Subject: The Divine Masculine is Awakening :)

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Victoria Zaitz, MLA, MTP

  Intuit.  Empower.  Awaken.
This week's Energetic Forecast:

Well we are in the home stretch of Mercury retrograde, it ends on June 11 and we just had a full moon in Sagittarius.  I can say for me personally and what I hear from others, the energy has been a little bit weird. Strange, unexpected blessings that may also involve some cloudiness at first.  Mercury has been a total messenger in its home sign of Gemini and we have a ton of planets in Gemini now which also has the tendency to speed things up and quicken the pace. Don't make any major decisions now and just wait for more info, and stay grounded!

The Divine Masculine is Awakening! And I am so happy to report this trend :) Within the last month I have had the joy of working with many men in soul connection situations and also with spiritual awakenings.  I have been so impressed and/or moved to tears by all of them.  So what can we say is happening?  All of these men are lightworkers from all over the world, they are waking up to their purpose in serving humanity, in releasing stuck emotions, in moving forward with their personal and spiritual growth.  As one of my male clients said, "I know the time is now."  I noticed that many males spiritual awakening has been the result of a soul connection and especially twin flames as I have never met so many male twins all at once! 

So--what does this mean, divine masculine?  Because the masculine has been quite out of balance in many cultural contexts all over the world, it definitely means better integration of their anima to use a psych term, or their repressed feminine--I have witnessed that it also means emotional healing and courage to stand for their truth which has become a fusion of the feminine trait of intuition with the action-taking attributes of the masculine.  They are just dumping the stereotypes of masculinity realizing how inadequate the definition of "real men" has become.  They are finding a beautiful, mature balance.

Client Story: One of my male clients recently met his twin flame/soul connection and has undergone profound changes as a result in just about every area of his life. Rather than freaking out about extreme life changes and her pulling back and needing space to process the energy, he was completely calm about whatever would come of it.  He knows that he is about to enter a wild ride of spiritual transformation, but he is determined to follow his intuition/knowing and is committed to the PROCESS.  He actually said to me, "I am not looking for you to tell me all about happily ever after, I want to know how I am growing."  This my friends is a statement of evolution!


Register for my workshop in Lily Dale, NY this summer called Journey to Spiritual Partnerships on July 2nd!

Mark your calendars for the Pittsburgh leg of the US Tour of the Isha Center from Nepal! July 28-Aug 2nd. Workshops that will be offered include: Yoga Nidra, Yoga off the Mat, Puja, Reiki and Havan (fire ceremony) at the Yellow Lotus Spiritual Center, Jyotish Vedic Astrology Seminar, Yogic concepts of health & healing.  Deependra the vedic astrologer and Yogatara will also be offering Vedic Astrology readings and Yoga therapy on an individual basis. So excited!  Stay tuned :) 

Webinars. To purchase and view these webinars: Real Talk: Practical Self Love, Meditation: How and Why to do it, Psychic Development 101, Healthy and Unhealthy Relationship Patterns, Understanding Soul Mates, Twin Flames and Soul Connections, Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3, Help for the Empath or Highly Sensitive Person, click
 here. You can purchase each one individually at their original price ($11.11.)

Monthly Subscription to Wednesday Webinar Whizdom!  For $19.99/month you enjoy unlimited access to all previous webinars listed above AND all future webinars in the series (2x month.) You can participate live and ask questions or just subscribe to the recordings. I will also be having special, members-only webinars and goodies for subscribers.  

May you Intuit, Empower, and Awaken,


We think of our intuition as a feminine trait, and it is.  But the masculine version of this involves listening attentively to confirmations from within and without, as well as a type of bravery to go where the intuition leads, and to think about what should be done about it.  We can all benefit from this integrated, balanced, and practical form of this ability.

Do you have any idea how powerful a person is who is balanced between their masculine and feminine within? Weakness comes with that lack of balance.  But when we treasure both masculine and feminine traits and respect them as valuable within ourselves, a divine marriage occurs in our Spirit.  They begin to work together rather than be in a war with one another, and positive change happens.

As we awaken we will be naturally drawn to use our masculine energy, drive, ambition, and bravery to come to our own self-realization and assisting others to achieve the same.  Awakened action can be understood as a spiritual form of activism that has the power to awaken within and without, everything that it touches.  
Soul Connections & Awakening the Divine Masculine
How does this balance work itself out in soul connections?  It is a prominent theme and feature in many of them, especially in twin flame connections which really highlight the need for the masculine and feminine within to come to peace with one another.  That is the way that they can come to peace in the outer world, also.  

For example, a male twin who holds the masculine energy predominately (not all male twins do, by the way!,) is likely to have issues with accepting his feminine qualities.  He may have been taught growing up as many men are that to show emotion puts them in a vulnerable position and a weakened state.  Maybe their intuition did not save them from abuse, so it has been devalued.  If they have a lack of self esteem, no one is able to know that, often including themselves. When it comes time to relate to the divine feminine for such a male twin, many fears come up for clearing. But they have to admit they have them, feel them, and work their way through that.

For a female twin who holds the feminine energy in excess, she may have trouble asserting herself and her boundaries, as well as distrust of masculine energy and even what the right use of that energy is, especially if she has not had many positive masculine examples in her life. Her task is then to set out on her own independently, empowering herself from within and beginning to define her own self and life.

Of course these energies can be reversed as it is not about bodies in these connections nor about heterosexuality--it is more about growing both energies equally in a person from a psychological and spiritual standpoint.

With the advent of feminism in the not too distant past, it has become easier for women to find the masculine within.  But personally I feel that the situation has not improved as much for men wanting to accept their feminine side, although it has somewhat with spiritual men's movements.

I will also add that one of the purposes of specifically twin flame connections is to re-write these gender roles, making them more inclusive and freedom loving! Twin flames are here to completely revolutionize our ideas about the masculine, feminine, and their relationship to one another.  Twin flames actually stand by example as a union of these energies within themselves, and if that work is completed, it will also expand to their joint work to help humanity.  I am so proud to be one of them and to help other twins as well as those who are growing deeply with their soul connections beyond the confines of our relationship templates. :)  
Wednesday Webinar Whizdom
June 10th--Transformational Change as Spiritual Growth, 8pm EST. $11.11, Register here.

June 24th--Psychic Development, Part 2, 8pm EST. $11.11, stay tuned

July 8th--Psychic Development, Part 3, 8pm EST. $11.11, stay tuned


June 28--Sterling Yoga Spirit Fair, stay tuned

Schedule a 1 hour reading and receive a free 20 minute reiki session in my awesome, spa like office (same day.)  Mention when scheduling.

Valid for scheduled appointments at my office only. Coupons are valid until the next newsletter.  


Psychic/Mediumship Reading
Soul Mate/Twin Flame Reading & Counseling
Guided meditation session
In-Person Reiki
Spiritual Path Coaching
1-1 Mentoring in Intuitive Development 

call for address, Pittsburgh, PA 15112, United States
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