Subject: Singaporeans are not eating enough veggies, what can we do?

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Singaporeans are not eating enough veggies, what can we do?
The Health Promotion Board of Singapore recommends 2+2 servings of fruits and veggies per day and even for people who try to eat well, that’s quite a challenge!

How much exactly is a serving? Approximately, 100g of leafy vegetables is one serving and that is quite a lot!

A Channel News Asia report says that Singaporeans are not eating enough vegetables.

As much as we want to follow the recommendations, our busy lifestyle is still the biggest stumbling block. But fret not! Spirulina complements the diets of all age groups, making it an ideal supplement for the whole family!

Spirulina’s health benefits had been established and several studies have proven it. Now the big question is, who should be taking it? The answer, PEOPLE OF ALL AGES!

Elderly may not absorb, utilize, or store nutrients efficiently especially if they are on medication for extended period.

Spirulina becomes an ideal supplement, one that the body can easily digest and use. It is a high-energy food, and due to its soft cell-wall, is completely bioavailable.

Children who won’t eat their veggies and students away from home are good candidate for adding spirulina to their diets, as these are the people who over-consume processed foods.

As a bonus, your pets and plants can take spirulina too! Veterinarians recommend spirulina for animal stamina and for general toning. Gardeners can use spirulina as a complete, effective plant food.

Now that’s how well-suited Spirulina is for everyone! Check out our StaZen Spirulina!

For more about serving sizes, check this link from health promotion board:

Wishing you health and happiness always, Team

Source: Hawaiian Spirulina® Superfood for Super Health (2016) G. Cysewski, Ph. D.

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