Subject: VolunteerCONNECTION - March 2022

Updates and announcements for the volunteer community.

Announcements & Reminders

Let Us Know the Status of Your SMART Recovery Meeting

The staff in the Volunteer Department have been working tirelessly over the last six weeks to make sure that those who are searching for a SMART Recovery meeting through SMARTfinder can see the most up to date information available.

To that end, we have been reaching out to facilitators we have not heard from in the last year to verify that their meetings are still happening, and that the information listed is still correct. Please take a moment to email and let us know the status of your meeting. When emailing, include the meeting ID number, city and state, meeting status, day and time, and the names of any facilitators associated with your meeting. If your meeting is currently listed as on hiatus, please let us know if you plan to restart it within the next 30-45 days. We appreciate your help on this important meeting audit. 


If you need to make changes to your meeting, please log into VolunteerHQ and submit a Meeting Change Request form. If, for any reason, you are unable to submit the form, please email listing the changes that need made. 

New Volunteer Recognition Program

SMART knows that it is our volunteers that create the biggest impact in the lives of those we serve, and we want to recognize the work you do. We are rolling out a Volunteer Recognition Program where participants and volunteers can submit a form to recognize the impact and efforts you make.

The information provided on the form will be shared with the volunteer who is being recognized and, with that volunteer’s permission, will be shared with the community.

Do you know of a volunteer who has gone above and beyond in creating a Life Beyond Addiction for others? Take a moment to recognize them by filling out this form.  

April is Volunteer Month!

Townhall Kickoff Event

Join us for a special event for our volunteer community. 

Volunteer Support Manager Melina Gilbert and SROL Support Manager Molly Princic will lead the discussion, sharing information on SMART Recovery's: 

  • Appreciation for all that you do! 

  • Volunteer Month 2022 plans and events 

  • Details about our 2022 Training Scholarship fundraising and scholarship process 

  • Opportunities to get more involved as a volunteer 

The Zoom link will be emailed to you the week of the event.

Registration closes on Tuesday, March 29th at 11:00 p.m. ET 

What Does Volunteering Mean to You?

Back this year, we will be producing a new video to premiere at the Townhall on March 31st , and we need your help. Tell us what volunteering for SMART Recovery means to you. If you would like to be featured in the video, email Ted, our video producer, at, to schedule a short zoom call.

Add On Training For Facilitating Teen

& Young Adult Meetings

Saturday, April 9th at 11:00 a.m. ET

  • Providing information about working with this age group and ideas on how to engage them and keep them coming back

  • A four-hour training session

  • Prerequisites: Completion of 201, 203, or 301 training

  • The training is free to the first 20 people to register during Volunteer Month

    • It will continue to be offered quarterly, for $40 p/person

  • Registration closes on Sunday, March 27th at 11:59 p.m. ET.

SROL Volunteers

Meeting Change Request Form for SROL

We now have a Meeting Change Request form for SROL Meetings. Please use this form to make changes to your meeting instead of email like previously done.

The form can be found in SROL under "resources" 

February Recap

Visit SMART by the Numbers in VolunteerHQ to see our monthly report on training, meetings and volunteers. 

Meetings of Interest for Volunteers

SMART 4 Volunteers (S4V)

SMART 4 VOLUNTEERS (S4V) is a private SMART Recovery meeting for our volunteers.  While volunteering, people need to take time to focus on themselves. We offer a place where you can focus on your own wellbeing and recovery, with the security of being supported by your peers. This meeting has a different purpose than the SMART Meeting Management (SMM) meetings. 


This group meets on Wednesdays from 5:00 p.m. till 6:00 p.m. ET. and is facilitated by Jasper2016. 

SMART Meeting Management (SMM) Meetings

If you are interested in furthering your meeting management skills or more smoothly handling challenges you might encounter while facilitating your meeting, this is the meeting for you!


The SMART Meeting Management (SMM) meetings are every:

  • Monday: 10:00 p.m. ET

  • Wednesday: 8:00 p.m. ET

  • Friday: 6:00 p.m. ET


(NOTE: Zoom links for these meetings are behind the VHQ login or on SMARTCAL.)

In Other SMART News

Take on Addiction

Take On Addiction is a 30-day challenge starting April 1st. Participants can run, walk, cycle, or choose their own time-based activity to complete.

During the month, participants are encouraged to fundraise for SMART Recovery and help reduce the stigma associated with addictive behaviors.

Dr. Nora Volkow Speaking Engagement

SMART Recovery is pleased to announce that Nora Volkow, MD will be the inaugural speaker for the new Jonathan von Breton Memorial Lecture Series, a new event featuring leaders in the recovery community.

Wednesday, April 6th at 4:00 p.m. ET

Dr. Volkow is Director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) at the National Institutes of Health. NIDA is the world’s largest funder of research on the health aspects of drug use and addiction. A pioneer in using brain imagery to counter myths that drug use was a moral failing, Volkow recently made a splash with an article in Health Affairs titled “Making Addiction Treatment More Realistic and Pragmatic: The Perfect Should Not Be the Enemy of the Good.” We expect her lecture to build on the themes in that article. 

The event is free with registration.

Registration closes April 3rd at 11:59 p.m. ET. The Zoom link will be emailed the week of the event.

Study on Personality Type & Addiction

SMART Recovery is excited to partner with iConnectHealth to conduct a robust study determining the relationship between personality type and addiction problems, and to identify which factors may mediate that relationship. The research will also explore the potential benefit of matching mutual help groups and/or treatment orientation with personality types.

Study participants:

  • Must be 18+

  • Take the online survey in English

  • Have attended or currently participate in a SMART group

  • Will receive an individualized De-Stress Rx report which identifies your most powerful stress triggers, symptoms, and strategies for reducing stress

SHARE Your Ideas With Us

We need your help! We are lining up content for the rest of 2022 and love your thoughts, ideas, and inspirations about what we should cover in our blogs, podcasts, videos, etc. Your voice is heard.  So check out the list of themes for the upcoming months and put your thinking caps on…we’d really appreciate your input.

Join the SMART Insiders+ Program

When you sign up for the SMART Insiders+ Program, your modest monthly support goes right to work helping people everywhere recover and thrive. As an Insiders, you'll receive a cool welcome package with free perks, certificate of enrollment, and have early access to free cutting-edge news, videos, podcasts, interviews, and much more!

Become more engaged. Be part of the solution. Join today!

Text INSIDERS to 41444

Submit Your Group Donations
to SMART Recovery

Your group donations to SMART Recovery help empower millions worldwide with tools to recover from any substance or activity addiction.

SMART Recovery is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

Stay Connected


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SMART Recovery is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

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