Subject: Do you have a hard time putting yourself first?

Healing Your Animal Ezine
Hi Friend,

Healing Vibrations to You!

How is your September?

There is a lot of transition in September.  It is back to school for children, weather gets cooler and daylight gets shorter.

Today I am discussing how important it is to put you first.  And the importance of how it impacts your animal.

It is really hard to break some habits especially if you are not aware of doing them.

I teach the concept of taking care of you first and then you are able to take better care of your animals (and everything else in your life).  And I do practice what I teach. I actually trained my kittens that they get fed when I am ready in the morning (now I get better sleep); however, I have to be aware in order to shift and apply this in all areas of my life and in this case my business.

I moved items in my home for the carpets to be cleaned. What happened was it overtaxed my neck and shoulders and I had a very painful headache.  I was going to push through the pain and headache to get this ezine out to you and a few other business tasks and then go to the chiropractor.  I realized this was the old pattern - push through suffering taking care of business first and then taking care of me.

So, I went to the chiropractor first, got relief, and now I am able to connect with you in a much more enjoyable way which actually benefits you and your animals with more joy coming through our connection. (my desire)

So, my intention sharing this with you is for you to see where you are busy and not taking time to connect with yourself to feel better before taking care of your animals and your life.  You don't have to "push through" anymore.  Even a quick deep breath is nourishing.

Lovingly, take care of you first

Your animal responds to your energy and your physical state of being.  The better you feel, the better your animal feels.

I invite you to pause and ask yourself "what would be best for me in this moment?" and do it.  Then carry on with your day.  See how much more energy and vitality you have and what joy that brings to your animals.

How to take this further...
If you are ready to quit "pushing through" and would like healing techniques to support you feeling better and benefiting your animals at the same time, I invite you to sign up for an Assessment as my gift to you. Please click Assessment and we'll set up a time to talk that is convenient for you and get you and your animals on the path of calm, health, harmony and ease.
Training and Events for You and Your Animals
Animal Connection and Healing Group
8 weeks Starting Tuesday Sept 20
6:30 - 7:30pm Pacific
on the phone and facebook
Open to you where ever you live
Click for Info: Animal Connection and Healing Group
Email: to register

How Your and Your Animal's Health is Related
(includes wellness tips)
Thurs Sept 29th
Herban Wellness, 103 Lake St S, Kirkland, WA 98033
7:00 - 8:00pm    $15

Click and Sign Up Here

Shift Chaos and Anxiety to Calm with You and Your Animals
Thurs Oct 13th
East West Bookshop, 6407 12th Ave NE Seattle, WA 98115
7:00 - 8:30pm   $15
Click and Sign Up Here

Dedicated to you and your animal's healing,

Healing Your Animal/Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections for You and Your Animals      425-785-4232

Before you go through more day of there's no time, I'm too busy... 

I invite you to receive your 15 minute Healing Your Animal Assessment as my gift to you.  I am confident you can give 15 minutes to yourself and to your animals.

Simply click this link below, fill in your name, email and phone number.

Someone from my team will contact you in the next few days to schedule your assessment at a time convenient for you in the next week.

Juanita Woodinville Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.