Subject: Awaken and discover importance of your and your pet's Heart chakra

Healing Your Animal Connections
Hi Friend,

Healing Vibrations to You and Your Animals! 

Spring is here.  It is absolutely gorgeous in the Seattle area.  The spring flowers are in bloom, the cherry and apple blossoms in bloom.  Nature is awakening from dormant winter season full of beauty. Bunnies are hopping around.  This fills my heart with joy. Does it yours?  

You may have heard me talk about Chakras recently.  Chakras fascinate me. There are 7 main Chakra (energy wheels) in your and your animal's body that impact your health and behavior.

According to Deepak Chopra, each of the seven main chakras contains bundles of nerves and major organs as well as our psychological, emotional, and spiritual states of being. Since everything is moving, it’s essential that our seven main chakras stay open, aligned, and fluid. If there is a blockage, energy cannot flow.

Keeping a chakra open is a bit more of a challenge, but not so difficult when you have awareness. Since the mind, body, soul, and spirit are intimately connected, awareness of an imbalance in one area will help bring the others back into balance.

The heart chakra, Chakra 4 is the center of unconditional love. It is the chakra filled with joy as I shared with Spring above. It is also the chakra impacted when your heart aches from a loss. 
Biscuit (tan) and Brulee (black and white), are clients, featured in my book Bridging True Love Connection & Healing Between You and Your Animals. 
Biscuit and Brulee were out in their yard when a bobcat came and took off with Biscuit.  Traumatic for Biscuit being taken, Brulee for witnessing it and losing her brother, and Kim losing her precious fur baby.  Needless to say pain and heart chakra reeling with emotions causing imbalance.

Allowing the grieving to flow, it’s important to find joy for your heart too.  Place your hands on your chest (your heart chakra) and receive self-love. And then do exercise of the week with your animals.
Exercise of the Week:
  • First, pause and get present. An easy way to do this is to take a deep breath in and out.
  • Now, do a quick grounding for yourself by standing with your feet shoulder width apart. Raise up onto your toes, then lower yourself back to the ground pressing your weight into your heels. Do this 3 times, bringing your energy down to your feet with each repetition.
  • Next, place one hand lightly on your animal's chest (their heart chakra).
  • Place your other hand lightly on your animal anywhere comfortable for you to have a 2-hand connection(on your animal’s shoulders, back, etc.).
  • Breathe deeply and gently hold your hands on your animal. Allow your animal to take in the healing energy coming from engaging with the heart chakra.
  • Allow yourself to send love to your animal through your hands. You may find that your animal relaxes into this by rolling over, stretching, or asking for more. If your animal is unsure, gently breathe and invite your animal to receive.
  • Hold your hands on your animal for a couple of minutes, or until your animal moves away.
  • Disconnect by rubbing your hands together.
  • Give your animal a big hug.
  • Notice how you feel. Is your heart more open?
I invite you to share your experiences with me:
or FaceBook @healingyouranimal
Essence of the Week
Awaken - A non-caffeinated, quick pick-me-up. Also awakens one for living life more fully. Great for use after trauma, illness, power outages, and coming out of a bad relationship.  Awaken essence comes in 1oz and 2oz spray bottles that produces a fine supporting mist.  Use as needed for a quick pick-me-up; simply shake bottle to activate essence and spray 3 spritz in the air. To work with Awaken deeper supporting you opening and awakening your life, simply spray 3 spritz 3 times a day for 3 weeks.  (You can use longer to continue awakening.)
Available here:  Awaken Essence

Learning Opportunities
Pet Chakra Balancing Class 

Starting on April 30th, I will be leading an Pet Chakra Balancing Class for you and your pets.

The calming, healing effect of chakra balancing can greatly improve the quality of life for:
  • Highly sensitive animals who are hyper alert, easily startled or very anxious.
  • Dogs who lunge at people or other dogs and bark incessantly.
  • Cats who aren’t using their litter boxes, peeing or pooping in inappropriate areas of the house.
When your animals are calmer and happier, you will be too. You will experience:
  • Enhanced communication with your animals, understanding what they are so desperately trying to tell you.
  • Your mood shifting from worry and stress to calm and ease.
  • Better sleep and more energy.  
This is a 7-part class conducted by Zoom. That means that you can easily participate from anywhere in the world!  If you aren’t familiar with Zoom it is a free video conferencing software easily downloaded and ease of use that connects us into an online Live classroom.

When: 6:00pm - 7:00pm Pacific Time
April 30, May 14, May 28, June 11, June 25, July 9, July 23rd

Where: Zoom - In the comfort of your home
You attend this class virtually via Zoom, a free video conferencing classroom. You can attend on Zoom via computer, tablet or smartphone. Specific details will be provided when you register for the class.

Cost: $347

What you’ll get:

This class is a 2-for-1 value! Both you and your pet will receive the benefits of chakra balancing and deeper connection.

A thorough introduction of the Chakras, how they work and how to tap into them to heal your pets.

  • 7 one (1) hour classes. All are recorded for your convenience in case you miss a class or want to repeat a class.
  • Supplemental videos and exercises to do at home.
  • Access to a private Facebook group to stay connected and communicate with other students.

Class size is limited. The class is intentionally kept small to assure that all participants receive a personalized experience.

Get more detailed information and sign up here.

Hurry! The first class starts April 30th and space is limited. The class is intentionally kept small to assure that all participants receive a personalized experience.

The healing energy that serves my private clients nationally and internationally is here to support both you and your pets in this class. In a group setting, the healing energies of all participants work together for an even greater impact.

Get enrolled right away - to join in this class simply click the link below to sign up:

(If it is easier, we can connect for a call, answer any questions and sign you up. I invite you to call: 425-785-4232) 
Massage Your Dog 101

Learn professional strokes of massage to do with your pet. Take home a 10 minute maintenance massage routine for optimal health and movement during the rest of your time together.

When: Saturday, April 27th, 2019
1:00 - 3:00pm

12669 Northeast 85th Street
Kirkland, WA 98033

Cost: $97

Class size is limited to have individual attention! 

To reserve your spot: call (425) 298-4530 or email

*You will receive more details through email after registering

Private Sessions Available
If your cat is not willing to jump on the cat stand, window sills like they used to... If your dog is not jumping on the couch or favorite place like used to... this is a sign discomfort.  I invite you to reach out and let's connect with a conversation before it gets worse. Together we will see what support would best serve you and your pet on the path of healing and moving with ease. 

Click this link: Healing Your Animal Assessment 

And we will find a time convenient for you to talk within the next 2 weeks.
Dedicated to you and your animal's healing,
Vicki Draper,
Author, Certified Healer and Animal Communicator

Author of "Bridging True Love Connection & Healing between You and Your Animals"

Upcoming author of "Heart to Heart - How You Can Heal Your Animal"

Wellness Ear Massage Video Online Program

I invite you to visit and like my Facebook page:

Follow me on Instagram: HealingYourAnimal

Healing Your Animal/Vi Miere
Exclusive Essence Collections for You and Your Animals      425-785-4232

Today:  Pause.  Place one hand lightly on your animal's chest (their heart chakra). Place your other hand lightly on your animal anywhere comfortable for you to have a 2-hand connection. Send love to your animal through your hands.  Notice how you feel. Is your heart more open?

If you are ready to discover more ways to bridge your connection, healing and communication between you and your cat/your dog, 

I invite you to receive your 15 minute Healing Your Animal Assessment as my gift to you.  I am confident you can give 15 minutes to yourself and to your animals getting you on the path of calm, health, harmony and ease.

Simply click this link below, fill in your name, email and phone number.

Someone from my team will contact you in the next few days to schedule your assessment at a time convenient for you in the next two weeks.

Juanita Woodinville Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.