Alliance Launch of Members Webinars

The Avicenna Alliance is planning to organise a monthly webinar for its members with the goal to enable both Avicenna member companies and VPHi Members to get to know each other better and share their knowledge about their main activities, expertise and interests.
The industry members are particularly keen to hear from the academic side of the community and we really believe this could be an important opportunity to increase collaboration in the near future.
In order to get this initiative started we have created a survey to collect inputs on possible topics and get candidates to plan the first webinars.
Here you can find the link to the survey:
The deadline to send your inputs is Friday 27 March 2020.
Your feedback will be very much appreciated and we thank you in advance for taking care of this.


Upcoming brainstorming session on Artificial Intelligence:

On Thursday 26 March 2020 from 15:00 to 16:00 CET there is a brainstorming session scheduled, open to all Avicenna Alliance members (which includes VPHi members) to determine a common response to the EC’s public consultation on Artificial Intelligence and Data Strategy. You are all welcome to participate. If you're interested to join, please let us know by sending an email to

In the meantime, we kindly ask you those who plan to attend the call to have a read through:

GSP Taskforce Meeting

Today at 12 PM CET there will be a meeting of the Good Simulation Practices (GSP) Taskforce. This first call will have as a target the alignment of all the person interested and the sharing of the initial concepts and the discussion that took place in the past months. GSP can be a major vehicle to increase regulatory acceptance of in silico models as well as ease the transition from academia to industry and towards the clinic.

All VPHi members are welcome to participate. Below the Zoom dialing details:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 171 532 727

One tap mobile
+19292056099,,171532727# US (New York)
+16699006833,,171532727# US (San Jose)

Dial by your location
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 171 532 727
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Inclusion to the VPHi member mailing list

We would like to be able to reach as many people as possible within the member organisations. If any of your colleagues would be interested to join and be kept informed on all the opportunities VPHi is making available to its members, please ask them to sign up from the VPHi website, by following this link:

All the people affiliated to a VPHi institutional member will have to select they organisation from the list, and fill up the form with their data. In this way they will get access to all the VPHi benefits (free of charge) and they will be included in our membership mailing list.

Communication is key, especially during difficult times, so please circulate this message to your colleagues!

Best regards
VPHi team

In silico medicine will be the future
Virtual Physiological Human Institute for Integrative Biomedical Research (VPH Institute)

Celestijnenlaan 300C, 3001, Heverlee, Belgium
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