Subject: Being in the now

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Victoria Zaitz, MLA, MTP

  Intuit.  Empower.  Awaken.
This week's Energetic Forecast:

Say Mercury retrograde one more time! LOL.  If you are feeling confused, that makes sense for sure with the current Mercury square to Neptune...I always tell my clients, usually confusion comes from not admitting an intuitive truth to self.  Get clear with self and that helps a great deal, because no matter what is going on or where anyone else stands, you still need to respond from your center, right? Get centered.  We are moving towards a full moon in Sagittarius on June 2 and this should probably help bring some truth to light.

Being in the now. In reality this is of course where we always are, but many of us have this view obscured by our thoughts about the past and the future.  This can fog the perception and keep it from being clear and present.  A prime example of this is our hard-wired brain which has a tendency to want to see the present through the lens of the past.  If we do this, we can miss what is actually here.  Likewise if we live in the future, which is quite a dreamy, yet fearful place to be, no? Dwelling too much on the past or the future creates dis-ease with the present.  Well, how can a psychic tell you to be in the now?  Well I am one and that is exactly what I am telling you. :) My work involves a deep read of what is going on now, on multiple levels that it is easy for us to tune out.  Through that lens the past and the future are visible, in terms of energy and probability, but also from the perspective of the soul and what it is here to do.  I am of the "all time is now," philosophy and I think the way most of us perceive time is limited.  But working with "all time is now" is an empowering concept, a creative concept--we are able to see the unique perfection on all levels of time and how its patterns fit together into a cohesive, meaningful whole.  The now is where it's at ;)

Client Story: One of the best ways I help my clients get reaquainted with the now is through meditation, both guided meditations and instruction for a home practice, in addition to reiki healing sessions, which work with the current energetic goings-on and all timelines (one specific reiki symbol reaches into the energy of "all time" on purpose to clear things out.) My readings also focus on the now and understanding it at a much deeper level.  This is especially apparent when I am tuning in to those around my client, very helpful to understanding the deeper reality behind what they are observing.  


Tonight is Part 3 of Understanding Soul Mates, Twin Flames and Soul Connections at 8pm EST.  This is a good one to watch if you need help dealing with any kind of soul connection situation!  Still time to register here.

Due to schedule conflict, the Soul Connection and Sacred Relationship Seminar starring Lee and Sherry of Relationship Reinvented we will be re-scheduled to a later date, stay tuned for details!

Register for my workshop in Lily Dale, NY this summer called Journey to Spiritual Partnerships on July 2nd!

Mark your calendars for the Pittsburgh leg of the US Tour of the Isha Center from Nepal! July 28-Aug 2nd. Workshops that will be offered include: Yoga Nidra, Yoga off the Mat, Puja, Reiki and Havan (fire ceremony) at the Yellow Lotus Spiritual Center, Jyotish Vedic Astrology Seminar, Yogic concepts of health & healing.  Deependra the vedic astrologer and Yogatara will also be offering Vedic Astrology readings and Yoga therapy on an individual basis. So excited!  Stay tuned :) 

Webinars. To purchase and view these webinars: Real Talk: Practical Self Love, Meditation: How and Why to do it, Psychic Development 101, Healthy and Unhealthy Relationship Patterns, Understanding Soul Mates, Twin Flames and Soul Connections, Part 1, Help for the Empath or Highly Sensitive Person, or Understanding Soul Mates, Twin Flames, and Soul Connections, Part 2, click
 here. You can purchase each one individually at their original price ($11.11.)

Monthly Subscription to Wednesday Webinar Whizdom!  For $19.99/month you enjoy unlimited access to all previous webinars listed above AND all future webinars in the series (2x month.) You can participate live and ask questions or just subscribe to the recordings. I will also be having special, members-only webinars and goodies for subscribers.  

May you Intuit, Empower, and Awaken,


Intuition is the voice of your soul speaking to you, from every direction of time.  It is also a communication from your higher self.  That is why it can be trusted.  It "pops up" from center to give you hints ;) But it can do even more than that.  But the trick is, you have to clear out your ego's thoughts about the past and the future, first.

The present moment is truly empowering!  Immensely empowering!  In this moment you can choose to stop allowing thoughts and feelings of the past in the unconscious to control you.  In this moment is when you can have an insight, understanding or revelation--if you look!  In this moment you can take an action that changes everything.  The field of possibilities is open to you!

If we dive deep inside our soul, like a deep sea diver in a meditation, what do you expect you will find? First you swim through some seaweed, algae and muck, but you keep going.  The deeper you go it begins to get quiet, and dark, and in the silence you start to notice something.  That what you are is beyond everything you just swam through to get there.  Then you begin to awaken as your true, bright identity as a soul, deeply present in this moment.  
Soul Connections & Being in the Now
Well, there could not be a better subject to apply "being in the now" to! When it comes to these situations, it is the healthiest place to be. Right here, right now, with whatever your soul connection brings up for you.

This is why we have the "runner" who is trying to escape the now.  But the issue is, you cannot escape yourself and things that you need to learn, so really it's wise to think--deal with it now, or deal with it later, and actually now is a good time. LOL ;) It gets more painful the less you deal with it.

If you think about all of the metaphysical symptoms of these connections, common to all of them in different ways, it serves to put us right back in the now.  We are alive once again in the now, whether it be with pain or with joy.

Projecting an ego desire into the future is never wise, either.  Whether it comes to soul mates or something else, we then tend to project expectations on to situations and people that may have no real business being there.  Our intuition is different, though, because it can often tell us entirely different things.  Learning to discern your intuition from your ego is of course the task here.  Intuition is to be completely trusted, because it is coming from your higher self.

Soul connections dredge up in your now everything in your past that is currently impacting your life NOW for healing and clearing NOW.  That's why we might not like it so much!  

We also have to understand that many soul connections are not meant to be relationships in the traditional sense.  Please read that sentence again.  LOL :) So when I do readings for you, I am tuning in to lots of factors to give you an overall picture.  You choose to do with that info what you will.  I will give you the info you need to move forward.  But remember, the worse possible place you could stay in is the future or the past.  Be in the now.  
Wednesday Webinar Whizdom

Tonight--May 27th--Understanding Soul Mates, Twin Flames and Soul Connections, Part 3, 8pm EST. $11.11, register here
June 10th--Transformational Change as Spiritual Growth, 8pm EST. $11.11, stay tuned

June 24th--Psychic Development, Part 2, 8pm EST. $11.11, stay tuned


June 28--Sterling Yoga Spirit Fair, stay tuned

Schedule a 1 hour reading and receive a free 20 minute reiki session in my awesome, spa like office (same day.)  Mention when scheduling.

Valid for scheduled appointments at my office only. Coupons are valid until the next newsletter.  


Psychic/Mediumship Reading
Soul Mate/Twin Flame Reading & Counseling
Guided meditation session
In-Person Reiki
Spiritual Path Coaching
1-1 Mentoring in Intuitive Development 

call for address, Pittsburgh, PA 15112, United States
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