Subject: Ready to learn how a cat says “I Love You”? and Exciting Guest to meet

Healing Your Animal Ezine
Hi Friend,

Healing Vibrations to You!

I wish a warm welcome to my Healing Your Animal Community new subscribers.
What do you love about Spring? 

 Are you enjoying more sun?  warmth?

I am loving the sunnier days (I do live in Seattle :-)). My morning walks are warmer now, the birds are singing and chirping loudly and flowers and trees are blooming. It is such a beautiful time of year. 
You are taking longer walks with your dogs and being outdoors. It is fun greeting a lot of dogs on my walks. The look of joy and delight the dogs have in their eyes and the excitement of being at the park brings a warm smile to my face.

Do you have a new cat that has come into your household recently? 
This is a change in surroundings and family for him/her. Is your cat more skittish and hiding under the bed a lot? Or is your current cat hiding with the newcomer?  If so you will want to check out this issues ezine tip. And if you know this is something important you want to take further, please get in touch with me for a conversation, my gift to you. 

People & Animal Vibrations
Featured Sale Essences
In the spirit of spring and more "Light" coming in...
Are you tired of gray days? 

Are you ready for more sun?

Are you feeling you would love a tropical vacation?

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions - Good news! You have support!

Light essence fosters the sense of taking a tropical vacation. It assists in providing “Light” to the body especially on cloudy days. 

supports you and your body with uplifting and “lightening” your vibrations. You take in “light” where you have experienced gray. You get the feeling as if you are on a tropical vacation while in your everyday life. Your senses perk up. Things seem brighter, come more alive with this fresh energy.

Save 25% now
, click Essence Sales

Do you wish you knew why your dog keeps barking?

Do you wonder why your cat is now avoiding you?

Do you wish you understood what your cat and your dog are telling you?

If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of these, Communicate essence will help open and clear communication channels between you, and your cat ,your dog.

What does this mean to you? – Opening and strengthening your awareness with what your cats and dogs are really saying; and supporting you in communicating clearly to them.

Save 25% now, click Essence Sales.
Upcoming Classes
Healing Your Animal Group
If you are a person who wants to have clearer communication and understand what your precious cat and wonderful dog are already so desperately trying to tell you, you are ready for your cats and your dogs to stop the excessive hissing and growling with each other, get along with peace and harmony, have peeing and pooping not be on your floors, messing and smelling up your house, it is happening in the litter box and outside where it belongs. 

You are invited to be one of 8 selected animal loving people coming together for a powerful transformational animal connection journey over the next 10 weeks. 
Communication - understanding what your animals are already trying so desperately to tell you; understand what they really hear when you talk to them

Connection – expanding your awareness - your animals are open and ready for you to join them with deepening connection and bonding time

Healing – learning hands-on and energy healing techniques to help your loving cat, your precious dog and your magnificent horse be happier, feel better, and be with you longer.

A few spots left in my upcoming Healing Your Animal Group. (Training takes place in the comfort of your home with your loving animals.)
Here are the steps you take to secure your spot:

Email: and put “Yes Group” in the subject line.

On signup, receive your Essential Energy Management essence kit 3 – 1 oz essences Ground, Clear and Protection FREE ($67 value) *shipping is included 
Featured Guest
TeleChannel ‘Activate the Power within’

My dear friend and colleague Iris van Ooyen helps you raise your vibration and is considered to be the healers’ healer. Iris channels universal wisdom and activates powerful transformations with her healing energy and intuitive insights. NOW she is offering you a unique opportunity to join her for her LIVE TeleChannel on April 16th.

During this powerful call she will tune in live to see what’s going on in the energy of this month and zero in on your question. This is a one of a kind experience. You will receive clarity and will usually feel ‘lighter’ afterwards. It’s a great way to connect with the universal flow and re-energize fully.

She is now channeling - for the first time live - a special group of energies: the Carriers of the Light. They are here to help you carry and hold more of your own light. This will help you fully do what you came here to do.

Early Bird discount ENDS TODAY midnight Friday 11th!

This unique TeleChannel includes:

* Energetic Activation by the Carriers of the Light that helps connect you to the divine power within you

* Insights in the energy of this month and how this energy may affect you

* Chance to ask Iris your question and receive laser-focused insights

Click here to reserve your seat now! And be one of the first to experience the Carriers of the Light live! 
Client Interest for You
Rocco is a rescued 11 year old cat who had a pretty rough time before being rescued. He scored with his new loving home where he is given very good care and living a life as close to heaven on earth as possible.  As you can see here with his "castle". :-)

Already in the house is an Italian Mastiff named Guido,a 157 pound bundle of love, and all he wanted to do was be friends with Rocco as soon as Rocco arrived. Well, this was not the same vision with Rocco. He would hiss at Guido and not want anything to do with him. Guido would get a hurt, sulken face and shy away when this would happen.

Rocco and I had a conversation and Guido and I had a conversation. I helped them each understand each other. With this understanding, Rocco went over and walked by Guido getting the closest he ever had to Guido (2 “ from him!). His “mom” and I were so thrilled at the immediate change. Rocco was so confident that he walked by closely again while we watched in awe. Guido was happy, because he so desperately desired to be friends with Rocco and this opened the door for a new relationship between them.

Useful Tip for You
Tip: When bringing a new cat member into your home, make eye contact, show your cat slow blinks and watch your cat. Be patient. When your cat gives you a blink back to you, this is his/her way of saying “I love you”

You have just received confirmation that he/she is now part of your family. This will be very helpful especially if your new kitten/cat is skittish under the bed, then things will go much smoother after this exchange.
How to take this further...
If you are a person who wants to make sure your cat is happy, well-adjusted and getting along with all members of your household, it is never too late to begin. Please get in touch with me for a private conversation as my gift to you.

We will assess how we can make sure your cat is happy and your cats, your dogs and you are living your best. 

Reach out here with this link:

We’ll find the next best steps for your specific needs.

I look forward to meeting and speaking with you.

I am so blessed with my love for animals. They are precious beings, great teachers and add such joy to my life. Bless each moment you have with your precious animals. :-)

Helping as many pets be as healthy as possible and as many pet guardians like you be as happy as possible!
Abundance, Joy and Wealth,
Vicki Draper,
Healing Your Animal Expert

Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections 
for You and Your Animals   

P.S. Before another day goes by that you are yearning for doing all you can to help your cat and your dog feel and be their best, take action now to have this. 

Click this link:

Set Up Your Personal Assessment Meeting With Vicki 

my gift to you.
Juanita Woodinville Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011, United States
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