Subject: Are you “bogged down”, “drowning in details”? Desiring to Soar to greater, freer heights?

Are you "bogged down", "drowning in details"? Desiring to Soar to greater, freer heights?

Hello Friend, 
Joy to you!

I wanted to be sure you saw this. You are being introduced to a powerful healing tool set that helps you awaken to new aware nesses, helps you connect with Divine Source in a clearer way and supports abundance in your life whether it is more money, romance, or more outings with friends. And, did I mention it is easy and natural. And it is my special gift to you this one-time special birthday offer of $20 savings. 

Why am I so confident in sharing this with you? I love adventures and this helps you open to your next adventure no matter how big or small while offering support. I have had great success with it and many others have too. 

I listened to Divine guidance in creating these essences and the essences love to support you in your life and purpose. I was guided to offer this special set and rate as my birthday blessing to you. So this is what I did. 

You, who are open and ready, and you know who you are. There is an interest or desire that may feel like a whisper or even a strong urge and you are not even sure why. You know this intrigues you and interests you. This is your opportunity to explore and let the Universe guide you with your next steps and direction. Trusting there is a greater Knowing Universe than we as a human can even grasp. 

Are you tired of throwing your hands up in the air not knowing what to do next? 

Are you ready to release “drowning in details and overwhelm” and have more freedom and fun in your life? 

I truly am interested in helping you make positive shifts in your life, so you can have more fun and live more in your purpose. 

To support you, I have created an essence set, Soar!, to help you clear blocks and limiting patterns to allow you to live in your greatest version of you accepting more abundance, fun and prosperity to flow into your life. This easy-to-use, scent-free tool set consists of 3 – 1 oz essences: 

Awaken – Awaken is the perfect pick-me-up any time of day. It provides clarity, freshness and upliftment. Awaken works on many levels, opening you to your true self and assists in unleashing your passion for life. It awakens you to your wealth consciousness and all that is available to you. 

Show Me! – Show Me! helps step into claiming your GREATEST version of YOU! With Universe support in showing you what is your next best step to take for your highest purpose. Listen and find what miracles show up for you. 

Abundance – Abundance helps you manifest what you want more of in your life i.e. friends, play, sunny days, romance, money, business and more. 

Ready to have this especially for you, click: Yes, I am ready to Soar! 

Don’t just take my word for it… 
Hear what Lynn Smith, Ft. Worth TX, www. JointVentureWomen. com has to say: 

"I purchased the Vi Miere Soar crystal essence pack at an event that Vicki was at. Crystal essences were new to me but I was intrigued. In the course of those weeks I started to sense a change in me, not one I could easily describe but I knew something was happening. By the time I had used them up I felt more confident. But the big surprise came a few weeks later, with a huge shift. This shift was so profound and my creative energy had expanded so much that I got an idea for a business and was able to launch that business just 42 days later. While I can’t say that anyone using the Soar crystal essence pack will launch a new business, I feel that the changes I experienced using the essences opened the way for me to step up in a bigger way. I don’t think things would have played out the same way without the shifts the essences gave me." 

Get yours now and receive your special savings, click: Yes, I am ready to Soar!
Abundance, Joy and Wealth,
Vicki Draper, International Vibrational Energy Healing Expert for You and Your Animals
Vi Miere Exclusive Essence Collections for You and Your Animals
p.s. If you still have questions, if this in any way resonates with you go ahead, sign up to receive this amazing offer before it disappears and then reach out to my client care team and we will connect for a call to make sure this is a right fit for you.

Take advantage of this limited special offer now, click: Yes, I am ready to Soar!