Subject: OM, OM on the range...deer and buffalo as well as you and your cat, your dog

Healing Your Animal 
Om - I am infinite, eternal peace, love and bliss
Hi Friend,

Healing Vibrations to You!

And here is a warm welcome to you, new subscribers, and to my Healing Your Animal Community.
The playful energies of OM are at work as you can see from the subject line.  This is one of the effects of OM and the custom OM essence available for you and your animals to experience too.

My friend and colleague Lorna Lange who is a Master Wellness Coach recently came together and created an OM essence kit to help you shift old patterns and limiting beliefs and have more peace, love and bliss in your life.
Om - I am infinite, eternal peace, love and bliss

Are you ready to move to a higher vibration and leave lower energies behind?

Do you crave a connection to your own inner peace?

Are you ready to embrace the power of ancient wisdom for your own personal transformation?

I invite you to click here to receive your OM Essence Kit.

You are receiving a sale price with 15% savings for the first time ever.  Sale is available until Friday 5:00pm Pacific.

The OM essence kit is designed as a 4 week practice.  You receive a 2 oz Om essence bottle and an instruction card for your focus for each of the 4 weeks as you use your OM essence to deepen your experience and transformations.

Right after it was created I was so excited, I used the OM essence at the beginning of teaching an acupressure for animals class and X, who is a highly sensitive bouvier, went into full play mode.  He really responded to the lightness, the playfulness the OM essence offers.  

So your animals benefit as you do when using the OM essence.

If OM sounds like your desire:

  • Light
  • Playfulness
  • Inner peace
  • Loving
  • Self Love 
I invite you to click this link:  OM Essence Kit

And receive the sale price available until Friday 5:00pm Pacific.

CoCreator Testimonial for You
"The intentional use of the Om Essential Essence is a spiritual practice in itself. There is an easy sense of lightness, expansion, and peaceful joy when I use it that parellels the effects of my deepest yoga practices. I spray Om four times at the beginning of my daily yoga practice with the conscious intention of connecting to infinite, eternal peace, love and joy. By the end of my meditation, my awareness of my true, Divine consciousness is effortless and certain. When I use Om mindfully throughout the day, I re-engage in this intentional practice and experience those effects again. The brilliance of the practice with this essence four times a day is that my body, mind and spirit are becoming habituated to being in an expanded, connected and balanced state. And it is becoming easier and easier to return to that state and maintain it for longer periods."

- Lorna Lange www synergyfitnessandwellness com

You can receive this too.
My invitation to you is receive this for you now and start benefiting right away.  Click here to receive your:

OM Essence Kit.

You are receiving a sale price with 15% savings for the first time ever. Sale is available until Friday 5:00pm Pacific.

And be sure to send in your experience!  
Helping as many pets be as healthy as possible and as many pet guardians like you be as happy as possible!
Dedicated to your animal's healing,
Vicki Draper,
Healing Your Animal Expert

Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections 
for You and Your Animals   

P.S. Here is a special way to receive support with:

Om - I am infinite, eternal peace, love and bliss

I invite you to receive your OM essence kit here:

Om Essence Kit

Get in on the 15 % savings for the very first time being offered.

This offer goes away Friday 5:00pm pacific.

P.P.S If this feels like a fit for you, but you still have questions reach out to my team right away and we’ll connect for a quick call to explore if this level of support is a fit for you.
Juanita Woodinville Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011, United States
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