Subject: Summer Connection – is this meant for You?

Summer Connection – is this meant for You?
Hi Friend,

Healing Vibrations to You!

I wish a warm welcome to my new ezine subscribers.
Now isn’t this picture, picture perfect of Summer? This is a friend’s litter of rat terriers where my daughter and I were helping them with socialization. They were resting from play on the nice sunny day.

Whew, I have been doing more travel than normal lately with business and vacation. I have been working on some exciting new programs and offerings that you will be hearing about soon.

I am excited to be connecting with you here with support for summer travel. (Seeing as how this is close to me personally and I practice what I preach and offer you the benefit of the same support I do for myself)

Are your cats and dogs having allergy issues? You might ask, “How do I tell?” Maybe they are scratching a lot, even rubbing to where they have sores, they may have goopy eyes, runny noses, or they may have less energy being more sluggish than their usual active selves.

If this sounds familiar, you will want to check out this issues client interest section and ezine’s tip. And if you know this is something important you want to take further, please get in touch with me for a complementary conversation.
People Vibrations
Featured Essence
Jetlag Relief!
Are you ready traveling this summer? 

Are you feeling “out of sorts” with being in your summer schedule?

Are you doing more and not getting as much rest so you feel sluggish at times?

The Vi Miere Jetlag Relief essence balances your energy and helps you feel more refreshed whether you are flying, changing time zones, traveling by car or train, or simply doing more than normal and not getting the rest your body needs. 

If you desire support with Jetlag Relief in your life, click Spa Essence Specials now.
Animal Vibrations
Featured Essence:
Separation Ease!
Does your dog whimper or pee when left alone?

Does your dog destroy your couch, your sheetrock with holes in the wall or mess up your house when you are away?

Do your neighbors complain about your dog’s noise where he barks a lot while you are gone?

In keeping with the summer travel support, Vi Miere’s Separation Ease essence assists calming your dog’s anxiety when being separated from you. They feel better and you feel better. This also works with cats and you too. This is an essence that is for you when you are nervous and anxious about leaving your cat or dog while you are away from the house. The calmer you are, the calmer your cat and dog will be.

If you desire Separation Ease’s support for you with your animals, click Animal Essence Specials now.

Upcoming Classes
Vibrational Living Healing Group is here!
Wow, what a powerful Vibrational Living Healing Group we have! 

I am so excited to be sharing these experiences with you. 

No worries, if you were unable to be live on the call. A recording of our healing session is provided so you can benefit as many times as you choose to listen in. And when I say you I also mean your furry companions are included too. They feel the energy, are drawn to it and know it is good for them.

Don’t just take my word for it; here is what a participant has to say about it:

“I was feeling anxious about my life and so I decided to participate in the group meditation to relieve some stress and gain clarity by quieting my mind. As the meditation began, I started to really relax. I could actually feel the energy change in the room. My cats must have felt it too because they both joined me on my lap and stayed there throughout the call. I felt calmer and more clear headed afterward. I would recommend Vicki's vibrational group as a way to relax your busy mind and receive the healing energy that you need, even if you aren't sure what that is. It helped bring me back to the present moment which is always where the healing begins.”
Debbie Noyes, Bellevue, WA

Your next Vibrational Living Healing Group

Topic: Summer Fling - Embracing Energies of Summer (Joy, Freedom, Aliveness) while it is still here! 

August 14th, 2013
6:00pm Pacific 

*Call-in and web access details will be provided on sign-up.

The more like minded spirits we have, the higher we can raise our vibrations and make an even bigger difference in our world and quality of living. Feel free to invite your friends to join us by sharing this sign-up link:

Client Interest for You!
IMAGE: Guido relaxed after his session

“Guido is a rescued, 157 lb. Italian mastiff. He should live in a bubble given his environmental AND food allergies! Over the last 6 years, I have spent thousands of dollars in western and eastern medical expenses in an attempt to control his allergies and bring him some relief. His allergies manifest themselves in the form of excessive licking, cherry-red paws/belly, ear infections and goopy eyes. Since working with Vicki, Guido's allergies appear to be under control! His belly is no longer red; his paws are MUCH less red; his ear infections are a rarity these days; and any goopiness in his eyes is now an exception! He is on no medicine or herb supplements, and his current acupuncturist is so pleased with his appearance that he suggested we go to a two-month maintenance schedule vs. Guido's previous weekly schedule! I must admit it is hard for me to really understand how Vicki is able to do what she does and how the crystal essences work. As a result, many of my friends think I am crazy for paying for her service and using the crystal essences. However, Guido is living proof that Vicki and her crystal essences have helped get his allergies under control and offer him relief; and for me, that is priceless!”

Debbie M. - Guido's Mom - Kirkland, WA
Useful Tip for You!
Tip: Acupressure point K27. There it is short and sweet. :-). Now seriously, it is a very powerful point. It balances the whole body. It is like a reset button for your, your cat and dog's bodies. It helps thyroid glands balance. It relieves, throat, chest and back pain. As it relates to allergies: It allows breathing to go deeper. By strengthening the respiratory system, it supports the immune system strengthening. This is very important for allergy sufferers and getting relief.

Watch here to see where it is and how to use it:

Video tip: Click Here

How to take this further...
If you are a person who cares for your cat and dog and want to be sure they are feeling their best, this is only the tip of the iceberg. And it is never too early to begin. Please get in touch with me for a private conversation.

We will assess how we can make sure your cats and dogs are feeling their best. Reach out to Set Up Your Personal Meeting With VickiWe'll find the next best steps for your specific needs.

I look forward to meeting and speaking with you.

Set Up Your Personal Meeting With Vicki

I am so blessed with my love for animals. They are precious beings, great teachers and add such joy to our lives. Bless each moment you have with yours. :-)

Abundance, Joy and Wealth,
Vicki Draper,
International Vibrational Energy Healing Expert for You and Your Animals

Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections for You and Your Animals        425-785-4232

Before it gets to a crisis with your beloved cats, dogs and horses, reach out HERE to set up your personal meeting and share what is going on with you and your animals: Set Up Your Personal Meeting With Vicki and we’ll find your next best steps for your specific needs.