Subject: Step into your power

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Victoria Zaitz, MLA, MTP

  Intuit.  Empower.  Awaken.
This week's Energetic Forecast:

We had a new moon conjunct mars in Gemini on Tues the 16th, and on the same day, Saturn went retrograde into Scorpio.  New moons are always about new energy beginnings and the conjunction with Mars gives it some power in the realm of the mind (Gemini.) This could be new ways of thinking forming.  But, at the same time Saturn retro in Scorpio is still digging deep to clear a lot of junk to get to where we want to be. We are also hitting the summer solstice on the 21st.  We want to be clear and new in the realm of our thoughts and beliefs but there is deep work we need to do to get there, an undercurrent of things bubbling just underneath the surface. 

Step into your power. Empowerment is one of my three key missions (Intuit. Empower. Awaken.) Your "power" has always been there, so it is just a matter of stepping up and into it.  The first thing to understand is where all power comes from--the Divine.  Source.  That is where all creativity, gifts, strengths, and resilience come from.  If you know that, it helps to keep your ego in check.  But at the same time, we are here to express as our higher selves, the soul infusion into the body and this 3D realm.  So empowerment is about taking your connection to your higher self and Source and embodying this in the human experience.  Spiritual practice will help to empower you from the ground up with a good foundation for being your higher self on earth.  When you empower yourself with your life purpose, your lessons, your missions, you are living from true power! 

Client Story: You often hear people talk about "taking their power back," or not "giving their power away." This means roughly, not allowing someone to make you into a victim.  It does not mean that you are completely emotionally numb and unaffected as a human being.  It means knowing where true power comes from (within and your connection to the Divine.) And also knowing that your emotions will not destroy you, because they are not in fact--YOU.   One of my international clients is a great example of this.  She just went through the earthquakes in Nepal.  Just knowing her personally, her response to so many challenges has always been infused with the strength of divine grace.  She is honest, vulnerable, but also soooo empowered to know that she can make it through anything.  She has a great light, and I am excited to have her come to Pittsburgh in July to teach her wisdom along with Vedic Astrologer Deependra from the Isha Center (see the updates below for more on that and stay tuned!)


 My webinar Transformational Change as Spiritual Growth has been moved to Sunday the 21st, 8pm EST. You can register for that here

Register for my workshop in Lily Dale, NY this summer called Journey to Spiritual Partnerships on July 2nd!

Mark your calendars for the Pittsburgh leg of the US Tour of the Isha Center from Nepal! July 28-Aug 2nd. Workshops that will be offered include: Yoga Nidra, Yoga off the Mat, Puja, Reiki and Havan (fire ceremony) at the Yellow Lotus Spiritual Center, Jyotish Vedic Astrology Seminar, Yogic concepts of health & healing.  Deependra the vedic astrologer and Yogatara will also be offering Vedic Astrology readings and Yoga therapy on an individual basis. So excited!  Stay tuned :) 

Webinars. To purchase and view these webinars: Real Talk: Practical Self Love, Meditation: How and Why to do it, Psychic Development 101, Healthy and Unhealthy Relationship Patterns, Understanding Soul Mates, Twin Flames and Soul Connections, Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3, Help for the Empath or Highly Sensitive Person, click
 here. You can purchase each one individually at their original price ($11.11.)

Monthly Subscription to Wednesday Webinar Whizdom!  For $19.99/month you enjoy unlimited access to all previous webinars listed above AND all future webinars in the series (2x month.) You can participate live and ask questions or just subscribe to the recordings. I will also be having special, members-only webinars and goodies for subscribers.  

May you Intuit, Empower, and Awaken,


Intuition is a powerful thing. We may not think of it that way very often if we have not learned to trust it.  It may not be comfortable.  It may feel a little wild.  But the more we listen to our inner voice, the more empowered we will eventually feel, because we have chosen to follow an authentic path.

Courage is needed to dig into the core of your true power! You have to follow the divine adage, Know Thyself.  Of course we are talking about your higher self, that knows your purposes here, that will guide you to your greatest version of yourself and give you the strength to continue to pursue that.  

The sign of a truly empowered and awakened person is a loving and compassionate person.  It takes a great deal of strength to want to be these qualities and to move through everything that stands in the way.  Once you begin to awaken, you do not go back to sleep.  Instead you spread the healing and empowerment everywhere like fairy dust ;) 
Soul Connections & Stepping into your Power
One of the things soul connections can do is make us think we are powerless. This is not true of course.  But what we do need to learn is that ultimately, our ego does not run the show. If it did, and it got whatever it wanted whenever and however it wanted it, do you really think that would mesh with the rest of the glorious universe?

No, there is a greater power at work in our lives and that is Source and our higher self. When we surrender to a soul connection process, we release our ego into the learning and growth process that it is.  

The truth is the ego is not a powerful thing. It is a construct made from cultural and social conditioning, personality, and some chosen inheritances.  This does not make it bad.  It is simply just not as powerful as one's higher self and Source itself, of which we are all a part.

So do not treat this situation, or any in which you are asked to surrender, as a dis-empowerment. It is truly an opportunity for you to discover what true power is and where it comes from.  

One way to empower yourself is to realize that although you do not have control over your soul connection, their lessons, their growth rate, or really anything else having to do with their journey, you do have control over yourself and your own process, to a certain extent.

That's why it is helpful as much as possible to keep the focus on you as far as what this is teaching you.  Step into your power knowing that you can do this, you can learn this, you can grow from this, and you will.  Live your life and let them live theirs.  
Wednesday Webinar Whizdom
Change to a Sunday! June 21st,--Transformational Change as Spiritual Growth, 8pm EST. $11.11, Register here.

June 24th--Psychic Development, Part 2, 8pm EST. $11.11, Register here

July 8th--Psychic Development, Part 3, 8pm EST. $11.11, stay tuned


June 28--Sterling Yoga Spirit Fair, check out their facebook page for updates!
Buy one get one 1/2 off!

Purchase any service 
and receive 1/2 off your next session!
Must mention coupon when scheduling.

Valid for scheduled appointments at my office, over the phone, or online only. Coupons are valid until the next newsletter.  


Psychic/Mediumship Reading
Soul Mate/Twin Flame Reading & Counseling
Guided meditation session
In-Person Reiki
Spiritual Path Coaching
1-1 Mentoring in Intuitive Development 

call for address, Pittsburgh, PA 15112, United States
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