Subject: Battle of the Superfoods: Spirulina vs Chlorella, what you should know!

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Spirulina vs Chlorella, which is better?
Super foods are on the rise with Spirulina and chlorella topping the list. But many are still wondering, which one is better?

Let’s take a look at these 2 important aspects:

Chlorella is more difficult to process because it has an indigestible cellulose wall that requires processing before it can be made available for human consumption. Not only it is a complex process but also requires expensive equipment thus increasing the cost of the price.

Spirulina on the other hand, has a perfectly digestible cellulose wall making it ready for consumption, immediately digested and absorbed when taken compared to chlorella and other types of blue-green algae.

Nutritional Profile
Spirulina has a higher percentage of Protein, Iron, Potassium, Zinc, Calcium, B-Vitamins and beta-carotene, as well as the eight essential amino acids . While Chlorella has a greater level of chlorophyll (due to its dark green color).

Spirulina also offers the highest level of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), a “good” fat that is vital for the health and function of the brain, heart, and other body organs and systems.

While both exhibits incredible health benefits, it is clear that due to its significantly higher level of beneficial nutrients and a host of other reasons, spirulina is easily superior than chlorella, and all other types of micro-algae.

Hope this gives you a better in sight about Spirulina and Chlorella!

Wishing you health & Happiness always, Team


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