Subject: Time is Running Out! ⏰

TODAY ONLY: Facebook is matching Giving Tuesday donations.
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TODAY ONLY: Your Gift Goes Twice As Far
Dear Friend,

TODAY ONLY: Facebook is matching Giving Tuesday donations. Your gift, doubled by this match, will help us reach even more communities where people are searching for the tools they need to free themselves from addiction. 
No one goes looking for addiction. It can happen to you, your mom, your dad, your sister, your brother, your friend, anyone. Stigma and shame keep many from seeking help.
At SMART Recovery, we provide free, no-blame, no-shame, self-empowering support meetings and recovery training. This #GivingTuesday, you can help fight addiction by making a gift to support the work we do.
Bill Greer 
PS. Together we can GO BIG on Facebook to empower more people to achieve independence from addiction problems using our science-based 4-Point Program®, during the upcoming holidays and beyond.

PPS. If you've already made a Giving Tuesday donation today - thank you so much for your generous support! 
Your contribution to SMART Recovery helps empower millions worldwide
with the tools to abstain from any substance or activity addiction.
For information about giving options, email

SMART Recovery is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

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SMART Recovery, 7304 Mentor Avenue, Suite F, Mentor, OH 44060, United States
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