Subject: Protections made the difference between life and death, open to learn more

Healing Your Animal Ezine
Hi Friend,

Healing Vibrations to You!

I wish a warm welcome to my Healing Your Animal Community new subscribers.
I have been having fun with my new Facebook group:  Your Magical Nature Connections.

As part of my self-care, I take a daily walk in nature I connect with nature and all it has to offer.  I meet people and their dogs along the way too.  

I am posting photos in this new facebook group Your Magical Nature Connections that inspire me for you to see and be inspired too.  And I invite you to post your nature photos too and share why they inspire you.  So please feel to find it on Facebook and feel free to join in.

If you are a person who wants to have a fun bonding experience with your cat, your dog, you will want to check out this week’s ezine tip below.

And if you know this is something important you want to take further, please get in touch with me for a complementary conversation. 

People & Animal Vibrations
Featured Sale Essences
Do you have a new member of your household?

Are all of your animals getting along?

Is there chaos, things not going smoothly with your animals?

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions you will be happy to discover Family.

Family essence supports harmony among all family members.
It was originally created for a friend who was going to visit her family for 5 weeks and wanted strong support. The intentions and formulation with family is that when sprayed it promotes a deep sense of love and connection as a healthy family unit. It dispels any negativity, so that harmony can exist.

My friend was so excited how well it worked for her family visit. She was so happy to have had a more relaxing and peaceful visit than ever before.

Animals respond to Family as well. A person who brought home her new baby girl and sat her in the living room floor to meet her animals wrote in and said she was amazed that her cat who never came out even came out and joined the family and jumped in her lap for affection. She was amazed.

Save 25% now
, click Essence Sales

Do you have a dog who barks every time the doorbell rings?

Do you have a dog who is “hyper”, “anxious”, cannot sit still?

Do you have a cat who startles easily?

If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of these, Serene essence is your friend.

Serene assists in calming your cat, your dog, you for you to have peace, calm and harmony in your life.

Save 25% now, click Essence Sales.
Upcoming Classes
Healing Your Animal Teleclass
Wow, is this ever a hot topic.  So much so that technology glitches occurred for June 25th's teleclass.  This lets me know that it is definitely something I am supposed to be getting out to you.  

I find that when it is something important like this, some opportunities present themselves for me to really get clear and strong about.  So I am offering the Protection for You and Your Animals Teleclass opportunity again for you to receive this important information.

Topic: Protection for You and Your Animals

July 30th
10:00am Pacific


Protection for You and Your Animal Teleclass Sign-Up
*Call-in and web access details will be provided on sign-up.

Now, you may be saying…

Protection? What kind of protection?

Really, my animals need this?

I am here to tell you YES, your animals benefit from energetic protection. Just because you cannot (at least most people cannot) see energy, doesn't mean it does not exist and that is isn't impacting you and your animal's lives.

Energy does exist and it is impacting you and your animal's lives whether you are conscious of it or not.

Are your cats or dogs more sluggish than normal?

Is your cat jumpy or skittish?

Does your dog bark a lot and at times you really have no idea why?

Is your dog barking at other people and other dogs when you are walking together?

These are some of the indicators your animal would benefit with energy protection.

Click here to sign up for:

Protection for You and Your Animal Teleclass Sign-Up

You cannot make it live,no worries, sign up anyway and you can participate with the recording.

Please invite your spiritual animal loving friends to this very important teleclass. Pass this link along and have them and their animals benefit too.

Protection for You and Your Animal Teleclass Sign-Up
Client Interest for You
I am sharing a story today of how protections  made a difference in a life and death situation with a client.

Meet Mickey.  Also known as the Miracle Kitty in Santa Fe, NM.  Mickey was only 7 years old when she had her liver turn on itself and start eating itself.  She was very very sick.  So much so, she was at the vets being tube fed and monitored around the clock.  It wasn't looking like she was going to make it from all outside indications.  Mickey was receiving support from me energetically and she kept telling me she was going to pull through.  Wendy, her guardian, and the vets were totally not seeing how (and I could see why with what they were seeing). They were talking about time to put her down and let her go.  

I am not one to encourage a person to hang on and have the animal suffer to have an extra day or two with them.  In this case, I asked Wendy if she would please wait 2 more days and if there was not a shift, then by all means it was time for her to take action.  (I was there to support her either way, if she did not want to wait the 2 days or if she did)  In this case, she decided to wait a couple more days.

I believe anything is possible and I am open to miracles, so I trusted Mickey and held the energy of full recovery for her.  I kept supporting her and checking in with her.  There was a distinct shift for the better as soon as it was clear to put extra  protections around her.  I could feel her shift immediately.  She got stronger.  That was her turning point.  The vets started noticing her getting better too.  

Fast forward to today.  Mickey is 8 years old.  She fully recovered.  She is home with her family living a very healthy normal well-loved life.  She is having quality of life purring, playing, pouncing toys and snuggling.

Do you desire to see if this will support you?

If you or someone you know are in a crisis with your animal, please reach out and connect for a personal conversation.  It is my gift to you.  

Useful Tip for You
Tip: Sit with your animals and share loving joyful memories of fun things you have done together.

How to use this:  

Your animals respond to your feelings and emotions.   Share with them how you feel about them.  Share what you appreciate about them.  They will feel this and respond.  This actually helps them be healthier.

This is an exercise I recommend my clients do with their animals especially when they feel it is near time to transition.  It provides a very special bonding experience.

In your case, I recommend to do it now.

This will fill not only your heart, it will theirs too. 
How to take this further...
If you are a person who wants to have even more love and calm in your life with your cat and your dog with a stronger bond and connection with harmony, it is never too late to begin.

Sign up here
as my gift to you.
I am so blessed with my love for animals and healing gifts to support them. Animals are precious beings, great teachers and add such joy to my life. Bless each moment you have with your precious animals. :-)

Helping as many animals be as healthy as possible and as many animal guardians like you be as happy as possible!
Abundance, Joy and Wealth,
Vicki Draper,
Healing Your Animal Expert

Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections 
for You and Your Animals   

 P.S. Before another day goes by that you are yearning for more connection, love and play time with your cat and your dog, take action to have this. 

Sign up for Your personal conversation and assessment with Vicki  as my gift and be on your way to having enhanced bonding and connection with your cat and your dog. And peace of mind you are doing all you can to provide great care for your precious animals.

Click this link:

Your Personal Assessment with Vicki

Juanita Woodinville Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.