Subject: Faith and trust in the universe :)

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Victoria Zaitz, MLA, MTP

  Intuit.  Empower.  Awaken.
Let's start with the Energetic Forecast.  

We are coming upon a full moon in Scorpio on Sunday, and I can feel it already :)  Scorpio digs deep.  It feels very much about the interplay of light and dark (the shadow side/self.)  You may be triggered this week in some way, but do see it as a clearing. It may feel murky now, but what is in the shadow must come to light for healing.  Use this time to focus on yourself, go internal, and sort out your truths.

Faith and Trust in the Universe.  How do we develop this? The key is to see yourself through the eyes of your Higher Self. Your ego wants what it wants, but your Higher Self has absolute faith and trust that everything is working in perfect order, because of course, it is.  Take some time observing nature, its patterns, rhythms, seasons, and the intricacy of its divinely orchestrated web.  It all fits together, it all makes sense, once you take the time to understand it.  Our ego is not the center of the world, or even the center of our own life. The center is Spirit, guided by the Higher Self.  So our faith and trust is not that everything will happen as our ego wants it to, but as God wants it to, as our Higher Self sees best.  Our ego is confused, our thoughts are confused, but the still space within sees all. Faith and trust is ultimately to see that there is a larger meaning and a point to all of this. It is not that we naively expect life to be pain free "if only" this or that happened.  But that we know there is a reason to everything.

Client Story: Many clients come to me to help their faith and trust to be restored.  They don't understand what is happening to them.  One of my clients is going through a time of agony, trying to figure out what is wrong with her health with multiple mis-diagnoses, her marriage is falling apart, all the while trying to parent a child who lost his father.  When everything comes crashing down, it is the hardest place to find your faith and trust.  One thing that is helping her out besides intuitive guidance is spiritual practice, this is really helping her to find a center of grounding, an eye of the storm.  This is where the inner strength comes from to trust that not only is peace possible, but that she will look back on this time and understand its delicate arrangement was somehow, someway, for her highest learning and development.


Tonight's webinar has been moved to next Wed, May 6th at 8pm EST.  Help for the Empath or Highly Sensitive Person. Great for self-discovery and learning how to navigate your emotional sensitivity, which is a strength, not an insult! LOL!  Plenty of time to register, go here

Register for my workshop in Lily Dale, NY this summer called Journey to Spiritual Partnerships on July 2nd!

Mark your calendars for the Pittsburgh leg of the US Tour of the Isha Center from Nepal! July 27-Aug 3rd. 

If you missed any of my webinars, Real Talk: Practical Self Love, Meditation: How and Why to do it, Psychic Development 101, Healthy and Unhealthy Relationship Patterns, and Understanding Soul Mates, Twin Flames and Soul Connections, Part 1, you can purchas
e them here

I am also offering a monthly subscription to my webinars for $19.99/month (at the same link.) Included with that is unlimited access to all previous webinars and all future webinars in the Wednesday Webinar Whizdom series. You can participate live and ask questions or just subscribe to the recordings. I will also be having special, members-only webinars for subscribers. If you are going to subscribe, let me know and don't use the regular link to sign up for webinars, you will have special access. :) 

May you Intuit, Empower, and Awaken,


Faith is a passionate belief in your intuition.  Having the courage to follow it will lead you to your truth.  The problem is for many of us the volume of this voice is turned down very low.  We have to be willing to go within and see the truth that lies there, no matter what it looks like.  From there we can begin to make sense of our lives and trust ourselves.

Empowerment is personal power and strength, courage to take into action that which is intuited by the soul. You are of course, strong enough to handle anything.  Faith comes when we understand where that strength comes from. It comes from a power greater than us and our connection to that higher power.  A person of strength knows that they will only become stronger, this empowers them to move through their fears.  

Developing faith is a part of the awakening process.  It comes from insight, looking back over our lives and noticing, really seeing, the true nature of things as they are. Awakening takes that another step further and deeper to see that at all times, without exception, your true nature was never separate from the will and plan of Source and your Higher Self.  When you awaken to your true inner divinity, faith and trust in the universe comes much easier.
Soul Connections & Faith in the Universe
Many times in speaking with my clients I am aware of the kind of faith and trust that they want to receive.  It is usually that they will have a relationship in the way they wish with the person they are connected to.

It is often hard for someone to understand why it would be there if it is not for a relationship.  There are so many answers to this question, probably as many as there are soul connections, as each journey is different.

Some will be relationships in the context they want, many will not.  But it is still a relationship, and most importantly, a relationship to the self.

The faith and trust that is developed through going through a soul connection is not the kind of future reassurances of ego desires.  It is faith and trust that there are reasons, even if we don't understand the reasons right now.  It is faith and trust that we can understand those reasons, that with the right approach we can learn from these experiences.  It is faith and trust that we can ask for help and receive it in many forms to grant us the grace of understanding the connection and ourselves.

This kind of faith and trust is much stronger than the ego's kind.  It goes much deeper and fortifies your connection with Source, yourself, and your beloved.  

It requires a beautiful courage to be honest with self and others, no matter where it may lead, and to trust that where it is leading is ultimately for your highest and best.  

Listen to your inner voice, your intuition does not lie to you.  Above all, accept the love that you feel, and know it is never tarnished by any lesson, it is never "less than" because it is not accepted right now, love is never, ever, wrong.  :) 
Wednesday Webinar Whizdom

May 6th--Help for the Empath or Highly Sensitive Person, 8pm EST. $11.11, register here

May 13--Understanding Soul Mates, Twin Flames and Soul Connections Part 2, 8pm EST. $11.11, stay tuned

May 27--Understanding Soul Mates, Twin Flames and Soul Connections, Part 3, 8pm EST. $11.11, stay tuned


June 28--Sterling Yoga Spirit Fair, stay tuned

25% off of your session for this one newsletter only ;) Just mention it when scheduling.

Valid for scheduled appointments at my office only. Coupons are valid until the next newsletter.  


Psychic/Mediumship Reading
Soul Mate/Twin Flame Reading & Counseling
Guided meditation session
In-Person Reiki
Spiritual Path Coaching
1-1 Mentoring in Intuitive Development